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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse

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Posted by: @kryptonian delivered!!! 👏🥳😁


Yeah! The legend continues lol Gamestop is quickly becoming my go-to when I need a chase figure (assuming mine arrives this was delayed by weather, so it looks like I'll get it tomorrow). 


My shipment looks like it came from the same one yours did in Texas, so fingers crossed. 


kryptonian reacted
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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

So, I know the Killing Joke Joker goes up on Amazon on Feb. 20th.  But does anyone know what time?  

My experience with BBTS and the McF Store has always been 9am Pacific (12 eastern). I would assume Amazon is the same, although finding their listings on Amazon can sometimes be difficult. 


Super Camel reacted
Good grief. Admin
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I don't think it's too much to ask the toys of a singular toyline to all feel like they coexist without creative posing, but I've never been in the school of "just put him on a flight stand" to negate issues. As it is I've got one Batman that towers over others and one that looks like he got shrunk in the wash. A little checks and balances goes a long way.

magnusprimal, jayjonah, TheGillMan and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @docsilence

@dave-o I gete it, and that's why this line is one we'll never have complete agreement on among collectors. It's a subjective value. For me, give me a line with smooth ROM that i can put into a ton of poses, and that I can arrange in scenes on the shelf that doesn't require me to use forced perspective to make them look like they belong together. It's of all the lines I collect, McFarlane is always dead last for how I assess a collection - I love DC so I keep getting pulled back in, but it's the line I buy a lot of that is the least successful at giving what I look for. But I respect that people prefer what he's doing here because it's certainly very collector-forward vs. toy-forward. (But call me crazy--my favorite deceased DC line was s tossup between Icons and Essentials. I liked the clean, low-key simplicity of those lines. I absolutely have a bias.)

I loved Icons and Essentials, and cohesion in a line is very important to me as well.   Maybe it’s a right/brain left brain thing where some of us are more systematic in our approach to collecting while others are more artistic.

I keep telling myself that McFarlane DC Multiverse is really not the line for me in terms of team building and universe building due to the inconsistency between figures, but at the same time, there are characters that I love that rarely, if ever, get figures, and there are some real gems throughout the line.

If I’m going to collect the line, and feel good about it, I’m going to have to accept that I will end up with a  a random assortment of DC characters, and not a well manicured collection with complete teams and a well represented DC Multiverse.  Otherwise, I’m going to have a lot of dead space (and dead money) tied up in figures I don’t really like and don’t really want.  Unfortunately, team building and universe building seems to be in my collecting DNA, so that’s easier said than done.



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I kind of see action figures as art- I'd love it if they did get the scale right, but I've said it before- plenty of other companies don't get it right. ML screwed up plenty of times (eg earlier efforts of Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde, Ms Marvel even when they were new sculpts for those figures). Even when we get figures based on specific character appearances, they're not even close- eg the Wolverine and Hulk anniversary pack. In fact, pretty much every Hulk is just gigantic for no other reason than they just want to charge more for more plastic, rather than making any effort to just, for once, get him right. Same with the Thing. 

McFarlane isn't great, but the companies that are consistently getting it right are the exception to the rule.

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Posted by: @therealsmallville

Posted by: @kryptonian delivered!!! 👏🥳😁


Yeah! The legend continues lol Gamestop is quickly becoming my go-to when I need a chase figure (assuming mine arrives this was delayed by weather, so it looks like I'll get it tomorrow). 


My shipment looks like it came from the same one yours did in Texas, so fingers crossed. 


Confirmed, package was shipped from TX as well. I received my GameStop package today with one regular and one platinum Power Girl. I also received Tempest and Dark Flash from McFarlane. Dark Flash looks great and all. Tempest is tiny, I'm talking upper body the size of a ML Spiderman tiny. I received Spiderman Unlimited a couple days ago and did a comparison and Tempest's upper body is around the same size but the head is slightly smaller. I'm sorry these sculptors could do better if they would just do comparisons. It seems most of them are just doing work for McFarlane to jazz up their resume and don't care about anything else about the piece they are doing. There are a lot of us who don't have the space to put everything on a flight stand. I know I don't and don't care to fudge in figures so they look right on a shelf when it is so easy to prevent if McFarlane and the majority of sculptors actually gave a damn.


kryptonian reacted
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I received Dark Flash, Superman & Tempest the other day. I opened Tempest and had him next to his fellow Titan the McFarlane Arsenal and they were close in height. Tempest's body is the same as the Page Punchers Aqualad. There are slight differences, so they are not identical. 

Since I had some rewards, I ordered the Icon figure & used $20 in rewards. I used Amazon pay & had points on my card to cover the cost, so I got the figure for free. I made a separate order for Ocean Master & did the same thing. I'm trying to kitbash a Crime Syndicate Sea King using him & JLA Aquaman. Glad I ordered Icon when I did, he was just sold out & is no longer showing on the MTS website along with Tempest. 

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We need pictures of Tempest next to Power Girl! 😆 

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Well I picked up the Keaton Batman from the Begins wave today.  I don't know, man.  There's a lot going against this one and it's sooooooo disappointing.  I'm watching dhunter's review and looking at the cape.  UGH.  Not only is it made of the material I hate AND no wire, it also has those pockets sewn into it that are about three times as big as it needs to be to slide those thin rods into.  The stitching is clearly visible on the outside of the cape, they look like scars from an organ transplant.  They're so ugly.  This is THE movie Batman that everyone wants and it just gets botched on the two most important aspects, the cape and the cowl.  The sad part is I've seen plenty of pics where this figure turns out looking great.........with HEAVY custom work put into it.  Again, so disappointing.

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Posted by: @therealsmallville

Posted by: @kryptonian delivered!!! 👏🥳😁


Yeah! The legend continues lol Gamestop is quickly becoming my go-to when I need a chase figure (assuming mine arrives this was delayed by weather, so it looks like I'll get it tomorrow). 


My shipment looks like it came from the same one yours did in Texas, so fingers crossed. 



Well, I'm now 50/50 with GameStop lol Got my package today and it was 2 regular Power Girls. Oh well, can't win all the time. 

If anyone ends up with a Platinum & wants to trade for regular, hit me up! Otherwise I'll put her out at my vendor spot at my next Toy Show in May.  


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Cracked open Captain Cold and Guy tonight. The bodies are some of the better designs in the line, I think. my Guy's ears and scalp are painted a completely different color than his face and neck which is a little weird but I can live with it, less noticeable at a distance (I actually think his ears are the color he SHOULD be). Captain Cold's buck is perfect, but I gotta laugh that Superman gets trigger finger hands and the guy who comes with a ray gun doesn't. I can't get his freeze gun to sit right in his grip at all. Kind a wish the holster was functional cos if I can't get the gun to look right in his hand it'd be fine to leave it holstered. if the gun weren't gummy I'd just heat both gun and hand up and force it into the grip but I actually think the hand's plastic is strong enough it'll warp the grip. 

@xavion2023 I don't think it's a left brain right brain thing so much as pure opinion/vibes. I work in the arts and am as right brain as you can get but when it comes to action figures specifically I'm uncharacteristically analytical. 

vicious7171 reacted
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@therealsmallville At least her resale value will be pretty high as she is highly sought after. 

Saw my nearest Gamestop had 3 in stock. All regs too. 

Both Power Girls are great. 

If I were the McF product manager, I would have released this version.


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@docsilence I really don't like those trigger hands.

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Posted by: @kryptonian

@therealsmallville At least her resale value will be pretty high as she is highly sought after. 

Saw my nearest Gamestop had 3 in stock. All regs too. 

Both Power Girls are great. 

If I were the McF product manager, I would have released this version.



Very true. And if I had to get only 1 of them, I'm glad it's the regular as that one is her more traditional look. I know not many like the newer jacket look for the Super Family in the comics, but I have to admit I kind of like it on a temporary basis and wouldn't have minded seeing them all in jackets on my shelf eventually. 


Pleased to have what I have though! And if it came down to Platinum Reeve or Platinum PG, I'm happy it worked out for the Reeve 😎  Always a silver lining!


jayjonah and kryptonian reacted
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@therealsmallville Initially I didn't care for the Power Girl plat, but something about the heat vision eyes + Streaky also has the red eyes, a nice touch. 

My favorite all-time reg+plat was from Ordered two Wonder Woman & they sent me reg+plat. Then it didn't work with Starfire. 😆 

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