@justice I started to "thumbs up" to acknowledge that, as hers was another of those situations I was thinking of - but I really felt like a thumbs up to that statement didn't feel quite right somehow.
@panthercult At least you didn't thumbs down me like Norm did when I posted about my Fraggle breaking! I appreciate it. But yeah, I'm not pre-paying for anything anymore from individuals unless it can be paid with PayPal and delivered within PayPal's protection window now. Space Walls and Alessandra have taught me that lesson. At least with her it was only $100 for the pair. Space Walls was a bit more costly of a mistake.
All those that missed out on Cable, he's on Amazon again for retail.
@panthercult At least you didn't thumbs down me like Norm did when I posted about my Fraggle breaking! I appreciate it. But yeah, I'm not pre-paying for anything anymore from individuals unless it can be paid with PayPal and delivered within PayPal's protection window now. Space Walls and Alessandra have taught me that lesson. At least with her it was only $100 for the pair. Space Walls was a bit more costly of a mistake.
wait, are thumbs down reactions like a downvote?? I thought they were just a “dislike” reaction!
I think I also interpreted them as "I don't like this" meaning it could even be expressing sympathy - but, given that on other platforms like Reddit and YouTube they are associated with 'downvotes' or negative reviews, I do see why people could react that way to them.
It's up to the thumber.
Yeeeeah. I got a thumbs down a few weeks ago from hbfback that confused me because it didn't really make any sense in relation to my post. I know that at least on my android phone using the firefox browser it is super easy to accidentally hit the downvote (especially with my chonky Gorilla fingers), so I merely chalked it up to an accident.
And I wouldn't even care but, when you look at your account, this site keeps track of and displays all the thumbs up and thumbs down one has received --so I think it's meant to chart your standing as a community member?
Plus, on this site just as in real life, I think everyone should love me because I'm sexy and amazing.
@normdapito I think (and could be wrong) that it may affect your user rating on here, kind of like karma on Reddit. At least that's how I think it works but who really knows. We all know this site is really wonky. I know you didn't mean any personal dislike with it and realize you were just disliking the situation I was in, so I didn't take it personally. Just poking a little fun.
Seriously though, if it’s meant to be downvote like on Reddit, I won’t use the thumbs down reaction anymore! I want everyone to be in good standing on this wonky forum! Closest thing we have to feedback now.
I took the thumbs up to mean "your post is great and your cologne suits your personal biochemistry!" and the thumbs down to mean "your post sucks and you smell like day old hyena droppings!"
Also the rating out of ten will absolutely determine whether you're invited to the Fwoosh black tie dinner party. For instance, Lucid has a 3/10 ranking, which means he's going to be hungry and looking in the window, where I have a ...
*submits post to check standing*
5 out of 10?
Oh you can all go straight to hell.
Not to brag, but I have a 8/10 rating. Nearly 700 likes, but two dislikes. The rating is definitely not based on percentages there. I come in second in post count (highest is Ru1977). I wonder what the criteria is for those ratings.
I was unware there was a rating until Benty posted that - but am also an 8 out of 10 - and have the third highest post count since the forum reset - so the rating just may be based on frequency of activity? Who knows?
How long till we’re busting out tape measures here, fellas?
I just gave NORM a thumbs down as an experiment and also because he bragged after he said he was not going to brag.