Just wanted to link to this which I think is a worthwhile read: Sour by Ettore “Big E” Ewen | The Players’ Tribune - I hope they don't split up the New Day and instead have them work through the dissension, but knowing WWE that is too much of a hope for the idea that friendships don't need to devolve into a fight...
In other general thoughts:
Not that invested in the current Bloodline storyline, I don't think they have earned people going back to Roman, and I think they need to address better that Roman still expresses concern for no one, including Heyman being nearly killed. Having said that really like Jacob Fatu in the ring and thought the match at Survivor Series was pretty good. But it needed a stipulation like Roman gets the necklace back...
Not that happy if they are trying to humanize Gunther. I think Gunther should have beaten Cody, and have it hanging over Cody's head that Gunther and him are evenly matched (given Cody v Gunther was the conclusion of the Royal Rumble a couple years ago with Cody winning the Rumble by eliminating Gunther).
Glad they have added some women's secondary titles.
AEW is just directionless at the moment. I think Moxley and Mone are showing why most talent shouldn't have creative control of their own characters. No idea what they are doing with Strickland, who even though I disliked some of his spots with Hangman as being over the top, is I think a guy to build around, and you have Danielson beat him to get the title back on Moxley, and then Bobby Lashley takes him out. I think AEW has lost the plot of what I think gave it success - giving a platform for many Indy and International wrestlers who had stayed out of WWE and were a fresh product or people thought hadn't been a chance to shine in WWE - which has now become too much of the aged WWE home. I always liked guys like Lashley and MVP and so on but like Edge and other WWE vets, giving them top spots goes against the "never appreciated in WWE" vibe you could at least have made the case for with Black, Cole, Lee, Miro...
Just wanted to link to this which I think is a worthwhile read: Sour by Ettore “Big E” Ewen | The Players’ Tribune - I hope they don't split up the New Day and instead have them work through the dissension, but knowing WWE that is too much of a hope for the idea that friendships don't need to devolve into a fight...
Did not expect Kofi and Woods to essentially kick Big E out of the New Day last night, but it did make for some good heel logic, and the idea they felt betrayed he hasn't been back is both plausible motivation but also obnoxious and petty and made the turn on E brutal (after his heartfelt article no less).
Big E has to rescue them at some point down the road when they need it...right?
@fac they have done so little with the new day the last few years that I’m glad they’re at least doing something with them as a story line… hopefully they keep it going.
one thing I don’t really like about what they are doing right now is they keep making everyone a face or a tweener. The biggest issue in wwe is there’s not enough heels to go around. So taking your biggest heels in Gunther and Roman and turning them face doesn’t make that much sense to me.
i guess we got Shinsuke and new day as heels now but it doesn’t seem like a fair trade.