I remember stalking target.com in the early mornings waiting for stock changes of the WS wave at the nearby stores just to get the Widow. Brickseek mustn't have been a thing yet because I was waiting for changes like "no stock", "low stock", or "in stock". I drove 25 miles, waited for Target to open and found an unopened case on the floor. By the time I got back home, the store in town had her on the pegs and I bought another one.
@mrboshek Yeah, that Widow figure is what got me to jump on the Legends ship in the first place. I wanted to get the Walmart set for the first Avengers movie but they skipped her so I didn't. Once they did the WS figure, and she included the 2012 head, I also got two of her and had to go back and hunt down the Walmart Avengers too. Now I own none of those figures, heh. Now my oldest figure is the 2015 Hulkbuster.
I ended up cancelling all but Banner, who I got. I will wait for the prices on all of them to drop before thinking of getting them.
That's where I am with Cap. But part of me hopes for a First Avenger or Smithsonian Cap instead.
Amazon says Black Widow is arriving yesterday. I get what season we're in, but last night I was supposed to receive something by 8pm and Amazon maintained that all they way to 9pm, then they changed it to "coming the 22nd", so I'm pessimistic.
Also, before you set me on fire for buying this figure, @slixta , I got her just for one of the heads and a friend wanted the rest of her. And if that head doesn't fit on the IW body, then I got her just for the hair, heh.
I can't judge, I bought her just for the arms.
Widow arrived for me yesterday. It's pretty cool to hear y'all's stories on the original WS Widow figure. That figure was my very first 6 inch Legend and now a decade and nearly 300 or so figures later for me I've come full circle. That's pretty cool for me... not so much for Hasbro.
Why some knucklehead at Hasbro decided to go with this awful body sculpt over the others they have is beyond me. I have spent atleast an hour just trying to get her to stand. Originally, I figured I was just going to pop the wavy hair head on an unvested IW Widow and have that be my ultimate Widow. BUT I didn't expect to like the dark, deep black on this repaint. The I.W. Widow is a bit duller and the head sits a tad high (nothing too noticeable) But I really like the deep black and I can't decide if it's worth keeping this horrible body on display.
On the one hand it would make me feel like I wasn't spending 25 bucks on JUST a repainted head. But on the other hand she will totally fall and take down half the shelf with her I just know it.
So the real question is, does anyone own the Hasbro offical kitbashed Endgame Widow with the braid? Does this Remake head fit and is her suit as dark or duller? Thanks in advance for anyone who knows.
Not me considering tracking down the Endgame Widow and spending wayyyyy too much on this ultimate Widow. They really need to drop some new MCU Legends because I'm clearly getting desperate lol.
@slixta Can you tell me what parts you used for every Kitbashed Black Widow you did? These look awesome!
I ordered MK2, stealth Rogers, and smiley Thor from Target for 14.99 each. Opening Thor first, I noticed the bottom tape had already been cut, and then found a rip on the front of the package... Some jerk took Mjolnir and returned it. Whatever fulfillment center got it back, put it back into circulation. Beware. I'm looking at the MK2 package, and the bottom tape is doubled. I'm looking through the window, but not seeing anything wrong or missing. Examining Rogers, I see no issues, but the eyebrows are printed a bit high. Oh well, at least they were cheaper.
Yikes. Are they working their ebay outlet stuff out that way? I got a Duel's End Vader through them and it was a full swap figure and accessories.
It’s not much, but it’s nice to see some movement on an MCU thread these days. It’s been weird not having anything to chat about 🫤
@sound_swipe True. There's bits of MCU news happening but obviously nothing that will impact figures anytime soon. I'm still hoping the Deadpool wave is revealed in the next couple weeks though.
I'm all for another wave like this one though, if they're able to delve a little deeper with their kitbashes. And especially with this drought.
In the spirit of kitbash:
It annoyed me not having the original six in matching special packaging. Yeah, it says Bruce and Hawkeye wasn't in Infinity War, but eh.
I get that though.
It definitely was surprising they left Hawkeye out with this wave. Usually Widow is skipped as well, so at least that's progress.
I still haven't bought these guys. I just don't feel motivated to buy these repaints, especially since this line isn't giving us desirable unmade characters. I bought all the Black Panther Legacy figures partly hoping that supporting those would help expand the Legacy concept to new characters, and then they followed that up spiritually with....this. Just meh. Wake me up when I can get some unmade figures I want. Not breaking my back to get these
Who remembers when and where the Mark 85 reissue is being released? The one in the new blue packaging? I saw Iron Spider at Target, but I can't even find preorders for this guy.