Checked a nearby Target for the Batman Begins wave with my DPCI. They didn't have it but said another store not close but also not super far had 6 in stock. I couldn't make the trip tonight and time will be tight tomorrow. We'll see if I can make the trip.
My boo stopped by my place on the way home from the airport to drop off the Begins wave last night. Really helped cheer me up on a crappy day.
Overall, it's a pretty nice wave. All the aforementioned gripes are still present- the lack of new parts for Demon Batman, etc., but I still quite like it. I do wish Begins Batman came with an alternate left hand that could hold some of the accessories; I like that Wolverine hand, and think he could look cool with that and the Batclaw at the same time (yeah, yeah, I know he's right handed, but this is Batman we're talking about! He's resourceful!). I'll dig through all my excess Multiverse parts; I'm sure there's a spare grasping hand that'll blend in well enough. I commend Todd for even including the Wolverine hand in the first place- it's a fun, not super obvious inclusion.
I'm not a customizer, but I can't imagine it would be that difficult to shred up Demon Batman's cape. The trick, I think, would be to make it look tattered and ragged and not like someone just took some scissors to it. I might give it a try if I see it works for someone else. I think it could add a lot of "oomph" to the figure. The real kicker for me is that they did add a little bit of a wash to DB, so it's not like they ignored the weathered aspect completely. But if they didn't want to shell out for new tooling, I think they at least could've printed on some effects or something. Another thing a customizer could easily do, I'm sure.
Keaton Batman is a nice surprise. My focus was on the Begins figures, and I wouldn't say Keaton Bats is my preferred Batman (I know, I know, sacrilege) so I didn't really pay him much mind at first. I'm tempted to pick up a second one if/when I ever see it on shelves myself. The open winged cape is such an iconic image that that's really how I want to display it, but he comes with so many accessories it would be a shame not to use some of them. That, or pick up a loose Keaton from one of the other various releases.
But of course, me being me, Scarecrow was the one I was most looking forward to, and while far from perfect (the bell bottoms are such an interesting choice), I'm still so glad to have him. His box/card art is pretty cool; I was trying to think if I'd seen it before, and I don't think I have, at least in its entirety (the mask part is on a shirt I own). They borrowed his bio from one of the other releases, which is fine, I guess, but something a bit more tailored to his appearance in Begins would've been nice. At least they didn't futz it up like the TNBA Scarecrow bio. I know the package says Batman Begins, but with the weathering on the shoulders, he definitely comes off more as a TDK Scarecrow. It's another case of me wishing that they'd have taken the time to do something a tad different with the headsculpt- either find a way to shave off the maggots or maybe weather some of the burn marks into the mask. I also pinched his midsection ever so, just to see what he'd look like slightly skinnier, and I think it works a bit better. I have no way of keeping it like that, but it was at least nice seeing if my theory was correct. I do wish he had a little more wrist movement; they're hindered by his jacket sleeves a bit. Especially since that's how he dispenses the fear gas in the movie. Some more accessories (or, really, any at all) would've been nice- a briefcase, a lighter (even sculpted into his hand like Two Face's coin was), one of the stuffed rabbits, or an empty mask would've been cool. Catwoman got the deluxe treatment for her Platinum release, so it's weird that Scarecrow and Demon Batman got the shaft. Might try and find a little smoke effect piece that could potentially go around his wrist; if anyone knows of any, let me know!
My boo stopped by my place on the way home from the airport to drop off the Begins wave last night. Really helped cheer me up on a crappy day.
Overall, it's a pretty nice wave. All the aforementioned gripes are still present- the lack of new parts for Demon Batman, etc., but I still quite like it. I do wish Begins Batman came with an alternate left hand that could hold some of the accessories; I like that Wolverine hand, and think he could look cool with that and the Batclaw at the same time (yeah, yeah, I know he's right handed, but this is Batman we're talking about! He's resourceful!). I'll dig through all my excess Multiverse parts; I'm sure there's a spare grasping hand that'll blend in well enough. I commend Todd for even including the Wolverine hand in the first place- it's a fun, not super obvious inclusion.
I'm not a customizer, but I can't imagine it would be that difficult to shred up Demon Batman's cape. The trick, I think, would be to make it look tattered and ragged and not like someone just took some scissors to it. I might give it a try if I see it works for someone else. I think it could add a lot of "oomph" to the figure. The real kicker for me is that they did add a little bit of a wash to DB, so it's not like they ignored the weathered aspect completely. But if they didn't want to shell out for new tooling, I think they at least could've printed on some effects or something. Another thing a customizer could easily do, I'm sure.
Keaton Batman is a nice surprise. My focus was on the Begins figures, and I wouldn't say Keaton Bats is my preferred Batman (I know, I know, sacrilege) so I didn't really pay him much mind at first. I'm tempted to pick up a second one if/when I ever see it on shelves myself. The open winged cape is such an iconic image that that's really how I want to display it, but he comes with so many accessories it would be a shame not to use some of them. That, or pick up a loose Keaton from one of the other various releases.
But of course, me being me, Scarecrow was the one I was most looking forward to, and while far from perfect (the bell bottoms are such an interesting choice), I'm still so glad to have him. His box/card art is pretty cool; I was trying to think if I'd seen it before, and I don't think I have, at least in its entirety (the mask part is on a shirt I own). They borrowed his bio from one of the other releases, which is fine, I guess, but something a bit more tailored to his appearance in Begins would've been nice. At least they didn't futz it up like the TNBA Scarecrow bio. I know the package says Batman Begins, but with the weathering on the shoulders, he definitely comes off more as a TDK Scarecrow. It's another case of me wishing that they'd have taken the time to do something a tad different with the headsculpt- either find a way to shave off the maggots or maybe weather some of the burn marks into the mask. I also pinched his midsection ever so, just to see what he'd look like slightly skinnier, and I think it works a bit better. I have no way of keeping it like that, but it was at least nice seeing if my theory was correct. I do wish he had a little more wrist movement; they're hindered by his jacket sleeves a bit. Especially since that's how he dispenses the fear gas in the movie. Some more accessories (or, really, any at all) would've been nice- a briefcase, a lighter (even sculpted into his hand like Two Face's coin was), one of the stuffed rabbits, or an empty mask would've been cool. Catwoman got the deluxe treatment for her Platinum release, so it's weird that Scarecrow and Demon Batman got the shaft. Might try and find a little smoke effect piece that could potentially go around his wrist; if anyone knows of any, let me know!
Nice pick up. One Target store sent me to another Target store telling me they had this wave in stock. No, they didn't. This Target told me ANOTHER Target has them in stock. Well, I spent my hour of free time today, now I'm tethered to work until I get off then it's off to a doctor appointment so it may not be in the cards for me this time.
I think I'm only going in for Keaton and Bale. I'm still disappointed Todd didn't rework the Keaton likeness, but I'm such a fan of wired capes I'm going to overlook it. The added accessories will be nice too. In a perfect world I can get by with one Bale Batman and I'm a pretty big fan of the platinum Hong Kong skydive version, but this one looks really good too so I doubt I'm going to pass. Demon Batman looks pretty sick, but it's such a blink-and-you-miss-it moment from the movie, and it's a hallucination to boot, I just don't know that it's warranted. I have straight jacket Scarecrow and I don't think I need two. Hopefully this wave shows up for me over the three day weekend.
I just got my 2 Guy Gardners from GameStop and of course they're both the regular version. {sigh} I don't know why I bother. That was pretty much my best shot at getting the Platinum without resorting to eBay, and that ain't gonna happen.
@ninjak Check your Walmarts. I saw 3 Guy Gardners last weekend across 2 different Walmarts and they were all the Platinum version. I didn't want it so I left them. I never saw one regular version of Guy but plenty of Cap Cold and Power Girl. I ended up with a Platinum Captain Cold (the one that I had the least interest in) in a shipment from EE, but no Platinum Guy or Power Girl.
I'm still hoping to find a Platinum Shazam, Platinum Lightning Lad and ANY Geo-Force. I'm getting close to going the bay route on those at this point, but I want to see if they show up on the McFarlane EQL first. I already missed Lightning Lad on that but not the other two yet.
Man, I’m really digging Captain Cold. It’s one of the rare times that McFarlane’s wackiness has worked for me. He’s so classic, but so contemporary at the same time. This is easily one of my favorite figures from the entire line.
@derrabbi OK, how do we do it? I've never done a trade before.
@ninjak Good question. I made a new email to contact me on. [Redacted] Send me your address on that email and I'll get it in the mail on Monday before I leave to Japan on Tuesday! (Any Tokyo or Osaka toy store or comic store recs anyone?) I'll send you my parents address (they are watching my doggies anyway) and you can pop the regular Guy in the mail to them. I work Monday and have full access to a professional (well sorta professional shipping dept. I may have mentioned to others around here I work at a pretty famous record store)
I'll edit this and take out the email as soon as I get your email.
Yay! Glad this worked out. Taking him down from my eBay store right now.
I really like the jacket look. My favorite look from the CBS/Supergirl was this one and I think it only ever appeared in this one promo based on how long it took me to find this one result:
My PGs should be delivered today and I really hope it's one of each.
My PGs should be delivered today and I really hope it's one of each.
It wasn't. And the faces were both off. 🙁