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2024 Avengers Zabu BAF wave

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I finally got around to opening the few I have so far:

I really couldn't choose which figure I like best: Ikaris or Ka-Zar, absolutely great, solid figures. If I had to choose one, I'd have to go with Ikaris because he invokes that wonderful Kirby feeling, although this version isn't the pure Kirby version. Hopefully classic Kirby-esque Sersi, Thena and Makkari are on Hasbro's radar, along with horn helmet Gilgamesh to add to my classic Avengers display. Also with all those colors and details in Ikaris's design, hopefully Hasbro will take a chance, spend some money on paint and deliver Jack of Hearts. As for Shanna, hopefully she won't be far behind to complete the updated trio, similar to how Power Princess followed the boys.

My Wolfsbane doesn't seem to be as orange as pictures make her out to be. Would I prefer her to be a shade darker? Certainly. But she looks great in my X display and I'm very happy to finally have her in this iconic costume.

Cable and Red Widow will hopefully be here soon. I realized I actually didn't order Thor, but I thought I did, so I need to get on that. Iron Man isn't a high priority since he doesn't have a BAF piece, so I might play a little long game with him.

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After I had to approve a delay for Amazon, decided to try Macys TRU again and was very fortunate the entire wave, including Cable was in. Already had everyone, but Cable, so I finally made Zabu.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Finally got Cable from Pulse. Perhaps not my favorite costume for him, but the figure looks great and poses really nicely. Love the Hercules arm and proportions. 

Zabu is a fantastic BAF. Really dynamic posing. 

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Kansas City MO
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Posted by: @trunks3540

Those yellow boots going all the way up are ugly. I will probably be taking the yellow off the calves. He's the only one from the wave not my in my PoL yet that I ordered. I'm trying to wait for him to ship it, but it's getting a little cramped in there lol.

Norm made a suggestion of using a pair of Cyclops thigh bands, I put them right over the gap on the shin, looks great. I also took accessories from other figures and geared him up further. Just didn't do the Hercules/Thor arm replacement. I used an extra Hercules to mod out a Crossbones. 

I gave Cable a BFG from one of those Overwatch figures.


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Posted by: @beamish

I finally got around to opening the few I have so far:

I really couldn't choose which figure I like best: Ikaris or Ka-Zar, absolutely great, solid figures. If I had to choose one, I'd have to go with Ikaris because he invokes that wonderful Kirby feeling, although this version isn't the pure Kirby version. Hopefully classic Kirby-esque Sersi, Thena and Makkari are on Hasbro's radar, along with horn helmet Gilgamesh to add to my classic Avengers display. Also with all those colors and details in Ikaris's design, hopefully Hasbro will take a chance, spend some money on paint and deliver Jack of Hearts. As for Shanna, hopefully she won't be far behind to complete the updated trio, similar to how Power Princess followed the boys.

My Wolfsbane doesn't seem to be as orange as pictures make her out to be. Would I prefer her to be a shade darker? Certainly. But she looks great in my X display and I'm very happy to finally have her in this iconic costume.

Cable and Red Widow will hopefully be here soon. I realized I actually didn't order Thor, but I thought I did, so I need to get on that. Iron Man isn't a high priority since he doesn't have a BAF piece, so I might play a little long game with him.

I'm thrilled we actually got Ikaris, and it definitely evokes thoughts of a similarly brilliant Jack of Hearts figure. He and Ikaris have both been on my top 10 for years now - hopefully I can take him off soon!


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@left-field that requires cannibalizing Cyclops thigh bands or buying new ones. Don't really wanna do that lol.

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I actually used bands from an X-Men uniform Deadpool. I had plenty for fodder.

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Kansas City MO
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Posted by: @normdapito

I actually used bands from an X-Men uniform Deadpool. I had plenty for fodder.

Training uniform kicking Madcap's head in the window? Actually forgot about that figure - used the set for fodder.


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@left-field I could be wrong, but I think that he was talking about the yellow and gold Deadpool from the Strong Guy wave, not the one with the Madcap head from the Sauron wave. (Right?) Of course both were super easy to find at clearance prices for the longest time.. might still be. I'm pretty sure that I have extras of both for that reason.

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@stephenwdavis I definitely used both of those figures for fodder, but the straps I used for Cable came from the one @left-field is referencing. The blue suit from Strong Guy wave didn't have those straps on the boots. He had tighter straps around the ankles.

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As soon as my Cable arrives he’s either getting the boots from Razorback swapped in or a more involved transplant of the boots from Thunderstrike, whichever looks better. (My Razorback was an immediate headswap onto a bare chested Nuke body as it just looks so much better to me aesthetically so the body was fodder in waiting already).

Not that I want it to hurry up, in fact I really don’t mind my preorders taking their time right now as they started snowballing and I had to cancel some to allow my wallet to take the strain.

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BBTS still hasn't thrown Cable my way yet, so I shipped my PoL cause I want to start working on Wolfsbane, and because they did throw Ki Adi Mundi in there. I've been waiting on him for what feels like a lifetime. I also had a couple other figures in there I'm going to use for customs, so I decided I may as well ship it and I can start to work on those. If Cable shows up I'll just wait on him. Hopefully Wolverine and Sabertooth will be within a short amount of time of Cable and I can justify shipping those out together.

First I'm gonna try the brown wash on Rayne. Try and get the fur to do the 2 tone from the pics I saw a little earlier in this thread. If I don't like that as much in person, I may just try and repaint the whole thing, especially since I really wanna use the old head. But if it turns out like the pics, it'll probably be good.

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Are all of us who don't have Cable yet just screwed now?  I pre-ordered with Amazon back when he first went up there, but there's no indication oil ever get him from there now and he appears to be sold out everywhere. 

Are Target and Walmart getting this wave?  If so anyone seen product codes or online listings for them yet?

Magneto Was Right
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My Cable came in yesterday. The Hasbro team has stepped up its game in the last few years. It doesn't have a ton of new parts or paint detailing, but it's still an incredibly solid figure. For me, this is a huge contrast from years ago when I would purchase a figure on the Bucky Cap or Grim Reaper body. I'd buy those figures to check a box or fill a space on the shelf. This figure delivers as a fun toy, too.

And for the record, the harness wrapping around the torso joint is genius engineering.

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But the yellow painted boots, though... and the color doesn't match. And I know it's accurate to the source material, but a glove and different-colored cuff on a metal arm is a hilarious combo. Still, this is the Cable look I wanted and I like the face a lot.

Walmart has this wave as arriving 7/1. I've had them all on order since they went up and there has been no early movement on any of them. But Cable is long sold out.

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