The yellow paint over the blue isn't great, and we had that exact problem with Vision as well. It's just hard to put yellow paint on top of another color. Would be better if they could give us a sculpted boot but obviously that's not in the budget.
Overall I really enjoy the new Cable, and I'm glad we got this look.
Now give us an MvC sentinel please
I saw Icarus in person for the first time at Gamestop today and my goodness, there's where the money went for this wave. Sculpted details and paint work everywhere, tons of effort when into this guy. I mean, I'll take fewer releases if it means they turn out like him. If only I knew the first thing about him or had any connection to him whatsoever, I would have happily paid full price.
Are all of us who don't have Cable yet just screwed now? I pre-ordered with Amazon back when he first went up there, but there's no indication oil ever get him from there now and he appears to be sold out everywhere.
Amazon suddenly shipped my Cable order overnight to be delivered today. 😍
I have yet to take them out but I did get Ka Zar and Wolfsbane today. The color on Rayne is terrible. That head isn't the best either. I'll definitely be doing some paint and head swaps. Ka Zar looks pretty good besides the indents on his forearms. I'll probably have a better informed opinion of them once I take them out in a day or 2.
Got my Cable and final Zabu piece yesterday. Cable is amazing, best I've seen in twelfth scale although certainly nowhere near perfect. I passed on the Mezco since they re-used one of their regular human-sized bucks when Cable is supposed to be 6' 8", and I passed on the Amazing Yamaguchi since it's so gappy and they always have such bizarre proportions. Since this version will almost certainly be sold out within a few weeks I strongly recommend grabbing him now if you have ANY interest in this outfit. Even if you decide you don't want it later this release will probably be going for $50 to $100 in a few months.
Zabu is absolutely amazing. His articulation range may be wider than any animal figure I've ever owned, and you can get him into a wide variety of poses. He doesn't have enough torso range since most four-legged animals like cats, tigers, horses, etc can turn around and look straight backwards or lick their hind quarters, but every animal figure I've ever owned including Zabu is lucky to be able to look 30 degrees to the left and right. I guess I can't complain about Zabu particularly given that all other animal figures have the same limitation, but I hope companies start improving torso range at some point. I buy the Mattel Jurassic Park Amber and Hammond collection dinosaurs, and all of those have even less torso range than Zabu has even though it's likely most dinos could turn their torsos somewhere around 180 degrees backwards.
@yojoebro82 I wish they’d went with a little bigger a body base for this Ikaris. He seems a little undersized due to the upper arms and legs being reused from Strucker. The new pieces look awesome and have amazing detail, but he seems like he could’ve used a bit more heft for a guy that’s got 20 lbs on Captain America.
Cable, Kazar, and Zabu came out stellar. Red Widow and Black Winter Thor ended up being just throw-ins I didn’t feel like I needed. Got some nitpicks with the color of Wolfsbane and Iron Man, but overall a pretty strong wave.
If anybody wants a bit of ML6 flavor to their Cable, those old shoulder pads can squeeze into this figure.
There's no easy way to remove the 2018 Sasquatch Cable's shoulder pads, right? Wonder how the new one looks with those on...
This wave is already two weeks old, come on, why aren't the figures I'm lukewarm on on clearance already!? I wanna finish my Zabu!! 😆
There's no easy way to remove the 2018 Sasquatch Cable's shoulder pads, right? Wonder how the new one looks with those on...
They're attached to the harness that goes down his chest and back and the belt that attaches around his waist. It's easy to get off, but it's all a single piece. Shartimus showed putting it on this new Cable in his review. It looks OK and covers up the yellow chest straps, but it doesn't cover the belt and he looks like he has two of those on with the Sasquatch wave harness on.
What does look fantastic is head-swapping those two figures. Both heads look perfect on the other body.
Are all of us who don't have Cable yet just screwed now? I pre-ordered with Amazon back when he first went up there, but there's no indication oil ever get him from there now and he appears to be sold out everywhere.
Amazon still says my Cable is due to be delivered to me next week - that hasn't changed for quite a while. I have to assume they allocated the appropriate amount of stock to cover the pre-orders they took months ago. No reason to believe they won't be able to fulfill the order.
No reason to believe they won't be able to fulfill the order.
I'll let Zombie F-Body explain...
You didn't live within 2-days shipping time of the product. That's what reps have told me. I ordered the Marvel Knights wave Blade on day 1 and received an early shipping notice last October. Then the day of arrival came and went. Well it was bumped from the queue and was slotted to ship on the next restock, whenever that was. Reps told me that product must be within a 2-day shipping range for you to get it. If you live in CA and the nearest product is in NY, too bad. Some guy in NJ that ordered months after you gets it. Time of order has no relevance, it's all cold logistics. Not always the case, I see they're kind of relaxing that some, maybe Karens like me complained too much! I'd rather have a few day extra wait that a few weeks or months delay.
The shipping system is completely automated. It's gets the info that product is coming early, emails go out, then the shipping algorithm decides who gets what, and it most cases there is never enough product to go around so you got the situation you were in. Mine was delayed also but I got her last week. My McFarlane Amazon series Fallout 3-pack is still in limbo from my pre-order. No date of arrival, reps say I'll probably not get it and should probably cancel. I already overpaid on eBay for my set. Made up the markup by selling the few McFarlane DC figures I have because I think they're pretty lackluster and it's not like I can actually manage to get in on a preorder before a sellout and when I do, well, I get a situation like I'm in with the Fallout set. I'm bitter, OK!
Yes, I have way too much time on my hands to research this stuff too! Sorry for the Ted Talk!
Just got my BBTS notification that Cable is incoming. Perfect timing as the hold on some PoL figures are about to expire.
Got emails from Pulse reminding me to have money in my account before they charge me for all of my order EXCEPT Cable… which is earlier than my initial preorder date and the umpteenth time this has happened which has led to my budgeting for many of my preorders this year being out of synch (I meticulously spreadsheet this stuff) and needing to be cancelled at the time they become available earlier than scheduled.
I was peeved about this but then went into my LCS today and they also had all but Cable arrive so I cancelled my pulse orders for the rest of the wave and saved 10% by buying in store.
Now I just have to wait for whenever Pulse has Cable in stock to send me but I’m starting to think that maybe I ought to send them regular reminder emails to make sure they have my entire order in their warehouse before they send me emails to check how much money is in my spending account(!)