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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse

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The new reveals look good. I'm glad I didn't get the Silver Age Superman on the Page Punchers body. The digital Superman looks much better. I do prefer the S shield on the Godzilla Superman, since the bodies look the same. Starman should have an alternate unmasked head. It looks like the Super Friends are on the Batman 66 bodies with head sculpts that resemble the cartoon. I'm glad the artwork for the Super Friends is different than the Batman 66 artwork.

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Yeah, I'm not going to get into a scale vs scale conversation. That's been done many times and just isn't worth the headache.  However this is true and I can honestly say McFarlane has been the most inconsistent action figure line I collect in the last 5 years when it comes to scale. The scale wasn't as bad as DC Direct which I stopped collecting back in the day because of the scale. I have hundreds of McFarlane DC figures I collected but did so because I love Dc Comics characters but sometimes you just have to say enough is enough. The blatant scale difference between Aquaman and Tempest much less Power Girl was the breaking point for me.

magnusprimal reacted
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Im not sorry McFarlane lost the license. I hope Mattel goes back to 6 inch which the scale of ML, SW Black, GIJoe Classified, etc.....

jayjonah and SDcomics reacted
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Now that I’ve had a chance to look at Hourman more closely, he has the Spectre’s cape and hood.   It’s somewhat clever because Hourman has often been depicted with a loose fitting mask, but it’s still a mask, not a hood with a masked head underneath.

This is where I struggle with McFarlane.   Had we gotten a new head sculpt and cape (either sculpted or wired soft goods), this figure would be just about perfect.  That’s why if you were to ask me “Are you willing to settle for a lower quality, corporate cookie cutter figure in exchange for accurate costume details?” my answer would be “Why, yes.  Yes I am.”   

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Cheeky glow-in-the-dark Captain Carrot chillin in the background of those vids, can't wait for him to show up.  I hope that whiteish-grey glows properly, I'm a little nervous since it looks so opaque.

There's some nice stuff here, I'm not sure if I need any of it, but it's cool.  Shame two companies can't just make DC figures.  As always, the fans are the ones getting shafted.

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I’m in for Superman, Supergirl, Gordon, and possibly Hawkgirl. I’d really prefer Shayera, but I will take what I can get. 
Assuming they are not wildly out-of-scale. Or chase figures, or nearly-impossible to find exclusives. 

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Ya know, DC Direct produced 7 inch figures obscure and otherwise for 20 years while both Hasbro then Mattel had the license. At one time, you had 6inch DCUC (which rule, IDK what anyone says) and 7 inch figures. They havent said yet that that is not what is going to happen once Mattel begins producing again. I don't see Mattel producing statues and props so I don't think Mcfarlane will be totally out of the DC game.

vicious7171 reacted
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Glad to see that the BTAS Bruce Wayne BAF line was there in box.  If this is indeed the last year for McFarlane DC Multiverse, I'll probably get the Gordon figure.  Didn't see too much else I was overly excited for.  The Superman style-guide from the 80s figure looked cool.  I'm hoping we'll see that classic TwoFace we'd heard about previously before next summer.  Hoping for Batman Returns stuff, and 89 Nicholson Joker if we can get it.

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While I'm often very critical where this line is concerned, I will give a major hats off here: Todd has gotten through much of the JSA in record time. After starting slow with Flash, Green Lantern and Citizen Steel, we've now gotten Mr. Terrific, Power Girl, Wildcat, Hawkgirl, Damage, Starman and Hourman (even if it's technically the wrong one) in short order, with Jade on the way. We'll be a good ways through the roster when the license ends, which is pretty impressive for a team this massive.

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The teams that I feel are mostly complete from McFarlane are the Dark Knights and the original Rebirth Titans.

The Dark Knights - The Batman Who Laughs, Devastator, Merciless, The Drowned, Red Death, Dawnbreaker & Murder Machine. I'm not sure if there are other members, but I'm good with the Dark Justice League. I also have Robin Crow & Robin King if they count.

The Rebirth Titans - Nightwing, Wally, Donna, Arsenal & Tempest. There is also Beast Boy, Raven & Starfire. I'm not sure if Rebirth Cyborg counts.

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The sheer amount of Red Platinums revealed is maddening.

magnusprimal, jayjonah, gpmartin414 and 1 people reacted
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Of the things shown today I would definotely be in for the Starman and Hawkgirl and possibly Damage and Connor Hawk assuming they arent impossible to get chase figures.

Shinigami Customs
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Man, that Byrne Superman is so cool, not gonna lie. If only he came with a sculpted symbol instead of the tampo, I'd buy him for sure. Other than him, there's a bunch of cool reveals, Hawkgirl looking especially fine with her hinged wings. I'm also on for Supergirl as the previous one was impossible to find here. 

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I was at a youth wrestling tournament all day yesterday and am just catching up on the Toy Fair stuff now. I'm one of those that is very happy to see DC move on from Todd and I plan to be far more selective with what I buy over the next year.

With that being said I know that Damage and Connor Hawke Green Arrow are ones that I have to have. Those will be instant purchases for me. I'll likely buy all of Hawkgirl, Hourman, James Gordon, Kingdom Come Superman and Thom Kallor Starman. I'll probably pass on Godzilla vs Superman because I recently bought the Mezco 1:12 Ultimate Godzilla and obviously like that better.

Supergirl looks nice but I like the Target Gold Label one that I already have. Most of the other reveals looked like gimmick repaints that I don't need or have any desire for.

I passed on 1940s Fleischer Supes and the new movie Batmen yesterday when I saw them in the wild at Gamestop. Just not my thing. I also passed on symbiote suit Spider-Man from the ML Secret Wars wave. That was the first time I had seen him at retail. I only ended up buying a Ghost of Zod figure that was on clearance for $5 (using my monthly $5 coupon to get him for free). I grabbed a Platinum Guy Gardner from Walmart as well. I hadn't planned on buying that, but decided to go ahead and grab one on impulse.

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I tried to add this to my last post but couldn't get the "edit" function to work. I also received a couple of older figures yesterday that I finally broke down and had paid a premium for. 

The first was the movie Darkseid on the throne. I had it pre-ordered through Walmart but they cancelled it on me. I really only wanted the throne and had decided that I would just pass, but finally caved and paid $10 over retail plus crazy shipping from CMD along with several Marvel Legends Nemesis wave figures.

I also finally caved and paid $50 on ebay for platinum Geo-Force. I never saw either version at any of my local Targets. The platinum was only $1 more expensive than the regular on ebay so just went Plat. Now that I've done that I fully expect these to show up locally for me - but I feel like I waited months.

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