Not to sound like a typical whinger but I do agree Hasbro using a mold that has visible glove seam lines on Ka-zar of all characters is so scummy.
That is scummy and so completely unnecessary on an otherwise complete re-use figure! Can people who social media bug Dan about this and ask why Hasbro continues to release those forearms when they know they look like crap?
I love everything about this wave. If they gave us a potpourri of figures y'all have been asking for (plus some heavy hitter variants of course) every year I'd be a happy camper.
Love it! Solid wave with lots of new figures/basically new figures considering how old the other versions are. Wolfsbane's head is the thing I'm mostly put off by. Is it maybe...real bad?
What a weird wave. Once again, the BAF will get me to buy figures I don't want. I know this is going to happen no matter what (part of the whole sales strategy) but...damn.
Cable is my most wanted of the wave. Always loved this costume design. He looks a bit neckless, but it's a solid figure.
Ikaris. Not really a huge fan of the character, but his costume design is great and the figure just pops.
Kazar is nice. He's obviously a simple design, but he looks as good as possible.
Wolfsbane. I don't have any of the X-Factor figures, but I'm assuming she'll be easy to flip. I wonder if they'll re-release the Havok/Polaris 2pk?
Red Widow. Not familiar with her. She's got a somewhat interesting design. I thought she was a female Crimson Cowl.
Black Winter. This is just such a sad design. I know it's not Hasbro's fault, but I doubt this guy will have any aftermarket value. So he'll just be a sacrifice cost for the BAF part.
Iron Man. Thank god he doesn't come with a BAF part. Easy pass.
Overall, just a weird scattershot of characters. I know not every wave is tied together completely, but this is just an odd mix. Did they say if this is an online only wave, ala the Mindless One wave? I imagine it must be.
What a strange assortment of characters! Wolfsbane and a new Cable are very welcome, as is Kazar and Zabu. The rest are a little obscure for me. Obviously I recognize Iron Man, but never read a book with this armor. Don't know about Black Winter, never read Eternals, never seen Red Widow before. I'm probably more excited by the stuff they previewed like the multi packs.
For those who (like me) don't know Black Winter:
Basically, cosmic universe-eating entity tied into Galactus's origins, took the form of Thor (this figure) to attack Galactus for such-and-such reasons.
Coming down from my excitement over Wolfsbane, I am now realizing I need to buy 3 figures I have no interest in to build Zabu...
Red Widow, Black Winter/Thor, & Ikaris don't interest me at all.
This is a really bizarre wave and I cannot imagine this was the original release plan. Definitely seems like some mixed comic/MCU waves were combined and the MCU figures delayed to release closer to their new respective movie dates.
I like the lack of theme with this wave. It's like everyone who didn't get hit by the Great Dart of Choosing for various other waves ended up here.
Ikaris is probably my most wanted from the wave despite somehow having never read a single Eternals issue. It's been on my to-do list--I actually have the Omnibus--but I haven't gotten to it yet. Even if I'm not an Eternals expert, it's got that classic Kirby comicness that punches my excitement bones.
The curse of the Vulcan buck glove lines strikes again. Really shitty.
Just Cable for me, I think. Although am I crazy or does he have tiny legs? Shame about the yellow paint on the upper half of the boots, too.
While I don't tend to get as worked up about the Vulcan mold's glove lines as other folks, I do find it surprising that Hasbro couldn't have at least added some kind of tampo wrapped leather bands around that part of his arm to blend into that.
Marvel vs Capcom Cable for me, at some point....
Looking more closely at the pics and they really put in the work on Ikaris. I honestly would have expected most of his costume details to be painted on, which would have been disappointing - very happy to see he got some original sculpt love!
*sigh* GFDI...
Of course, I only want Wolfsbane, Ka-Zar, and Zabu.
Can we please go back to themed waves? MCU BAF? MCU wave. Comic X-Men BAF? COMIC X-MEN WAVE.
I'd be less salty about being forced to buy a Cable I don't want if I wasn't also being forced to buy FOUR OTHER FIGURES I DON'T F***ING WANT.
And the first person who suggests "just sell them" has then agreed to buy them for half MSRP.
1/3 of my apartment is taken up by sh** I didn't want but was forced to buy to get other figures, that I've been TRYING to sell at "taking a loss" prices for the last 5-6 years...
I do like the kinda slapdash assortment in this wave, it harkens back to Toy Biz days. That being said I'm only interested in Ikaris, Ka-Zar and Zabu. Anyone buying the others and not building the big cat, hit a brother up.
Not much interest in most of the other stuff except the SHIELD 3 pack. But even that is problematic. I hope that isn't the final design on Sharon's head, she looks hella cartoonish. And whats up with the all white outfit and clunky black orthopedic shoes?
@tenime I have no need or desire for Tarzan and his cat. I will buy Cable off of you.