Yeah it says it on the placards next to the figures.
Oh! Didn't see that. Mafex hasn't done a three pack yet, have they?
I've only seen two packs and even then it was usually a normal size figure with a smaller character like R2 and Carrie Kelly from the R2/3po pack and TDKR Batman/Robin pack. This set is going to be expensive as hell.
Mafex are already so expensive. I really want that updated Batman, but it's altogether a lot of money, and I don't live in a country where it's easy to resell figures.
Eradicator is this month's DC solicit.
Scarecrow looks great! That's pretty much the version I've wanted in figure form for years, but for so long only the DCD version was around (and that one has long since been retired in my collection, since it fell apart too many times).
Eradicator is this month's DC solicit.
I'm excited for a proper Eradicator from this story, he looks really good!
I wish Mafex would have used a different S design on all of the non-Jim Lee Superman stuff, since these are very recognizably "his" S design & not the type used in the 90's, but beggars can't be choosers.
Is he up for preorder yet?
Eradicator is now up for pre-order at your store of choice! The new pictures of him look really good, though I do wish he had a head option with normal eyes. The Eradicator did think he was Superman for a time, and tended to look like Superman with a visor instead of a creep with blank eyes lol But, he still looks awesome and can't wait to get him!
At this rate they won't be able to avoid doing a Doomsday! Plus a classic Superman that isn't the Hush one. I've got an entire shelf dedicated to their Superman figures because they're just so good! McFarlane Doomsday is gonna be subbing in for now, but get on it Mafex! Eradicator is pre-ordered, easy.
At this rate they won't be able to avoid doing a Doomsday! Plus a classic Superman that isn't the Hush one. I've got an entire shelf dedicated to their Superman figures because they're just so good! McFarlane Doomsday is gonna be subbing in for now, but get on it Mafex! Eradicator is pre-ordered, easy.
I absolutely cannot wait for their eventual Doomsday! This is shaping up to be the figure line I desperately wanted as a kid. Doomsday will be spectacular, and I'm looking forward to them doing a basic Superman with the long hair, and/or a battle damaged Superman to fight Doomy.
I wouldn't mind a Matrix Supergirl or Mongul, either. I know, I know, I'd be dead and gone before all this stuff actually came out, but a guy can dream for future generations too, right?
My big worry is that Doomsday would be small. Japanese companies don't really like doing big figures unless they want to make a spectacle out of it like the dragons in Dragon Ball. Hope they prove me wrong though.
Been dipping my toe into Mafex this year because I make good financial decisions. I picked up the Hush figures that were available, but the expensive aftermarket prices kept me from going all-in - until I found someone selling blue/grey Batman for $130 and grabbed him. Now all bets are off. Really, really can't wait for them to announce Robin!
Currently resisting the urge to grab all the Return of Superman figures that are out after seeing Superboy and Eradicator are on the horizon. Not my favorite storyline ever but the figures do look amazing, and I love Superboy in his own right.
I really like the Suited Riddler but i wish his hair wasnt showing on his forehead with the hat on top, makes him look nice and soft. he's a villian for petes sake!
Give me HUSH Tim Drake Robin or give me death!
Who is Eradicator supposed to be? A weird version of Superman?
Who is Eradicator supposed to be? A weird version of Superman?
He’s one of the 4 replacement Supermen from the Death of Superman story (along with Steel, Superboy & Cyborg Superman)
Hes a Kryptonian AI system designed to protect anything from Krypton and when Superman is presumed dead attempts to take his place