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2024 Avengers Void BAF Wave

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Savage Namor

Modern Namorita

Vision shown at SDCC

Black Panther ToyBiz update


Power Princess


BAF Void

-Same old Hasbro: Namorita “We know you want her, so here she is! and, um the real version everybody wants MIGHT happen soon”

-This version of Namorita was probably some synergy thing with Wakanda Forever, however this spot should have gone to any Avengers-related female they could have made easily with existing parts and a new head: Crystal, Firebird, classic Carol, Warbird Carol, Sersi in classic green, fin helmet Moonstone…

-Was I the only one who thought comic Attuma was a slam dunk for the BAF after seeing Namor and Namorita?

NORM and puckace reacted
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Agreed on all points, Beamish.

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Pretty reasonable on all accounts. Wonder if that Namorita could be made into a Lady Dorma easily ... hmmm.  Edit: not really. Dorma needs some flowing clothes and the blue skin doesn't even work b/c the tattoos.

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Getting a Marvel Legends Namorita but not in either of her 90's looks is some Monkey's Paw business.

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Void is the only one I'd consider, heh. Oh well.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Posted by: @beamish


-Was I the only one who thought comic Attuma was a slam dunk for the BAF after seeing Namor and Namorita?

Frankly, I'm kind of glad he's not. I only want three figures out of this wave, and I know I would just give in and buy the whole kaboodle if Attuma was the BAF. On the other hand, I want a classic comic Attuma! 


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Can we leave all of the "it's not a version of the character from when EYE was 12, therefore it SUCKS" rhetoric on the Old Fwoosh? I'm in for Black Panther and Power Princess to finish the Squadron; maybe Namorita if everyone keeps bitching about her. Ryan literally addressed all of the inevitable criticism and essentially told us the classic version is coming later, like they always do. 

Flexion Dynamo
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uggghghg. I think I'll be getting this wave. I like the BAF. I like a couple of the figures. Its down to playing the discount game.....

Basil Elks
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Posted by: @evilmonkeypope

Getting a Marvel Legends Namorita but not in either of her 90's looks is some Monkey's Paw business.

Your paw, perhaps? 😉 😛 😆


analog jote
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Wow. Think this is the first wave in a very long time I'm down for everything. 

Flexion Dynamo
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You know that's how they roll.

They have a team of behavioral experts over there that know enough people from a certain demographic will buy the "wrong" costume, before the "right" costume is made. 

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Who dat in dem uniforms?!? 😀

The figures in and of themselves do look very good, though.

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Vision and Justice continue to look good, but I'll take the opportunity to once again point out the shin cuts through their boots/boot details. There are a few things ML is behind on as a figure line in 2023, but that is starting to become wholly unacceptable.

Crystar and Power Princess are great. I like the Namor variant, though I'd be more into it if he wasn't wearing the pants.

The gold being yellow on Black Panther is really hurting that figure. It's weird that there are two other characters with gold details that look pretty good in the wave, but they biffed it on him. I wish the Vulcan body was made with better torso articulation, because we're clearly going to get half of the male characters in the MU on it over the next 5-10 years.

Sorry ctv, but I gotta gripe about Namorita. It's a perfectly valid version of the character, but it's clearly Hasbro front-loading the less iconic version to try and wrangle more purchases out of people who might otherwise pass on this one. If we were getting modern Speedball, Microbe, and Night Thrasher in a trench coat I'd be more excited about it. Hell, I'm pretty sure she wore this costume for like 6 issues before getting killed in it in Civil War - that's a remarkably brief tenure to be getting made into a figure. At least make it a "Namorita vs Nitro" 2-pack or something!

Griping aside, it is a cool design and the figure looks solid.

Void is cool. Unexpected and not Attuma like he should be, but cool nonetheless. Would have been cool if this wave had some Dark Reign/Siege love in the form of Iron Patriot to complement him.

sepster and TheSameIdiot reacted
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Posted by: @h-bird

I'd be more into it if he wasn't wearing the pants.



Magneto Was Right
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I'm calling this the Avengers-ish wave.

I'm on the fence about whether my collection needs a Vision. That'd be my only purchase here.

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