I'd get them all. 🙂 Minus the Iron-Man, since I have a good armor already. 🙂
@popoman yeah his thighs look small plugging into his hips, there's a lot of shadows being cast when it should be pretty tight up there with plastic. The tops of his thighs look a lot smaller than his crotch piece.
Cable's the only one I want here but I don't think he's perfect. The reused guns don't quite scratch that MvC2 itch, and will need to be replaced. They're both weird sizes imo, one's too big and the other is too small. I don't trust Hasbro painting yellow over blue so I don't expect his legs near his boots to look great. He still looks really neat and I'm excited to display him with the upcoming 97 Cyclops.
The Shield three-pack is cool but I really just want Agent Carter. Love the BAF but not gonna build it. FF Spidey and Wolverine are cool, if I can get that one on sale I might bite.
Love this wave. So many must haves-Kazar and Zabu, Ikkaris, Cable Wolfsbane, Red Widow for Winter Guard team. I really hope the lack of MCU movies means a lot more comic figure waves this year. Especially since next year will be MCU heavy with 4 movies. I no longer collect MCU and sold off all MCU I did have. Just needed to shrink my collection and change my focus. I love the MCU but I don't need figures of them. So this wave makes me very excited!
While I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that its very annoying to have to sell bits and bobs after the fact; its the pretty rare figure that I've had to eat over 50% of its value on the 2nd market. A few I even strategically held and double or tripled my $ over time. Due to laziness as often as not really. Having to play that game is annoying but the overall costs of the BAF minus the pieces I'd buy for the 2 or so figures I want anyway comes out any more than a deluxe would. Also have to factor in the $7-14 you can get for the BAF pieces on waves you don't want the BAF but do want 2-3 figures in the overall cost/benefit ratio. It even gets me to ad the occasional on the fence figure (like Red Widow) to the shelf.
Like others said they don't need Tarzan and we don't need John Connor all pouched up. It tends to work out.
I'm honestly SUPER excited for this wave. While I'm not someone that's huge into re-releases of characters Ka-Zar and Zabu are two that were in desperate need of an update. That Zabu figure is really nice and I will likely try to amass parts to build multiple cats. The Iron Man release is not an armor I have so I always like that over a slight tweak on an existing armor. This is a wave I am excited for top to bottom.
I will be eagerly pre-ordering this wave. I doubt this will be one that will be readily available for $5 at discount retailers in the future (although, I wouldn't mind if it was since I want multiples of the BAF).
After reading through the thread I find it hilarious reading these "I don't want every figure in this wave, but I want the BAF" as if that is somehow new. That exact complaint has existed since the advent of the BAF concept.
Even when BAF waves have been loosely themed people complain about mixed eras and only wanting one or two figures plus the BAF (I definitely remember those complaints about the Bonebreaker and C'hod waves) -
And it's not like we didn't get multiple waves last year that were half MCU and half comic based. I'm honestly stunned that anyone could complain like this is some new tactic. That's the whole point of the BAF concept - get people to buy figures they might otherwise skip to complete the component-based character.
Man, that was so mean. Mixing X-Men with others. What are you doing to me Hasbro lol.
Well, now I have to buy this Wave since it's got an X-Men related BAF. I wanted the 3 X-Men related characters immediately but didn't really feel I needed anyone else. Then.......Zabu!
Oh well. I have to be honest though, the Icarus really appeals to me. it looks really cool. I'm not much of an Eternals fan, but something about this figure just looks awesome. So, I'm happy I'm being forced to buy it lol.
For me, wanting three figures from a wave and then only having to buy three more that I don’t want to complete the BAF feels like a major victory. Usually it’s like one figure and the BAF.
This is such a cool wave. I don't really want Black Winter, Red Widow, or Superior Iron Man, but I'll still order a set.
I can't keep up with the Iron Man armors, but if that figure's white color is supposed to look like the shiny armor in the art below then they missed the mark by a lot.
I like the wave overall, and LOVE that the BAF is a cat. Looks very well done, and it'll be interesting to see how Zabu compares to Guenhwyvar the black panther from the 2-pack with Drizzt.
I'm never quite satisfied with how they paint most Iron Man armors, particularly modern ones. Really wish they'd figure that out.
I’ll grab Ikaris at some point, not an Eternals fan but he looks pretty good.
I can't keep up with the Iron Man armors, but if that figure's white color is supposed to look like the shiny armor in the art below then they missed the mark by a lot.
Looking at the artwork online, it definitely seems like it should be pale gray/silver, maybe matte or maybe shiny? But hard to find any art that would suggest pure white. Weird design to me anyway with the un-helmeted head frame...
Lol, already seen some clown on IG claiming Hasbro ripped off his design for Cable because he made one from a Bishop body with a Cable head slapped on.
It’s not like this has been a popular design for him for years and Jin Saotome was making cool customs of this figure over 20 years ago.
I'm not as attached to this Iron Man look as some are, but after seeing it in silver, I actually prefer how it looks in white.
I try to be less negative about stuff lately but Wolfsbane, for as many people as had asked for her, and waited all these years, looks abysmal. It looks as if they started making Feral and then decided that they wanted to make it Rahne instead. Neither of these are pivotal characters for me as I've never been a major fan of either, but between the ugly facial expression, hair that belongs on the Daredevil Owl character, orange rather than brown plastic and yellows that look like it will match the Uncanny 275 crowd but NOT the previous X-Factor figures we've gotten I'm tempted to just keep my eye out for a serviceable brown wolf figurine and call it a day. Given Hasbro's penchant for sloppy Googling, is there an iteration of the character that looks like this? The orange rather than dark brown really throws it off for me. I feel for all of those that really did want this character and campaigned for it because even a straight reissue of the Walgreens pack-in head would have been better than this.
Cable looks serviceable. Not certain that color of blue matches any other blue/yellow X-Men related plastic, but he'll likely be the only one I get unless Kazar goes on heavy discount.
Nick Fury 3pk the jury is still out on as I'm waiting to see if it's original Nick or only Sam Jackson again.