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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse

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For anyone still holding out hope, Toyshiz posted a booth walkthrough on YT and reported that he spoke with a rep from McF that confirmed they’re losing the Multiverse line. 

He said there might be a chance they retain the Batman ‘66 and Super Powers lines though. 

vicious7171 reacted
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Super Powers being able to continue is probably the best outcome McFarlane can hope for and it likely comes down to Mattel. Similar to Mondo and Real Ghostbusters as it pertains to Hasbro, if Mattel has no plans to do a competing line then Warner might grant McFarlane the right to soldier on. Only question would be is Mattel entitled to a any piece of that pie? Then you would see a price increase. It could also force the line out of big box retail and to specialty.

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I really hope the Super Powers and B:TAS lines continue in some capacity. At the very least, I’m glad it seems like we’re definitely going to get the Bruce Wayne BAF.


For Super Powers, I was really hoping they’d finish the Legion of Doom, which seemed to be where they were going with team building. Also, thought they were working on the JLI era.

At the very least, I hope this year has Wonder Woman and Aquaman in more classic styles planned.


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Question for the group: does the Megafig Arkham Killer Croc work in a regular comic Batman display? I'm not a huge fan of the Arkham designs but Croc is one I'd like on my Bat-villain shelf and I'm guessing this is probably the only crack we're going to get at this character at this point.

Does he fit in? I know, it's up to everyone to interpret their own shelf, but I just can't tell without opening him. He seems HUGE.

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Posted by: @schizm

Question for the group: does the Megafig Arkham Killer Croc work in a regular comic Batman display? I'm not a huge fan of the Arkham designs but Croc is one I'd like on my Bat-villain shelf and I'm guessing this is probably the only crack we're going to get at this character at this point.

Does he fit in? I know, it's up to everyone to interpret their own shelf, but I just can't tell without opening him. He seems HUGE.

Croc is one of those characters whose appearance in the comics tends to vary quite substantially. While the size of the mega figure might me more true to the video game, in general classic depictions of Croc generally had him around 6'5" and 300 lbs whereas some modern depictions have had him more around 9 feet tall and 1000 lbs. So I guess it just depends on how picky you are and what version of Croc you tend to gravitate to. 

I've had a 6" figure (Mattel DC SuperHeroes) in my display in the past and have the Mattel Collect to Build from their very last wave in my display now. Like you I have the McF Arkham Croc, but have never actually opened him either. I had the similarly sized DC Direct Arkham version for a while too, but he was very fragile and broke in a couple of different places while just sitting on a shelf.


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Credit where credit's due--while I am ready to see what another line does with DC, the reveals this weekend had a lot of stuff I'll be happy to try to pick up. Gordon, Supergirl, Hawkgirl, and Hourman in particular. It will be a bummer if we see the line end without so many combos incomplete (Black Canary to go with Ollie, Zatanna to go with Constantine, a classic Raven, an Apollo to go with Midnighter etc etc etc). Wonder if he'll try to squeeze out a few core characters he'd been waiting on before the license ends or if he just goes with what was already en route. 

I think that's why while some of his figures really are amazing (I'll never say a bad thing about his White Knight Batman stuff), I'm not too bummed to see someone else take a shot. Some of the missing figures we'll likely never see could've been front loaded in the line. No comic Poison Ivy or Harley feels like a missed opportunity, stuff like that. 

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We can see the date Todd's figures are manufactured so if he doesn't swerve in plans to knock out major existing but unmade characters that's a real slap in the face to those who have supported his line. I know sculpting and approvals and all that take some time, but Todd moves faster than most companies - what's on the production line today is typically in our hands in four months - so I hope he adjusts The End accordingly.

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Is anyone else getting a giant pop-up ad for Universal that covers 3/4 of the screen and won't go away. I don't see any way to close it. Am I missing something? WTF Fwoosh?

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@docsilence The weird thing is a comic Poison Ivy is basically a new head and repaint of the film version.

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What the??!!

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