What are your Top 10 favorite McFarlane DC Multiverse figure offerings from 2024? Here's my list:
Honorable Mention: Mr. Bloom / Rookie 2-Pack
10) Grid (Standard Version)
9) Agent Liberty (Standard Version)
8) Shining Knight
7) Reverse Flash (Danny West) Platinum
6) Punchline / Joker 2-Pack
5) Ambush Bug
4) Clock King (Standard Version)
3) Zor-El Cyborg Superman (Standard Version)
2) Ragman (Standard Version)
1) Lucius Fox (Either version, but I slightly prefer the one that came with the Tumbler)
Update: Since others have included them, I'll also just call out that I would have included both the BTAS Maxie Zeus and Lock-Up in my Top 10 if I didn't consider them a different line altogether. Maxie Zeus would be between Ambush Bug and Punchline/Joker on my list and Lock-Up would have been between Agent Liberty and Shining Knight. Both are great figures.
10) Psycho Pirate
9) Green Arrow (Longbow Hunters)
8) Clock King
7) Atom (Silver Age)
6) Starfire
5) Green Lantern (Silver Age)
4) Robin (Reborn)
3) Batman (Reborn)
2) Green Lantern Corps
1) The Spectre
10.) Knightfall Grey and Black Batman
9.) Clock King (regular edition)
8.) Lantern Corps (regular edition)
7.) Darkseid Mega Fig
6.) The Atom (Silver Age)
5.) Green Arrow (Longbow Hunters)
4.) Geo Force (platinum edition)
3.) Kyle Rayner/Killowog 2 pack
2.) The Penguin (regular edition)
1.) The Joker (Silver Age regular edition)
Hook Hand Aquaman
Silver Age Joker
Silver Age Hal Jordan
The Tim Drake with the posable cape and all the extra hands (I don't know what version this was, and I just consider it Dick Grayson Robin anyway)
Electric Supermen
Yellow Sinestro (not the Parallax version, just the Yellow Lantern one, the skintone and eyes are striking)
Hands down my favorite was Starfire. I don't follow Teen Titans or know much about her besides she's an alien, but the head sculpt on her was great, love the hair, and she looks cool posed and flying.
Rereleased / repainted Mr. Freeze w/ blue metallic shoulder pads, this one's good enough that I don't need to buy other versions for just a basic comic villains lineup.
Glow in the Dark Parallax Hal Jordan, glad I waited to get this one as the non-glowing one with wrong colored black hair put me off. This version looks great, and they gave him glowing eyes too along w/ the glowing suit and effects.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Batman Forever Two Face despite it being my least favorite of the Burton/Schumaker films, they did a great job capturing Tommy Lee Jokes in it.
1. Cyborg Superman (Platinum + reg)
2. Darkseid (Classic)
3. Brainiac Page Punchers (Platinum)
4. The Joker (Silver Age)
5. Starfire + Blackfire (Platinum)
6. Deathstroke Page Punchers (Platinum)
7. Armored Batman BvS
8. The Penguin (Platinum + reg)
9. Green Lantern Corps (Platinum +reg)
10. Lucius Fox & Tumbler
Haven't received Christopher Reeve yet, so he may be in this top 10.
Man... not sure I even bought 10 McFarlane figures this year... let's see:
1. Starfire
2. Green Lantern - Arkkis Chummuk/Green Man (assuming I actually find it)
3. Ambush Bug
4. Ragman
5. Aquaman - hook hand
6. Huntress
7. Green Arrow - Longbow Hunters
8. Shining Knight
And that's it.
Didn't realize until now how few Multiverse figures I got this year, and almost all of them, save one or two, were tied to live action things. These were my only purchases, and if I had to put them in order of best to worst, it would probably be:
Batman 66
Batman Forever Two Face
Lucius Fox
TDKR Catwoman Gold Label
BvS Batman
BvS Knightmare Batman
BTAS Trenchcoat Joker
Batman Forever Riddler
The Flash Batman Gold Label
Batman Forever Robin
Batman Forever Batman
Mr. Bloom (got him loose without the Rookie suit)
There was nothing inherently wrong with any of them, except perhaps the big plastic capes (Batman Forever figs), not coming with enough (Knightmare Batman), or just being a bit boring overall (Mr. Bloom). Also got the Tumbler, Bat-Pod, and Bat-Signal, all of which are quite nice. I have BvS Armored Batman on pre-order, so if he gets here before the end of the year, we'll see where he slots. Also hope to get my hands on Maxie Zeus, but that's about it. List wouldn't change that much.
Coulda sworn I'd ended up with more than just those over the course of the year, but it's kinda nice feeling like I can just cherry pick lines here and there.
No particular order:
Plastic Man BAF
Atom (Ray)
Psycho Pirate
Commander Steel
Geo-Force (green)
Green Lantern Corps
Joker (Silver Age)
I've been cutting back a lot, so just a top 5 for me:
5. B:TAS Lock-Up. Like Harley, this guy was an original BTAS character who made it into the comics, and I've been following him from the start. Great addition to my DCD line and really nice execution. Really hoping for Red Claw, Clock King, and the Ninja before this line is over!
4. B:TAS Maxie Zeus. Love, love, love this character. I'll take any addition to the B:TAS line, but I loved Maxie in some of the lead-up issues to Knightfall and in Batman and the Outsiders, so really happy to have him in plastic for the first time. Matches the show perfectly, and fits right in with the animated line.
3. Mr. Zsasz. I've wanted this guy since I bought Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1 the week it came out. His hair isn't the best, and he could've used more slashes (or engraved slashes for that matter), but he's been a major want for a long time. Now let's see Ratcatcher and the Ventriloquist, Todd!
2. Ragman. He was on my DCUC/DCDirect list since near the start, so to see him with a fantastic cape was amazing. The variant was okay, but they should've given him a new head to better match that series and not included the cape. Love that McFarlane included the weird stringy ties in the cape, and the hood points perfectly. Really happy to have such a nice execution of probably the only Ragman figure we'll ever see.
1. Geo-Force platinum. Been wanting this costume since the mid-80s, and the execution is pretty great. Love the lava blasts and the detail logo on the belt. I would've liked a more accurate belt, but I understand that the variant was more of an afterthought, so any differences made to make it resemble the comics are appreciated. I love the modern one, too, but his costume's not iconic to me, so I would've preferred the original costume. But his crazy face is pretty spot-on to his recent appearances in Robin, and his costumes is much improved since the JLofA days that inspired the DCD figure. Either way, nothing can compete with the nostalgic figure of opening up a green/yellow Geo-Force. Now do a slight 90's variant, Todd. You'll have one customer, but I'll be super happy.
This post made me realize how much I’ve cut back on McFarlane. At least half the figures I purchased were to complete other displays.
The Question and Jonah Hex are probably my two favorite releases from the year. Honorable mention to the Batman Forever wave because it’s just so ridiculous.
#1 Multiverse figure this year has been Captain Carrot. Absolutely no question in my mind!
#2 Multiverse figure this year, I gotta give it to First Appearance Batman, both versions!
I've probably bought ~5 other Multiverse figures this year but none of them really stand out to me as being on the same level of these two figures.
Honorable mention, I picked up a cloth cape and fur collar off ebay this year for Fight the Frozen Batman and it catapulted him to being one of my top picks of the year. He's a 2023 release IIRC but he wasn't one of my best Multiverse figures until I gave him that cloth cape.
Bane (any version)
Joker (silver age)
Ambush buggy
Plastic man
capt carrot
clock king
I dont buy a lot of McF figures, so my list is just:
1) Kyle and Kilowag 2-pack
2) Batman (reborn)
3) Robin (reborn)
4) Hook Hand Aquaman
5) GitD Parallax
6) Animal Man
7) Clock King
8) Mr Terrific
I hate on McF a lot, but there were a bunch of figures this year that I didnt buy but admit that were still pretty impressive.
Captain Carrot--unique, fun, well executed
Kyle Rayner from the two pack--a 90's favorite, colors on point, good accessories
Wonder Woman Collectors Edition--sculpt, paint, and accessories are top notch, only downside is it falls victim to Todd's wack distribution scheme and many who wanted her couldn't get her
Adam West--I'm all for the wired capes, they bring another level of personality to the figures. The likeness and the suit are both captured nicely.
Christian Bale Platinum--ditto
Catwoman Platinum (Dark Knight Rises)--just a really nice likeness to the movie, she looks great
Damian Robin--darn near perfect, wired cape plus functional hood, awesome
Riddler Batman Forever
Two-Face Batman Forever--I love the fact that the Schumacher films got action figures and the two villains are the standouts of the set.
Mr. Freeze (Batman TAS paint scheme)--three strikes and you're out.....unless the FOURTH repaint is a knock out, which this one is. The sculpt was always there, it just needed this really nice fourth repaint.
Penguin Collectors Edition--I love the face, it's a realistic take on the classic look, executed just about perfectly.
Runners up:
Plastic Man--fun facial expressions and alt arms (can't quite top Mattel's though)
Batman and Robin from Batman Forever--the colors on both are off by a mile, otherwise they are great
Superman from BVS Doomsday two pack--recentcy bias, I just got this today. I kind of love the sculpt of the suit, you even get the extra detail of the Kryptonian writing that weaves through the S, and the metallic paint on the S makes it pop. Again, the wired cape gives it extra life and personality. The Cavil likeness is soft, but good enough.....I want to say "for this price point", but honestly there are figures at much higher price points that miss the mark too. Companies just can't nail this guy's likeness.