The Batman now pushed back a second time from this month to October.
Yeah, amiami broke the news to me this morning. Sad, but October also feels appropriate for The Bat.
Such a ludicrously big, beefy bastard. I’m totally gonna have to get him but they need to do an ‘89 and a ‘66 too (IDGAF about Val and George tho)
Not a comics figure. Maybe someone can make the DC movie stuff their own thread like before the forums went down?
Just the one reveal this month?
It looks like the other stuff are non-Mafex related: a bunch of Grogus and a Buzz Lightyear. Batman is up on HLJ now, though.
I'm picking this up. The yelling heads look more like Affleck's stuntman than him and the Bruce Wayne head looks a little off for some reason.
I'm so used to them releasing two figures a month that it's weird to see them come out with one.
Awesome! I missed out on the previous version (056?), so this is exciting. If we can get an '89 Batman, I'll have my dream display of live action Bat figs from Mafex (Keaton, Bale, Affleck, Pattinson).
I'm pretty much happy to have another version of this Batman, I've missed out with the first one.
It's technically not the same as the previous one but I feel like it has better proportions.
Not a comics figure. Maybe someone can make the DC movie stuff their own thread like before the forums went down?
Eh, I disagree that it's necessary, just this single DC thread should suffice for covering everything Medicom does that's DC related.
Agree to disagree. I have zero interest in any of the DC movie figures and wouldn’t be interested in seeing discussion on them in here.
I think only one thread is needed given how few Mafex DC figures there are being released and/or solicited in any given month. There are only two or three releases a month and two or three reveals, so the most DC figures could be six in any given month, but I don’t think that’s ever happened. And there are plenty of months where there’s nothing.
Having two threads is overkill. We don't have two threads for a single Marvel Legends wave with comic and movie figures in it, right?
Plus, with how notifications are now, keeping track of two threads with low activity would be annoying.
We don't need two threads for Mafex DC figures, it's overkill.
If the info concerning DC Movie Mafex don't interest people, just scroll down until you find something that interests you all...