Macy's has the Batmobile and Invisible Jet on sale with free store pick up, $21 and $14 respectively, for anyone who still needs 'em.
I was at Walmart today and saw the Batmobile & Invisible Jet on the shelves. I didn't see any new figues like Aquaman, Batman, Robin or Wonder Woman. I did see the Batwing on clearance for $22.
I found the Batmobile and Jet at a few of my Walmarts. I also grabbed a Batwing and Supermobile on clearance for only $4 each!
Nice find! I'll buy a couple more of each if I ever see them for $4.
I stopped at a Walmart today and they had some Aquaman & Batman figures on pegs that were released with the Batmobile & Invisible Jet. Hoping to find Black Manta soon in my area.
The new stuff is starting to shop from Amazon - got Thomas Wayne Bats today. They're all so simple but so well done for what they are. Really bummed I couldn't find Black Manta or Reverse Flash (just scoped them out on eBay and boy howdy they're going for serious money).
The Batmobile is pure nostalgia for me... I held off on buying the jets for space consideration but if I could find them for cheap....
Over the past week I've been slowly getting in the new stuff too. All I'm waiting for now is black Batman (I didn't order the Thomas Wayne one). I LOVE the Whirlybat. These vehicles are so much fun to play with! I'm looking forward to any more that get released, but I hope we get a lot more Bat vehicles. I think I ended up with 10 of the classic style Batman so I have plenty to drive any new ones.
I swore I'd just get classic looks in this line to save space, but they really are neat for short money. Caved and got Thomas Wayne and he looks great, and as of today I've got two Supermen and two Nightwings. It's fun getting hooked on a relatively low-cost, easy to store and display line like this.
@pg-superfan Oh I would absolutely buy a League of Justice carrying case. Especially if it was in the classic super ugly yellow!
This past week, I've been finding some of the new figures at Gamestops. I picked up Nightwing, black suit Batman and Superman. I saw Aquaman but passed since it was pretty beat up.
I just paid way too much for Reverse-Flash at cmdstore, but I know I’ll never find him at Walmart, so I’ll take the piece of mind. On the other hand, if you haven’t purchased any of the new wave yet, then cmdstore has a very reasonably priced bundle that includes Reverse-Flash and makes the shipping much more palatable. I think I’ll skip the McFarlane bundle next go around and keep my options open.
Thanks for the heads up on that! I just ordered 2. I don't want to make the same mistake I made with Black Manta.