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Queen Studios DC Figures

Magneto Was Right
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From what I can tell, this is a Chinese company making their first foray into 1/12 figures. Who knows if these will ever see release, or what price they'll be if they do.

More here.

jag2045 reacted
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They’re sort of a sub-brand of InArt, which makes super high end 1/6 figures. 

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I just learned about this company yesterday.  Looks like they've been trying to move into 1:12 scale figures for a while because someone posted a parallel thread to this about a year earlier here:

I'm a bit skeptical of a sixth scale company trying to do twelfth scale.  The articulation of 6th scale figures is usually pretty atrocious compared to 12th scale, so will they really go for a Mafex-level range of motion?  Seems unlikely, but who really knows.  I watched a few reviews of their 6th scale figures, and while the detail level of the sculpt, paint, and fabrics are better than I've ever seen before, the articulation range is still about as bad as all of the Hot Toys and Sideshow sixth scale figures.

But certainly the figures themselves look incredible and better than their Mafex alternatives so I'm hoping for the best.  We'll see whenever this line actually gets released.  Given that in the sixth scale their price point is usually anywhere from double to quadruple that of Hot Toys because they go for a much higher level of detail than even Hot Toys toys does I'm skeptical they're going to be cheaper than Mafex in twelfth scale since setting records at the highest end of the market seems to be their niche, but again, who knows until we actually see.

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Posted by: @bat1975

They’re sort of a sub-brand of InArt, which makes super high end 1/6 figures. 

From what I can tell so far it's the opposite--InArt is the action figure line that includes sixth scale figures and eventually twelfth scale, and Queen Studios is the company.  Their web site is pretty good and has a nice recap of the company's history which mostly started with those hyper-realistic life-size statues and busts I've been seeing for a few years now that are the highest of the high-end in terms of superhero collectible quality and price.


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Having missed out on the 2.0 Selina, that one they're showing off looks like it will fill the gap nicely. So far the only negatives I can see regarding these guys are that they're SHF style *real* 1:12, so will look titchy compared to most others, plus the cape on the TDK Batman looks limp af, it really could do with a wire or something.

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @bat1975

They’re sort of a sub-brand of InArt, which makes super high end 1/6 figures. 

From what I can tell so far it's the opposite--InArt is the action figure line that includes sixth scale figures and eventually twelfth scale, and Queen Studios is the company.  Their web site is pretty good and has a nice recap of the company's history which mostly started with those hyper-realistic life-size statues and busts I've been seeing for a few years now that are the highest of the high-end in terms of superhero collectible quality and price.



You're right.  Queen Studios is sort of the main company, with InArt (1/6 scale) and MorFig (1/12 scale) being sub-brands.


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They had an event last week in Japan, where if you bought a 'VIP' ticket, you also got what looks to be the first release, which is the TDK Batman.  As far as price, the VIP ticket was about $50USD, so draw from that what you will.  No timeline on release, though they did say in a recent Q&A that they're looking to release 12-15 figures a year.

Count me in on TDK Batman, Arkham Origins Batman, for sure.

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What interests me greatly is Queen Studios might be the first action figure line designed in China I've ever heard of, and since they're the top of the top end I find that HIGHLY surprising.  They're still a relatively poor country albeit one that's developing rapidly, so I'm curious as to how their figures sell in their own country.  My guess would be not very well and most of their customers are overseas, but maybe I'm wrong.

Their web site seems geared towards the West with surprisingly fantastic English writing on it, which could just be because they have a completely separate site for Chinese users.

Red Ogre reacted