Any chance of getting this part of the forum back? I would love the chance to trade off or sell to members in the community rather than use eBay etc.
There isn't a private message function, so I don't know if a Trade Forum would make sense anymore.
Otherwise you're going to get tons of posts in threads with comments like "I'm interested in ________. How much shipped _________?"
We could make it a requirement to link a discord or something, but that may also not work well. Who knows.
Yeah, it would require outside negotiation in either Discord or Instagram. I think it could work, but it isn't straightforward.
Hear me out...
The mods were always quick to shut down any trade talk conducted outside of the trade forums. I think the best course of action is for everyone to start trying to conduct trades in random threads. Is it productive? No. Does it sow unnecessary chaos? Yes. Is that the goal? ....maybe?
No PMs = no Trading Post
You could just post your email up in the Trade thread for people to contact you. Everyone has an email nowadays. You have to, to sign up for... anything. And I do believe there's a way to block people or spam in those so you don't get shit you don't want to. Just a thought.
Yeah I guess ig is the new way... I remember coming here as my focus after the spawn boards went the way of the dinosaur...
Use fb links or search our real names. But I'm all about selling in person. No fees, no bs and no scams. Try some funny stuff in person ya wind up going home hurt or not making it home lol.