My Gold Label Batmobile just arrived, I'm very happy with it. I didn't know it was updated to fix the grey canopy issue, so that was a nice surprise. I much prefer the matte finish. And the head/face is such an improvement over the Flash Keaton figure. The neck doesn't look great, but it's tough to add a neck joint with good range of motion to this cowl style. I was annoyed when I missed the first release a few times, but now I'm glad I ended up with this version instead.
Damn. I checked Amazon and had to get one!
I got the Gold Label 89 Batmobile a few months ago and just opened it today. I was lucky enough to find that some POS swapped it out for the Flash version and stole the figure. Guess I should have opened it sooner.
If you're still looking for the McFarlane '66 Batmobile, Walmart stores in the US are carrying it along with the McFarlane BatBoat and BatCycle.
Barnabas Collins
Has anyone ever seen the Hot Wheels 1:50 Dark Knight Returns Batmobile (Tank) in person?
I'm a Dark Knight/Frank Miller fanatic, and as soon as I saw they were planning this, I told myself to keep an eye out. Unfortunately, my dad got sick and passed away last summer so I wasn't thinking about toys or collectibles at the time.
When I remembered this thing around the holidays, I couldn't find any evidence it was ever released in the States....nothing but insanely over-priced ebay auctions from overseas.
Cas, your custom TNBA Batmobile is a thing of beauty! Well done! I doubt we'll ever get a real one so kudos!
Apparently BBTS had the Hot Wheels Dark Knight Returns Bat Tank at some point for $10.99. Now sold out.
ARHRHRGH. Why wasn't I more vigilant and checking the site daily? I missed my only chance!!
Has anyone ever seen one in person?
The Corgi '66 Batmobile reissue got a good review. Corgi Model Club 1966 Batmobile Reissue Review - YouTube
Barnabas Collins
Hot Toys have announced a Bat-Missle toy from Batman Returns
Hot Toys have announced a Bat-Missle toy from Batman Returns
I've always loved the design of this, as silly as it is. To me, it's a sort-of steampunk bat train, and I've always had a soft spot for it.
I've been signed up to back the Haslab Ecto, and shipping bring that one to $464. For not a lot more, comparatively speaking, I could just back out of that and get the Batmissile. Decisions, decisions...
In a fit of madness, I picked up the 1:12 Tumbler /w combined pod model kit. It’s pure folly as I’ve nowhere to put one but fancy it as a nice wee project for Christmas. And if Modoking ever do the ‘89, I know I’ll do that too, damn it.