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2024 Avengers Zabu BAF wave

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Been watching my Amazon account waiting for movement on Cable - he's en route. Justice for three-legged Zabu! 

reefer shark
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Cable has been going in and out of stock at pulse with a limit of 1 per customer.  I managed to get an order in, might be worth checking pulse here and there!

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Cable just got dropped off! Time to get my butt home from the office and build me a tiger.

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My Amazon Cable is ordered but not shipped, yet they claim it will arrive tomorrow.  I'm skeptical.

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Meanwhile the date for my Cable at Amazon remains at June 16... hrrrm

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My Cable from Amazon arrived today too. Hope he has all his left trigger hand fingers.

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Cable just arrived... and there's no blue on his trunks. Is that a running change? It definitely looks better all yellow.

He looks so good with the X-Men 97 crowd line-up!!

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My Cable has all-yellow trunks as well. Didn’t even notice at first since it looks so natural and, I’d argue, more aesthetically pleasing than the banana-hammock look, although I respect that that is accurate to the Konami design. All-in-all, he’s a great figure either way, and Zabu is AMAZING. Like cool as the character he is supposed to be, but mostly just DAMN an articulated sabretooth tiger! Can’t wait to dig out a velociraptor for him to fight.

Akatsuki reacted
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Pretty sure ZERO Cable figures still have the blue hips. It's a change they made to the entire production of the figure, and it was just the prototypes that had the blue.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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My Cable got dropped off today too.

I was told by FBD that he needed a canon to lug around. I did the best I could with what I have. 


crosshair, Lucid Silverback, Akatsuki and 2 people reacted
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Those yellow boots going all the way up are ugly. I will probably be taking the yellow off the calves. He's the only one from the wave not my in my PoL yet that I ordered. I'm trying to wait for him to ship it, but it's getting a little cramped in there lol.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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FINALLY got Cable from Amazon so I could finish this guy! 


But really...  Thrilled to have such an awesome version of these after the exclusive set from years ago ended up being so weird.  Really fantastic posting from Zabu!

crosshair, Akatsuki, Thwiptster and 3 people reacted
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Drop his grindr for fuck sake

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@fuzzybluedemon that hunting crouch for Zabu is fantastic! Really great posing there.

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Y'know, I've never been a huge Cable fan, but I cannot stop messing around with this figure. I think he's just got so much nicer ROM from previous iterations that he's just a hoot to pose. My main decision is whether to use two gun hands and have him dual-wield or use the open grip in his left hand so he can hold one gun steadied with his off hand. 

And honestly, Zabu - chef's kiss. Hasbro, give that designer a bonus or something. Top shelf, perfect action figure. No notes. 

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