How do I get myself removed as thread creator so I don't get reply notices for a topic I no longer care about?
What happens if I delete my thread-creating first post? Does the whole thread go ka-blooey or can I just get out of being notified for every reply like I want?
@adrienveidt How are you getting notified? I use to get emails for all of my subscribed threads, but no emails since the forum was brought back up.
Just a list in the li'l alarm bell thingy at the top of the page. I get one for every reply in whatever threads I've created and I want out of one of them.
I'm having trouble logging in on firefox, my default browser. when i am on the "prove i'm a human" math problem, the arrows are unresponsive and no numbers populate. I had to log in with Edge *shudder*
I'm having trouble logging in on firefox, my default browser. when i am on the "prove i'm a human" math problem, the arrows are unresponsive and no numbers populate. I had to log in with Edge *shudder*
There should be a couple of different solutions to that further back in the thread.
I'm having trouble logging in on firefox, my default browser. when i am on the "prove i'm a human" math problem, the arrows are unresponsive and no numbers populate. I had to log in with Edge *shudder*
Just hit the Up button the requisite number of times. You can refresh to get a lower solution number so it's easier.
All of my comments seem to be awaiting moderation forever. I’m not sure if this will even post. Do I need to do something?
@danman yea, I got one complaint about this through but nothing else so I’m mostly sure I’m talking to myself.
somebody mentioned that they needed to do 10 posts before this stopped? Maybe you need 10 approved posts. I’m stuck at 3 so maybe this will be visible sometime.
been at least a month since i registered and none of my posts have gone thru because of "waiting for moderation"
@raybot well I see this and luckily my post went through here! Then I checked my other pending posts, and it seems that they went through finally.
I'm having trouble posting and viewing threads. This is the error I'm getting. Any ideas?
Why is it so bloody hard to post images on this new forum host? I'm back to using imgur to post images on this forum and for whatever reason it is so hard to freaking post images on the message boards around here. Either I get the link to work properly but multiple copies will be pasted into the forum even if there are only 5-6 links, they'll be completely invisible or one of the images will be super imposed or "burned" into my screen. its a freaking nightmare. I would love nothing more than to have a functionality on this forum that allows users to upload images directly from their hard drive without having to worry about image host services and encoded links.
I would love nothing more than to have a functionality on this forum that allows users to upload images directly from their hard drive without having to worry about image host services and encoded links.
The image has to live somewhere. This site doesn't make enough money to host all the images that get posted. I use Imgur sometimes and I think it's still just a matter of pasting the image address and being done. I do think there might be some glitch that prevents multiple images in a single post though.

Yep. ERC is my test image.