Kirby style ETRIGAN (Mattel set a pretty high bar for him already)
Rogers style JOKER (in the works?)
Adams style BATMAN
Adams style TWO-FACE
Burt Ward ROBIN
Nicholson JOKER (we can dream)
This is going to be a deeply Not Happening list.
Bronze Tiger
Count Vertigo
Enchantress -- witchy style, please
Green Lantern Dark (w/Tangent Comics GL chase)
Tommy Monaghan
Valda the Iron Maiden
(HM: Vixen, Ringo Chen, 80s Question with the short jacket, Zatanna, apparently my DCU is mostly martial arts and magic and mercenaries. Also, you know what would be great? That Bombshells Black Canary that DCD canceled.)
EDIT: Looks like I'm getting Deadshot!
- Classic Black lightning
- shoulder pads Black Canary
- Halo
- Bronze age Katana
- Metamorpho
- Guy Gardner
- Dick Grayson teen wonder Robin
- Black Spider
- Bronze age Mr Freeze
- Comicbook Commissioner Gordon W’Batsignal
Marshall Rogers Batman
Neal Adams Batman
Year 1 Batman
Still and always First Appearance Joker.
Okay, a couple more Batmans (Batmen?) because why not.
-Absolute Batman- I think this one is almost a lock, given how popular the series is. Really hoping Todd goes all out and actually creates a new buck (but more likely he’ll use the TDKR)
- Gargoyle of Gotham Batman- This one is way more of a reach, but just a beautiful design, IMO. Just got the Iron Studios statue, and it’s amazing.
I mostly want a redone Martian Manhunter on a proper scaled body taller than the Hush Batman body.
Other than that I would take Batman in the armor used fighting the Predator and Joker turned into an Alien.
I hope Todd gives us more live action and video game figures as Mafex take care of my comic book figure needs with the Hush line.
More Arkhamverse and Arrowverse especially.
Alfred and Ra's from the TDK trilogy too.
- Dr. Mid-Nite
- El Dorado
- Apache Chief
- Royal Flush Gang
- The Zoo Crew
I'd like to see Blue Hush Batman rereleased since he was always hard to find imo. Do it again but with a cloth cape. Or...I guess you could do more translucent plastic versions of Batman, Todd, those seem to sell GREAT.
I have never missed the "ignore" function from the old site more.
Lois Lane
Wonder Woman (Bronze Age and/or Superfriends).
Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer)
Superman (Byrne look)
Superman (Curt Swan)
Zatanna (fishnets)
Black Canary (fishnets)
Superboy (Clark)
Robin (Dick Grayson, classic and/or World’s Finest)
Jesse Quick
Star Sapphire
Miss Martian (YJ Season One)
Artemis (YJ Season One)
Aqualad (YJ Season One)
Red Arrow (YJ Season One)