Photos of the back of the boxes are floating around, and the design art for Fate and Two-Face is hyper-classic. No idea how that will translate into Fate’s deco re: yellows and golds, though. I have a feeling he’ll be all-yellow. I’ll be interested to see if Harvey’s “good” suit is bright orange or more tan/brown.
While I really only bought the movie Batmen from this line - I was very happy with all of them. It would be kind of a relief if Legends just... ended for me as I've been completest since Spider-Man Classics in 2001.
Very curious if Mattel will steer right into Legends articulation and scale with the license back. I'd probably pick up some comic Batmen and Supermen.
One thing the end of Multiverse kills for me is enthusiasm for McFarlane's figures for the new Superman movie. That and Supergirl will be the only things released before Mattel takes over, and the figures won't fit with future releases of DC Studios characters. I'm kind of glad that the toy license changeover is happening early in the launch of the DC Studios take, so that the scale and style of figures isn't changing once people have dozens of movie based characters already. And surely a new fresh (and hopefully better and more successful) slate of tie-in material on the horizon probably helped push Mattel to increase their bid to win back the rights.
I wonder if the prospect of a single company handling both the kiddie toys for their movies and the stuff aimed at older collectors instead of splitting that between two separate companies also made a difference.
Let's not make out that McFarlane's scale issues are unique to this line...
Finally someone said it, i was looking for this comment !!!
Legends has MAJOR scale issues.
So more in line with the Silver Age Batman, Riddler, Joker, Penguin and Red Hood? If so I'm kind of grateful. I was hoping McFarlane would fill out more of this menagerie before his tenure was over. As much as I love the Bronze Age, 90's and Y2k era of DC, I will always have a soft spot for the Golden and Silver Age eraPhotos of the back of the boxes are floating around, and the design art for Fate and Two-Face is hyper-classic. No idea how that will translate into Fate’s deco re: yellows and golds, though. I have a feeling he’ll be all-yellow. I’ll be interested to see if Harvey’s “good” suit is bright orange or more tan/brown.
@stoopid_sandwich Fate appears to be straight-up Super Powers-era art, and Two-Face’s look in that color scheme is one I’d associate with really any era before the 90s, although I most associate it with the Bronze Age (mostly because that’s when Two-Face started appearing most regularly). I’m guessing he will fit great with Joker/Penguin/Riddler. If anything, he’s probably gonna feel like a “lost” Super Powers entry right at home with all those 70s-80s “classic” designs.