I think it's like this and I maybe stating the obvious but DC Collectors are broken down into 2 groups. One group wants high end, individually sculpted, individually painted, and highly articulated figures like what are produced by Diamond Select Toys, NECA, and Asian producers. On one hand they produce some fine figures. On the other hand they do not run far and deep into character selection. They mostly chose properties in which there is not a lot of character selection. The one exception is NECAs tmnt line. That line of figures has run far and deep into every version of tmnt and a lot of individual sculpts have been produced. I think TMNT has a far larger fan base than DC and they are able to produce a lot of figures.
The one exception produced by Hasbro that would be an exception in the general market would be Star Wars Black. That brand has a HUGE fan base that can support the multitude of individual sculpts it produces. Even when Hasbro produces individual sculpts for the Marvel movies, character selection is limited and they reuse those Iron Man sculpts until the wheels fall off.
The other camp of collectors also want highly articulated figures but they want the lines to run far and deep. They only way to do that is for extreme reuse of sculpts to produce a wide range of characters. Reusing sculpts is often criticized by those collectors that want individual sculpts. If I had a dollar for everytime I have read a complaint about the sculpt reuse on DCUC, I could buy Warner Brothers. Even Todd has recognized the need for sculpt reuse. He has worn out the superman rebirth, superman golden age, batman knightfall, blue beetle, and the ambush bug sculpts which would be fine if some of those sculpts did not have stylized sculpts for a specific character that get repainted over like the body used for black lightning and commander steel.
I belong to the camp that advocates long and deep DC line. I think Mattel needs a sculpt that resembles the hasbro pulse Electra and Dare Devil 2 pack Dare Devil Figure which has every piece of articulation mention in this thread. I think they need to create an oversized, normal sized, and teen sized version of that sculpt for male figures and create a female sculpt also in oversized, normal, and teen. Then they need to get really good at sculpting individual accents, capes, heads etc.... just like Marvel Legends has done. Each figure should come with lots of extra hands, an extra head, and accessories unique to that character. Each wave should come with a Batman or Superman Varient, a jla figure, jsa figure, legionaire figure, teen titan, and either a villian or obscure character. Each should come with a piece for an individually sculpted collect and connect figure. Personally I prefer the bronze age, post crisis, Geoff Johns era character designs. I hope they avoid the new 52, rebirth, and all in looks.i also hope they stick with the 6 inch scale so DC can scale with Marvel Legends. Todd and GI Joe Classified have demonstrated that 6 inch scale vehicles and playsets can be made so I hope Mattel invests in that too. I hope they use some quality plastic. With the exception of the diaper, Todd's figures are definitely durable.
Of course this is all reliant on how well James Gunns movies are. If those movies flopp there isn't going to be a demand for DC product. That will limit what Mattel is willing to do. Personally I think they should put Bruce Timm in charge of all things DC. In the 45 years I've been alive, he is the only person who really seems to understand DC and create well developed versions of DC characters. - fin
This isn't true. MAFEX figure are no less than $60 in Japan.
Mafex 185, their Spider-Man, has a retail price of around 8500 JPY, which works around £45, Hasbro are asking £49.99 for the Maximum Spiderman.
MAFEX 185 came out in December 2022. Google puts the current conversation rate for 8500 yen at $57.60.
Current MAFEX figures—Jubilee or Robin, for instance—are 13,750 yen, or around $93.17.
Untrue, I got a Spidey for $48. Sounds like you need to learn to shop around better.
I feel like there's some context missing here. Which Spidey? Was it on clearance?