I decided to go with GameStop for the pre-order since I have the Pro-membership. GameStop has listed arriving in May and that works out better for me than July.
I do really like the face sculpt on the Superior Iron Man. He looks incredibly evil and nasty. I love me a good villain-face.
@aceofknaves Yeah, that’s a great unmasked face sculpt for Superior Iron Man. It really captures the haughty evil nature of this version.
I decided to go with GameStop for the pre-order since I have the Pro-membership. GameStop has listed arriving in May and that works out better for me than July.
Unfortunately Gamestop isn't reliable when it comes to figure preorders or I'd use them more. When their exclusive Goldar was released they cancelled a bunch of preorders for him because they didn't get enough to fill them, then a couple months later the shelves were filled with him and he eventually went on clearance. And the figure was rereleased in the mainline later without the wings and a better sword. Also happened with their Legacy PR Zeo girls. They also cancelled a bunch of Mara Jade preorders and didn't get many her in, if they did at all. I feel like Gamestop is last priority when it comes to Hasbro shipping out stock. They just don't seem to get as much of it and end up having some cancelled. Blob is another one that comes to mind. He was only on the website, most physical stores never got him. Plus their shipping prices are kinda high and the threshold for free is like $60 or $70.
I found a Blob in person at GameStop and they streetdated me. Ridiculous. Never saw it again.
The paint betrays that Iron Man figure. It's a great sculpt.
Yeah I've never had a problem with them or my local stores but I've been a Pro-member since 2014 though. $59 is the threshold for free shipping on pre-orders, $79 for in stock. I also go with them because if I decide once I have something in hand and don't like it I can just take it right back to a physical store. I mean if I just want to pre-order one or two figures and I don't meet the threshold then I will mostly use BBTS, Target or Amazon.I decided to go with GameStop for the pre-order since I have the Pro-membership. GameStop has listed arriving in May and that works out better for me than July.
Unfortunately Gamestop isn't reliable when it comes to figure preorders or I'd use them more. When their exclusive Goldar was released they cancelled a bunch of preorders for him because they didn't get enough to fill them, then a couple months later the shelves were filled with him and he eventually went on clearance. And the figure was rereleased in the mainline later without the wings and a better sword. Also happened with their Legacy PR Zeo girls. They also cancelled a bunch of Mara Jade preorders and didn't get many her in, if they did at all. I feel like Gamestop is last priority when it comes to Hasbro shipping out stock. They just don't seem to get as much of it and end up having some cancelled. Blob is another one that comes to mind. He was only on the website, most physical stores never got him. Plus their shipping prices are kinda high and the threshold for free is like $60 or $70.
Is Ka-Zar’s spear the closest to this version of Cable’s psimitar? Or is there a better spear that would work?
The psimitar's been drawn differently over the years. This i the simplest version, and it's close, but I think Ka-Zar's spear is too primitive looking to stand in for the psimitar.
Oh dear cable was retaining water that day. Anyway another member of Excalibur is always welcome.
I was just giving you a heads up. Hope it works out. I used to buy in stock stuff on their site when it was lower for free shipping. But now I only buy stuff in store cause I'm a pro member and get the $5 a month. It helps pay for overpriced exclusives. And they have some good clearance and sales sometimes. But I won't ever try to rely on a preorder from there. It comes from personal experience. I was one of the ones who had some of those preorders cancelled. So I don't go to them for those.
And when Blob came out there were 4 stores within a 20 minute driving distance and none of them got him in. I asked the employees at each store. Finally one guy looked it up online and his computer said it was an online only item. They also apparently sell transformers, but again, online only. He said that some stores probably got some when they first came out, or maybe to fulfill preorders, but most stores probably wouldn't get him anymore. None of the big ML figures ever showed up at any of my stores, except Surtur, who I managed to get on clearance, and Kingpin, who I missed and regret it. I like gamestop for alot of things, but they're not reliable when it comes to toys lol.
Okoye's spear is probably a better choice though that thing seems to have changed with every artist
I usually pre order at my local Gamestop store with $5.00 down once they go up for preorder. I've never had a problem getting anything. I try to pay on it each payday until it comes in so it's paid off buy the time it arrives. Just did it with Vision from The Void wave. This avoids shipping cost too and they call me when it arrives.
You can't pre-order at my local store anymore. My store is on post where I work. Soldiers no fault to their own would put in pre-orders then be sent on military exercises and deployments so when the pre-orders came in the Soldier wasn't there to pick it up. You can go off post and still do pre-orders as far as I know but I'm used to the people who work at the on post GameStop.
I’m passing on Iron Man, although if I find him on clearance he might be a goid base for a Trevor Fitzroy custom. The rest are all easy purchases for me but with some issues that I’m iffy about.
Cable is annoying to me in many ways, the first being he has no strap horizontally across his back and I can’t help look at it a think it’d just feel horrible to wear. Then there’s the way the straps curl under his ribs at the hinge and his belt has weird cutoffs to overlap… it just looks like a garbage effort to make it look like the game sprite that will look terrible when posing him unless the belt is jammed up high. They ought to have made the belt and straps a soft one-piece overlay and given him a ball jointed diaphragm under it. Then there’s his boots which are also garbage. They should have given him the boots from Razorback and cast the upper calves in yellow plastic. And the sides of his trunks are painted blue because… why? To give him a manikin look?? He’s going to take a bunch of fixing and nodding before I’m happy with him.
Wolfsbane is definitely too orange, her face is also terrible and the exaggerated longer fur on her calves looks shit. Not sure how I’d go about fixing that.
Ikaris is a strangely nice figure if a character I gave no care for but will be happy to have.
Ka-Zar, I might hide the lines on his forearms by adding the toothy bands from Fang? 🤔 I’d have preferred he be leaner and use the modified Sunfire body like comic Shang Chi, but he’s okay. Might give him bare feet.
Red Widow - I’m happy to have her but the cloak looks like it will be too restrictive, and her weapon… these double ended pole arms are just a bit shit and uninteresting to me, nice costume though.
Black Winter - welcome custom fodder, this is going to upgrade my comic Malekith.
I think Cable's harness engineering is pretty genius, honestly. And his trunks look like that because that's how the source material looks.
Those trunks may be a case of the source material looking ridiculous. I would have not had a problem with them being completely blue, but I don’t think I’m the target audience for a MvC Cable. I’m actually trying to think of how I can give him a bare right arm and massive shoulder pads to turn him into some kind of Toy Biz series 6 homage.