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The Great Debate! The Best McFarlane Batman (comic version)?

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Time to answer the age old question: Which comic McFarlane Batman figure is the best?

The criteria is that the figure must be a standard version of a Bruce Wayne Batman that has appeared in the comics at some point.

These are the candidates I’ve chosen, because I think we can all agree that these are probably the best regular comic based Batman figures that McFarlane has produced to date.



Hush (blue)


Hush (black)

Dark Knight Returns

My current favorite is the Rebirth Batman followed closely by 3-Jokers.

I like Rebirth because he’s an awesome design for a modern day Batman. His suit is dark and sleek, and high tech looking, without being too over the top. It looks like what I think Batman should look like. The figure is just very well done, IMO.

I like 3-Jokers because he is a great neo-classic Batman that looks like a less cartoony version of BTAS Bats. He’s big and tough and barrel chested and looks like he could really stomp some criminal ass. The only drawback for me is that I had to paint his trunks black to give him the more classic look that I wanted.

The blue Hush Batman is also a big favorite. I really love that costume. If it was the only classic comic Batman McFarlane had released, I wouldn’t be upset by that. The only reason it’s not my favorite Batman figure is there are just a couple of others that edge it out.

When I first saw pics of the Knightfall Batman I thought that it would probably become my new favorite Batman figure once I got it. Because I like the classic stuff. But for some reason, I’m just not loving it as much as I thought I would. It's a really great figure, but maybe it's because the gray is too light, or maybe my tastes have just changed and I like a more grounded look for Batman nowadays. I don’t know.

Unfortunately, the Hush 2-pack black and gray Batman was a train wreck, with the elbow length gloves and the open mouth head sculpt. It looks like the single carded release is going to fix those issues, which is why I added it to the list. So we’ll have to see if it dethrones the blue version as the definitive Hush Bats.

DKR Batman is just cool looking to me. Another big burly Batman that looks like he could really bust some heads. But the fact that he’s based on a very specific story and time period takes him out of the running for my default Bats.

So which one is your favorite and why? Or do you have another suggestion? Discuss.

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I still kind of love the first.

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I've owned all the figures pictured here so far (except for Hush which is the same as 3 Jokers) and I've gotten rid of them all, EXCEPT............Knightfall.  The answer is Knightfall.  Best sculpt, best proportions.

The Ghost
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Knightfall is the only "classic" Batman look I've bought from McFarlane (I just really hate their scale), so that's my vote.

Otherwise I'd say Grim Knight is my favourite, and I love the new FTF Batman, but I bought them for their cool factor and for other displays.

jag2045 reacted
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I don't mind Hush and he works with equally oversized teenagers.


But I think Knightfall is best.


Speeding Bullets gets honorable mention.

jag2045 reacted
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@chooch555 Interesting. I liked that figure well enough when it was released, but subsequent releases knocked it out of contention for me. One of my big problems with that figure was the cape was draped too far over his shoulders, and made it nearly impossible to raise his arms very high.

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Hush Blue gets most things right for me. Dark Knight Returns maybe if I hadnt the Mafex versions.

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good thread idea. i would say Dark knight returns (so far) the first one is the worst. knightfall looks kinda scrawny.

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McFarlane hasn't really made a proper comic Batman for my tastes yet, but Knightfall Bats is as good as it gets up to this point. 

If you took the KF sculpt/proportions and used the Hush Batman black/grey costume, that's my ideal Batman without a doubt.

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Yeah Knightfall Batman is the best. That doesn't mean it's the perfect end all be all Batman.

I think the colors are way too light, the legs are too long and the head slightly small. The headsculpt is good but not amazing. The abs above the ab joint stick out too much. The range on his hips is still limited. And I hate that the cape is windswept only on one side. I like my capes straight!

My ideal Batman would be to take the Knightfall mold, add texture and stitching detail to the suit, correct the anatomy (shorter legs, more defined musculature, abs) textured cape that goes straight down, a more defined headsculpt, lower the hip joints so that they can bend forward all the way, change the batsymbol to a similar one to Arkham Batman, and of course paint it black & grey.

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If they added some McFarlane-ness to the Knightfall figure it would be my favorite Batman. Some texture and stitching to the suit and boots and gloves. To make it look like it actually could exist in the real world. Add some darker colors, and boom we have a winner. The addition of wrinkles and stitching and piping and texture is what I've always liked so much about McFarlane's DC stuff.

As it is, the KF figure just looks too plastic and toyish. No added details at all makes for a bit of a boring figure. This is just my personal opinion.

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Not even a question for me-Knightfall. Scale, aesthetic, articulation all 'almost' perfect. Some others are good much havent reached the Knightfall bar.

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TDKR is my favorite comic McF Batman.  Love how beefy he is, that he has thigh cuts, and all the textured cloth folds.  He might not be the definitive Batman but I just love ugly-yet-well-made action figures.

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Knightfall for me, followed by the awesome cape of the Year 2 figure (although that's more of a statue).

I've also been loving The Flash old Keaton figure. The likeness is surprisingly good. Somehow better than Todd's 89 Batman...

All could benefit from a thigh cut, though. I'm tired of the limitations from this articulation scheme. Thigh cut could allow for much more natural poses.


jag2045 reacted
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The repaint of Knightfall 1 step darker on the blue and 2 steps darker on the grey.

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