Entertainment Earth sent Guy and Cold and I got both chases. No desire for either. Its 2025. This shouldn't still be a thing.
That's a bummer. Happened to me a few times too. I've been ordering McF stuff from BBTS since they seem to parse their stock and create separate listings.
That's a bummer. Happened to me a few times too. I've been ordering McF stuff from BBTS since they seem to parse their stock and create separate listings.
That was my intent. My boss walked up to talk to me 3 min before i knew it was going up. By the time he left BBTS was out. These are mass market too right?
Cant decide if I should eat the $8-10 to ship them back to EE or try to eBay them. Sorta want to send it back to let McF's retailers know that little bit more that this model sucks. Not that I mean EE any hassle.
Cant decide if I should eat the $8-10 to ship them back to EE or try to eBay them. Sorta want to send it back to let McF's retailers know that little bit more that this model sucks. Not that I mean EE any hassle.
Take a loss, sending them back(retailers don't care) or sell them to make a decent profit on sought after Platinums. C'mon man.
@kryptonian Obviously. That's what I said I intend to do. Will see how sought after they are. (My instinct is Guy will be more) After Paypal and eBay fees you really aren't making that much. Not to mention the dozens upon dozens of items in my eBay and Discogs store as is ....
I mean.... I know I'm probably a fool, but that's $40 out of pocket for a too-tall Power Girl. I can't seem to pull the trigger.
They say a fool and his money are soon parted. You still have your money. McFarlane has mine.
You’re definitely not the fool in this scenario.
I can see it now. “…and this shelf is where I display my 8” figures.” “How come Power Girl is the only figure on the shelf?” “Because that’s the only 8” figure I own.”
Both of my PG's from Gamestop have finally shipped, so fingers crossed. And my regular Captain Cold landed in my PoL at BBTS.
Has FedEx picked up your package yet? Mine says it's still in TX, no movement.
Mine is also in Texas, and my tracking says it finally left a facility in Arlington late last night (11:24pm pacific).
Both of my PG's from Gamestop have finally shipped, so fingers crossed. And my regular Captain Cold landed in my PoL at BBTS.
Has FedEx picked up your package yet? Mine says it's still in TX, no movement.
Mine is also in Texas, and my tracking says it finally left a facility in Arlington late last night (11:24pm pacific).
Mine too. Looks like they picked up late. Arrival date is Saturday.
I just received my shipment from GameStop. I got the standard versions of Gardner and Cold, but I got the platinum version of Power Girl.
Both of my PG's from Gamestop have finally shipped, so fingers crossed. And my regular Captain Cold landed in my PoL at BBTS.
Has FedEx picked up your package yet? Mine says it's still in TX, no movement.
Mine is also in Texas, and my tracking says it finally left a facility in Arlington late last night (11:24pm pacific).
Mine too. Looks like they picked up late. Arrival date is Saturday.
Mine is due in Monday.
Received the Tempest/Dark Flash/Fleischer Superman wave. Tempest looks like he’s holding some dank weed, brah. Dark Flash is basic and solid. Superman is, bar none, my favorite basic figure in the line. He’s amazing. My favorite Superman look, on the best Superman body in the line, beefy and perfect. Can’t wait to make him fly around taking out Nazis and union-busters.
@aceofknaves Is Tempest a smaller size? Someone posted a pic & he looked to be abnormally small like the Page Punchers Ocean Master.
My impatience got the best of me (again), and i ended up getting Batman Begins Bats & '89 Bats from evil bay. I have to say, both are really nice figures. The '89 Batman in particular comes really well equipped, in terms of alternate hands, accessories, etc. It's almost like what a Collector's Edition should be.
@kryptonian heheh yes, he is very small and has that “Eric Balfour in every early 2000s piece of media” energy.
that “Eric Balfour in every early 2000s piece of media” energy.
This is such an excellent description because I knew exactly what that meant and it's spot on...
I received Captain Cold, Guy Gardner, Power Girl, Dark Flash and Tempest all today from MTS. I probably won't get around to opening them for a bit though.