Right now, what I want most is more Bat Villains. All comics versions. For the most part I'd like them in Silver or Bronze age looks. But anything looking like the usual gist would do.
1.) Joker Bronze Age
2.) Two Face
3.) Poison Ivy
4.) Black Mask
5.) Killer Moth
6.) Scarecrow (something more classic than the last one)
7.) Deadshot
8.) Ra's Al Ghul
9.) Mad Hatter
10.) Ventriloquist
@aceofknaves Some good stuff on that list, but FYI, the 3-Jokers, Criminal Joker is essentially a 1st Appearance Joker. So, if you want a 1st App. Joker, he already exists. And I sincerely doubt Todd is going to do another one. Especially since Criminal Joker can be easily obtained for less than $10.
@aceofknaves Some good stuff on that list, but FYI, the 3-Jokers, Criminal Joker is essentially a 1st Appearance Joker. So, if you want a 1st App. Joker, he already exists. And I sincerely doubt Todd is going to do another one. Especially since Criminal Joker can be easily obtained for less than $10.
Nope, that doesn’t work for me at all as 1st appearance Joker. I want him based on Bob Kane art, with a huge evil smile, suit with long jacket, the works.
It’s by far my #1 want in this line and has been since day one. It was also my #1 from Mattel, Hasbro . . . they have never actually made a 1st appearance Joker.
Edit: also, of course I knew about “The Criminal” figure from 3Jokers! I have several of each Joker from that series for mix-and-match, but while I love those figures none of them even come close to scratching the First Appearance itch.
My list is of figures I have wanted to be made. Not just by McFarlane but since DC Direct & Mattel. And in no particular order.
Power Girl (COIE look - U neck, not the boob window)
Power Girl (white & gold outfit from JLE)
Supergirl (hot pants)
Supergirl (post crisis Matrix)
Superman Blue & Red (silver age)
Wonder Woman (bronze age - eagle chest plate)
Tempest (Garth - Aqualad)
Black Canary (New 52 & Rebirth)
Zatanna (Sindella outfit with ponytail)
Mr. Terrific (Terry Sloane)
Johnny Thunder & Thunderbolt
Infinity Inc (original)
Seven Soldiers of Victory (original)
Doom Patrol (Celsius, Negative Woman, Tempest, Robotman)
Red Tornado (Ma Hunkle)
Dr. Alchemy
Pied Piper
Abra Kadabra
Shadow Thief
Matter Master
Per Degaton
Freedom Fighters
Bug Eyed Bandit
Floronic Man
Cheetah (golden & bronze age)
Dr. Poison
Silver Swan
Legion of Super Heroes (complete silver & bronze age)
I still use my DCUC figures in my DC display and have yet to buy anything from McFarlane, but if he made a Highfather and a Granny Goodness that could feasibly squeeze in with those, I’d absolutely be in
I’m only collecting Super Powers and Batman 66 figures so my want list isn’t too big.
Super Powers style:
-classic Darkseid
-rest of the Legion of Doom from Challenge of the Super Friends
Batman 66:
-chief O’Hara
-Mad Hatter
I would like to get Hawkgirl, Vixen, and Black Canary to complete this version of the Justice League.
I still use my DCUC figures in my DC display and have yet to buy anything from McFarlane,
I admire your resolve. In a perfect world I'd have done the same. Now I have plenty of figures from each line that I like a lot and I find myself unable to choose between the two.
I still use my DCUC figures in my DC display and have yet to buy anything from McFarlane, but if he made a Highfather and a Granny Goodness that could feasibly squeeze in with those, I’d absolutely be in
I've bought at least one version of every character ever put out by each of DC Direct / DC Collectibles, Mattel and McFarlane in the 6"-7" scale.
Most of my McFarlane figures still remain unopened. My display is overwhelmingly Mattel with DCD/DCC and McFarlane mixed in.
McFarlane has had some great ones that I'm thrilled to own, though. Some of my favorites are Frankenstein, Frost King, Ambush Bug, Atomic Skull, Ghost Maker, Godspeed, Grifter, Waverider, Heatwave, Abyss, Rival, Future State Batman (Fox) and Captain Carrot. His work on the Death Metal lineup and most of his work on movie figures is top notch, even though I don't generally buy movie figures. I've also enjoyed his vehicles and the Batman Beyond lineup of figures. I'm excited about several of the figures that have been recently announced (like Agent Liberty, Clock King and Ragman, among others). I'd like this line a lot more if it was 6" rather than 7" scale, though. That's for damn sure.
I still strongly prefer my Mattel DC collection to the other 2 lines, but all 3 lines have certainly had winners and figures that I'm delighted to own.
I'd really like to see McFarlane do some Legion of Superheroes and more civilian character figures. For the Legion I have the big 12 pack that Mattel did and everything that DC Direct did, so I'd like to see representation expanded beyond those characters.
I want a first appearance Swamp Thing. With human looking hands and everything, not just a mossy mess.
*Batman, Joker, Penguin and Catwoman from the Burton movies
*A reasonably classic Two-Face, Poison Ivy, and Scarecrow (that will work alongside the recent Riddler/Penguin)
*Dark Knight Trilogy Ra's, Talia, Alfred and Gordon
And I would love a Granny Goodness figure - anything that's workable with the DC Classics line, even approximately.
If McFarlane had the rights to Prince's likeness. It would be interesting to have a figure of Prince in the composite Batman/Joker look from the 1989 Batdance video.
If McFarlane had the rights to Prince's likeness. It would be interesting to have a figure of Prince in the composite Batman/Joker look from the 1989 Batdance video.
Yes! Plus, as I understand it, he's a character in the Batman 89 comic! Bit of trivia: the character is named "Gemini".
Oh man, its mostly still unmade Bat villains in comic style:
Professor Pyg, Mad Hatter, Firefly, Harley Quinn (modern), Talia, Scarecrow, The Ventriloquist, Black Mask
Modern Harley, Talia and classic Scarecrow were teased by Jim Fletcher at SDCC 2024, from what I understand, but I have no idea if they are in production or not.