That line up sounds pretty sweet.Β Β I love getting Ka-Zar in a wave with Zabu.Β Β The truth is we need new figures of both of those characters,Β but especially Zabu.Β Β The version they released previously isn't great.Β Β Β
Wolfsbane finally.Β Β Can't wait to see which version of her they decided to do first - but hopefully we won't have to wait forever for other appropriate versions of her.
A new Cable should make plenty of people happy.Β Β It's been a minute since we've had one.Β Β I'll be curious to see which costume they go with for this figure.Β Β Β I thought there might be a chance they'd save him for the X-Men 97 line,Β but this will likely be good.
Ikaris is another one I'm stoked for.Β Β Of the Eternals he's clearly the most prominent after Sersi -Β although I also very much want Gilgamesh since he was a member of the Avengers -Β so it's good he's getting a comic based figure.
Red Widow we knew was coming.Β Β Superior Iron Man is not the armor I was expecting next, but I don't mind it.Β Β
And I don't know anything about Black Winter -Β Β the character design doesn't look super dynamic -Β just Thor with blue skin and black hair and an all black costume,Β so guessing this may be mostly repaint?Β Β Β
Still, all in all this is a solid line up and I'm looking forward to this wave.
I dunno if we can really call this an Avengers wave. They referred to it as 'hodge podge', which is apt, given that 3 of the figures and BAF are X-related (if you include Ka-Zar & Zabu).
Makes me wonder what the rumored 'Strange Tales' wave will be, as I figured that might be a catch-all wave, but this makes me think it will definitely be themed.
Very excited for Zabu, Ka-Zar, Cable (Churchill), and Wolfsbane. I'll be happy to add Ikaris and Red Widow to the shelves, as well. Black Winter looks well done, although I have no real interest in the figure. Same with Superior Iron Man, and I'm happy he doesn't include a BAF piece, so I'll most likely skip him.
Great wave and I'll gladly instantly purchase Wolfsbane and Ikaris. I'll wait for the rest to build that awesome Zabu.
Shanna and her god-forbid revealing outfit will probably be a separate Fan Channel figure.
I bet this wave was cobbled together of either a bunch of figures that have been in the vault waiting for a home or a decision was made to get a wave out there so they combined figures from an Avengers wave and an X-Men wave. Green lit and quickly moved into production to compensate for the potential (and reality) of the MCU films (and subsequent toys) being delayed. Similar to how I thought the Bring on the Bad Guys wave came about.
Some interesting reveals today.
Intrigued by the VHS Dr. Strange (and Morbius).Β I like the colours, the cape and the possibly accessories.Β Morbius is meh.
LOVE that new(ish) Carnage.Β I don't actually have a Carnage in my collection anymore so this will do nicely.
The Shield 3-pack is better than I expected and I assume original Nick alt head will be included. Now let's see what kind of pack out they have for accessories.
LOVING that Zemo/Zola 2-pack.Β I had that Zola before and sold him off.Β Have the green version from the Hydra 2-pack with Cap.Β So getting him again in classic colours withΒ a bit better paint is good for me.Β ZEMO!!Β This is a good looking version of the orignal Baron.Β I love the alternate head and removable colllar.Β Hey Joe team why can Zemo get a hood but not Cobra Commander??? HUH??Β (I already know the answer just needling the issue).
The new wave for preorder is interesting to say the least.Β I am in for Red Widow (Winter Guard!!), Ikaris and Black Winter (dark Thor).Β Red Widow to expand the Winter Guard.Β Ikaris because his comic look is classic Kirby!!!Β Black Winter because I didn't mind the story and I am almost always good with adding cosmic characters.
Iron Man is terrible, but that is because I hate that Armour.Β Wolfsbane is ok, but I'm not collecting that version of X-Factor so I can easily pass.Β Cable is really nice, and I'll probably cave on getting him, but not a big priority.Β
Kazar looks great and a nice update.Β Zabu being the BAF is kind of expected, but also a bit of a kick in the pants for some.Β I don't want to spend on almost a whole wave to complete him.
Posted my thoughts before seeing the picture.Β Β X-Factor Wolfsbane was the right choice,Β though the face looks a little odd so maybe, hopefully she comes with a more serene head sculpt too (I know... ridiculous wishful thinking)
And the blue/yellow Cable outfit is fine.Β Β But now I want to see the BAF
Zabu wave is interesting, this is the first mixed properties wave in over a decade, right?! (Like since ROML)
Getting a JosΓ© LadrΓΆnn vibe from Cable and I dig it.Β
Wolfsbane is getting kitbashed into her current New Mutants look.
Zabu and Kazar look awesome, canβt wait for Shanna!Β
Ikaris looks perfect, I keep seeing complaints on other outlets about the Vulcan buck but I couldnβt think of another thatβd work here.Β
In package shots of accessories.
My ML collection has, so far, only been comprised of heroic, or mostly heroic, characters, and I've not actually read any of the comics involving it, but that Black Winter figure is kind of tempting. Partly because the reason I passed on the herald Thor figure is my desire to have only one representation of any character in my collection. This would be an easy way to essentially get that figure while bypassing that rule I've given myself, lol.
Edit: Don't know if this would have potentially caused QC issues, but I kind of wish the Black Winter's cape was made from a translucent plastic.
The new Cable figure looks good, but is an easy pass for me. I'll continue to wait and hope for a young Cable figure.
Is this a full big box store release or just Fan Channel/Amazon?
A good selection of figures in this wave. Really excited for Ikaris. Glad to be getting some proper Jack Kirby comic Eternals.
Will most likely end up selling Cable and Wolfsbane since I'm not getting X-figures, but I'll need the Zabu parts.
I also got a kick out of them pronouncing Ka-Zar's name. I know different people say it differently, but I've always pronounced it KAY-zahr.
Looking forward to the SHIELD pack as well. I've got a Nick Fury head waiting to be popped onto Junior's body.
Not to sound like a typical whinger but I do agree Hasbro using a mold that has visible glove seam lines on Ka-zar of all characters is so scummy.
And making me get a whole wave when it's a mix of non-X characters just for Zabu, foul play Hasblow!
But on a brighter and more serious note this is such a strong wave. Every figure looks very unique. That hair on Thor is majestic, I'll need 3 just for potential hair swaps with some of the lady legends. That's the Cable look I think of in my minds eye, and Wolfsbane, finally!
This wave is hilarious - here are four Avengers figures and now WOLFSBANE!
Hmmm... I wonder where some MCU figures got ripped out of a wave. π
That said - Wolfsbane and Cable look great - Cable is actually the one I'm most excited for. I still have the TB one in my display because that's my favorite outfit, but this one will replace. I also really like this headsculpt and hair.
I'm on the fence on KaZar and Zabu - I don't need them, at all. And I don't want one Eternals figure, or floaty Thor even though I LOVE that hair. I think it may be Red Widow, Cable and Wolfsbane for me. π
Now I'm really curious to see the next X BAF wave and see the patchwork of characters it ends up being. π Actually, I wonder if these were gonna be the comic figures in the Deadpool 3 wave and all just got shifted up.
Strange wave. I miss getting an Avengers related BAF.Β
Superior Iron Man has a unique look that is very striking. But itβs been a long time since that armor appeared. Looks like maybe reuse of the Endgame Iron Man legs, perhaps?Β