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2024 Avengers Void BAF Wave

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Flexion Dynamo
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@tsi I need that vision. I'll keep my White vision and sell the other Vision I have with the slightly more modern costume then I'm good.

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The Void is a really great looking figure but I just don't have a connection so it's much easier to be picky this wave.

Savage Namor? Interesting, but not for me.

Justice? Not the costume I would have hoped for but not the worst either. I'll display him with my Avengers.

Crystar? No reason to buy him other than nostalgia for the advertisement of the comic, that will probably be enough.

Power Princess? Dang this one is tough. Do I dare hold out for a classic version? I think I might. Then again...

Vision? Not likely. I still rock with the Toybiz version for classic Vis.

Priest Black Panther? Again, I still use the Toybiz version but this could be worth seeing in person.

Namorita? Easy pass, my least favorite version of the character. Happy for any who wished for it. 

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I've never been on board with the idea of them intentionally releasing less popular versions of characters just to milk the fans. There has to be actual time and money put into designing and making them, and I'm skeptical their profit plan is "hopefully there are enough suckers to offset the cost."

As far as this wave goes, I'm only interested in Vision. More specifically, I'm interested in Vision's hands and cape. I honestly really prefer my shiny, thinner version from a while back, but he really needed to come with spooky hands.

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Will get Crystar, maybe Black Panther but i think i want to see how the yellow looks.  Vision is a possibility but i do like the metallic green of the retro wave version too. that's it for me.

i do agree it does seem like Attuma would've fit in here. 

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Need Vision, Power Princess, Black Panther, Marvel Boy

Will reluctantly buy Namor, Namorita, Crystar

I don’t know this version of Namor. I wouldn’t mind a ponytail version from the ‘90s or the classic black pants/vest combo. What era is this Namor from? I hear it’s a Jae Lee design? So that’s gotta be ‘90s?

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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This wave is a real winner for me!

Vision— While I love the metallic colors on the retro carded version of Vision, he always felt too small to me. This new Vision is what I always wanted. Looks fantastic. 

Power Princess—Really nice to complete the modern Squadron Supreme. She looks superb. Best Wonder Woman figure ever.  

Justice— I started reading Avengers when Justice and Firestar were on the team, so Justice has been essential to me for a long time. I’m not picky about the costume for him—this one looks cool.

Namor— Namor is a character who I love to hate. Always the obnoxious antagonist for Iron Man and a powerhouse character. I’m always going to get any figure of Namor. I’m not familiar with this costume off the top of my head, but it looks cool. I would have preferred pinless limbs. I still want a figure of Namor’s modern costume with the black armor on the arms. 

Namorita—This is actually my preferred costume and look for her. I think the blue skin is just more visually interesting and makes for a more dynamic looking character design. Looks like a really nice figure with a great head and hair sculpt and excellent articulation.

Black Panther—The Vulcan base body is perfect for Panther, and I love the black and gold of this costume. This is a must-have.

Crystar— I don’t know much about this character, but he has an extremely toyetic design. Looks super fun. I love translucent figures.

BAF Void— As I wrote before, the entire New Avengers story and especially the culmination of Dark Avengers and Siege made me a big fan of Sentry and the Void. I was thrilled to get the Walgreens Sentry figure, and now I’m very happy to get Void. I never expected that we’d get such an accurate version of Void in his full on demonic fiery form with all the extra arms. He looks like a really fun figure. I really need an updated Iron Patriot now.

Altogether, it’s a very strong wave for me. 




Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @flexion-dynamo

@tsi I need that vision. I'll keep my White vision and sell the other Vision I have with the slightly more modern costume then I'm good.

It is a gorgeous figure. Proportionally, it kind of reminds me of a modern version of the DCUC body.

If it had sculpted boots it'd be about perfect. Finally some open hands for Vision. What's next, open hands for Iceman?

Posted by: @ctv

@TheSameIdiot My headcanon is that her mutant power is to generate, channel, and otherwise manipulate "chaos energy," honed and refined through magical training and witchcraft. In essence, she generates the energy necessary to power her own spell-casting instead of having to draw it from other magical sources or artifacts like Dr. Strange.

That makes sense. The other problem is I fundamentally dislike characters with murky power levels. Captain Marvel is another one. It makes me a huge hypocrite because not only am I an X-Men fan, but I love Jean Grey.

This might be like when your friend starts dating a person you can't stand. You still want to hang out, but they insist on bringing their new partner along too. Vision is like, my fourth favorite Avenger? I may have to swallow my pride and display Scarlet Witch next to him.


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Posted by: @fletch

As far as this wave goes, I'm only interested in Vision. More specifically, I'm interested in Vision's hands and cape. I honestly really prefer my shiny, thinner version from a while back, but he really needed to come with spooky hands.

If you have the animated Doc Ock his hands are a very close match to Retro Vision and can get the spooky job done!

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@tsi That makes sense, I feel like the only A-List female character Marvel lets get away with being uber-powerful is Storm. Wanda, Jean, Carol, and Polaris to a lesser extent either have their powers clumsily redefined every few years, end up going crazy (remember kids, women + power = hysteria!), or have abilities randomly removed.

TheSameIdiot reacted
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Posted by: @akatsuki

This wave is a real winner for me!

Vision— While I love the metallic colors on the retro carded version of Vision, he always felt too small to me. This new Vision is what I always wanted. Looks fantastic. 

Power Princess—Really nice to complete the modern Squadron Supreme. She looks superb. Best Wonder Woman figure ever.  

Justice— I started reading Avengers when Justice and Firestar were on the team, so Justice has been essential to me for a long time. I’m not picky about the costume for him—this one looks cool.

Namor— Namor is a character who I love to hate. Always the obnoxious antagonist for Iron Man and a powerhouse character. I’m always going to get any figure of Namor. I’m not familiar with this costume off the top of my head, but it looks cool. I would have preferred pinless limbs. I still want a figure of Namor’s modern costume with the black armor on the arms. 

Namorita—This is actually my preferred costume and look for her. I think the blue skin is just more visually interesting and makes for a more dynamic looking character design. Looks like a really nice figure with a great head and hair sculpt and excellent articulation.

Black Panther—The Vulcan base body is perfect for Panther, and I love the black and gold of this costume. This is a must-have.

Crystar— I don’t know much about this character, but he has an extremely toyetic design. Looks super fun. I love translucent figures.

BAF Void— As I wrote before, the entire New Avengers story and especially the culmination of Dark Avengers and Siege made me a big fan of Sentry and the Void. I was thrilled to get the Walgreens Sentry figure, and now I’m very happy to get Void. I never expected that we’d get such an accurate version of Void in his full on demonic fiery form with all the extra arms. He looks like a really fun figure. I really need an updated Iron Patriot now.

Altogether, it’s a very strong wave for me.

Void is a very cool BAF, and unexpected - I think they really take joy in dropping unexpected figures into these waves. Having recently reread a bunch of the Avengers books from Disassembled to Dark Reign it's cool to get something from that run! They're slowly getting a few of those "modern era" figures out (Extremis, Sentry) but there's so much more to do! I really, really want to see some Dark Avengers, Ronin, Echo, and some of the other Avengers from around that time.


Akatsuki reacted
Squirrelly Member
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Posts: 89

I’m all in for this wave.

Power Princess is the winner for me. Just superb all around.

MK Panther is my preferred look. The previous Panther can now go hang out with the FF.

I missed getting the retro Vision, though I miss the metallic paint, the sculpt is nicer.

Give me more Warriors in any form.

Didn't Savage Namor have a beard too? I can’t recall, but this one still looks fantastic. He can be the Squadron Supremes Aquaman, on the shelf at least.

The Void is a cool visual, but I don’t know where to put him on my shelf. Avengers villians I guess. I never liked Bendis’ take on Sentry.

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Not sure I'll get him, but the Black Panther from this wave is kind of tempting. Though I'd still love to see them make a regular ML figure that looks like the Retro one they did with the blue gloves and boots. They got close with the one they released last year, so maybe someday they'll do it.

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Posts: 22

Just Vision and Marvel Knights Black Panther for me.  While I love New Avengers, I never picked up the new Sentry so I can pass on the Void.  I'm happy about saving a little money since G.I. JOE is going to bleed me dry.

Magneto Was Right
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I know Hasbro tries to work up to the most desirable version of each character, but I think they accidentally made my ideal Black Panther figure first. Priest totally redefined the character and I like that costume a lot, but I'm not replacing my Attuma wave figure. It's the perfect amalgamation of classic and modern.

Posted by: @h-bird

Posted by: @akatsuki

This wave is a real winner for me!

Vision— While I love the metallic colors on the retro carded version of Vision, he always felt too small to me. This new Vision is what I always wanted. Looks fantastic. 

Power Princess—Really nice to complete the modern Squadron Supreme. She looks superb. Best Wonder Woman figure ever.  

Justice— I started reading Avengers when Justice and Firestar were on the team, so Justice has been essential to me for a long time. I’m not picky about the costume for him—this one looks cool.

Namor— Namor is a character who I love to hate. Always the obnoxious antagonist for Iron Man and a powerhouse character. I’m always going to get any figure of Namor. I’m not familiar with this costume off the top of my head, but it looks cool. I would have preferred pinless limbs. I still want a figure of Namor’s modern costume with the black armor on the arms. 

Namorita—This is actually my preferred costume and look for her. I think the blue skin is just more visually interesting and makes for a more dynamic looking character design. Looks like a really nice figure with a great head and hair sculpt and excellent articulation.

Black Panther—The Vulcan base body is perfect for Panther, and I love the black and gold of this costume. This is a must-have.

Crystar— I don’t know much about this character, but he has an extremely toyetic design. Looks super fun. I love translucent figures.

BAF Void— As I wrote before, the entire New Avengers story and especially the culmination of Dark Avengers and Siege made me a big fan of Sentry and the Void. I was thrilled to get the Walgreens Sentry figure, and now I’m very happy to get Void. I never expected that we’d get such an accurate version of Void in his full on demonic fiery form with all the extra arms. He looks like a really fun figure. I really need an updated Iron Patriot now.

Altogether, it’s a very strong wave for me.

Void is a very cool BAF, and unexpected - I think they really take joy in dropping unexpected figures into these waves. Having recently reread a bunch of the Avengers books from Disassembled to Dark Reign it's cool to get something from that run! They're slowly getting a few of those "modern era" figures out (Extremis, Sentry) but there's so much more to do! I really, really want to see some Dark Avengers, Ronin, Echo, and some of the other Avengers from around that time.


I appreciate you calling Void (first appearance 2000) and Extremis (first appearance 2005) modern so I don't feel so goddamn old. I remember people discussing Void/Sentry when I first joined the Fwoosh in '05.


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I wasn't looking for a Void but I'm happy we can put to rest any arguments that Blackheart might be too demonic for retail.

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