Just tried slapping Quantumania Wasp's head on Wolfsbane. Fits surprisingly perfectly, and the scale and neck length both look right to me.
But this didn't occur to me until I saw it...do we ever see Wolfsbane with only a human head? I don't think I ever have. I thought she had three states of transformation--fully human, fully wolf, or a wolf/human hybrid form. Never seen her transform only one part of her body before. But I haven't read many comics with her since the 80s/90s so maybe they eventually gave her that kind of control later.
@enigmaticclarity Frequently in her early New Mutants appearances but if memory serves, by the time she joined X-Factor she was in her form depicted by the figure 100% of the time.
Edit: Nevermind, you edited and clarified the post after I replied. No, she never had just a humanoid head. It was one of the 3 forms you mentioned.
Did we ever get a human head for Wolfsbane? And if not can anyone think of a head sculpt that might make a decent one?
Depends upon which version of her head you want.
Originally they gave her a really short, buzzed-looking hair style where all of it was the same length and explained that she couldn't grow it out any more than that for some reason related to her transformation. Her hair was about the length of a wolf's fur, so I suppose it made sense. I don't recall ever seeing a Legends with hair like this, and you don't see it on real people much either except maybe young boys who get quick haircuts from their mom.
Later they mostly seemed to give her a pixie cut with variable-length hair. I assume they did that because some artists thought it made her look more attractive. Ultron wave Wasp has a pixie cut that works for that, but even better is Quantumania Cassie Lang wave Wasp who also has a pixie. The paint and sculpt on Quantumania Wasp is far better than Ultron Wasp, but she also looks VERY much like the actress who played her Evangeline Lilly and maybe that breaks the illusion of it being Rahne Sinclair.
Quantumania Wasp has one of the best head sculpts the Legends team has ever done. I don't personally like pixies so I'm not a fan, but the actress did have a pixie, and wow, the head looks AMAZINGLY like Evangeline Lilly in the film. That head sculpt looks just as good in-hand as it does in the promo shot below.
Agreed with that head being a remarkable likeness and one of marvel legends' best.
Another option for close-cropped hair is the unmasked Batwoman head from the final wave of Mattel's DC Multiverse/DCUC line. I used that with the New Mutants body for Rahne.
Well, I was debating on buying a 2nd figure at some point down the line (and some price point down the line as well) and swapping the arms and legs since I highly doubt we'll ever get a "human" form in this costume. I'm a werewolf fanatic so I have to have human forms for all my changeling lovelies. 😀
That would probably also require you getting the flesh tone arms and legs, with bare feet, that match the head. May also depend on your painting skills how far you would wanna take it. You could maybe try Lady Jaye from GI Joe, with the non hat hair piece. It looks, shortish, and it won't really look like any other Marvel character cause, GI Joe. I got mine fairly cheap on BBTS. But that wouldn't solve the flesh arms and legs/bare feet issue. And while I'm thinking about it, maybe even just the hair piece on another head it could fit on may work, if that's a route you wouldn't mind exploring. The hair is made to come off since it's swappable.
My Zabu has two left front paws. I never would have noticed if I wasn't checking this thread though.
Yeah after reading that one post, I had to check my Zabu, and he’s got all the correct paws.
I wonder if that's the excuse they'll use to rerelease him in a box set. "Oh but some of them came with the wrong paws." Although it didn't happen for Strong Guy having fucked up shoulders.
Since I saw the review of the punified Ketch Ghost Rider yesterday I’ve been wondering if we’ll see a similar redo of that quite soon down the line - it is not something I want to see happening as a normalised habit, ‘fix-figures’, but then I think of Cannonball not getting his legs until the box set, and armoured Thanos not getting ankle tilt until he was in a box set, and I begin to wonder if we’ve actually been having fixes slipped in here and there for longer than we’ve been noticing
"Punified" - is he very small?
Here’s a grab from xmanny87’s review, and it’s pretty disappointing in my opinion.
Apparently the new Carol is also coming in short
I think the original GR figures are actually a little too tall. Same case with the Starlord and AIM figures that reuse that body.
Yep, that Ghost Rider on the right is unusually tall. I thought that right after I got him out of the package. The neck in particular is unusually long.
Comic dimensions I'm seeing are 5' 10" for Blaze and 6' 2" when he transforms into the Rider, so I'd need to see him next to the other 6' 2"-ish heroes like Cap, Cyclops, or Daredevil to have much opinion.
I'm a little annoyed that the fire is the same. I would've liked a little variety.
I welcomed Hasbro adjusting their figure scale when they put out the new Lady Deathstrike a couple years ago. That was clearly an accident, though, as the Vulcan body is huge and the new Wolverine body is bigger, too. All that said, the new Ghost Rider looks to be an appropriate height to me.
Those tight-fitting jeans give me flashbacks to the Toy Biz Marvel Legends series 3 Ghost Rider. The nostalgia is real.