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Magneto Was Right
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Bane? Bane.

Magneto Was Right
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I know the Mafex reveals weren’t actually at SDCC, but since they were shown at the same time, they were the highlight of SDCC weekend for me!


The Hush villains like Riddler and Scarecrow, the Superboy and Eradicator, and then Mafex going deep into Zack Snyder’s Justice League — so much to look forward to!

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Posted by: @tsi

These look pretty great!

Superboy on the other hand… the face looks like a rare miss for me. If there’s another head with his round shades I would be happy though.

The soft goods jacket also seems to be a little controversial, but I like it.

Also, I’m new here or i’d insert the image into the post. Need to brush up on my bbcode I haven’t posted on a forum in ages, but I’ve loved lurking here the last few years. 👍 


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Posted by: @dave

Need to brush up on my bbcode I haven’t posted on a forum in ages, but I’ve loved lurking here the last few years. 👍 

Heh, no bbcode here, just paste the link or upload and away you go. 


dave reacted
Amazing Spider-Man
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Hoping they tackle Blue Beetle.

Est. 2008
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Cool to see a rerelease of JL Batman. Cape looks way better than the first release. 

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I was a bit letdown by the Medicom exhibition.  We've essentially seen their whole product line up to halfway through 2025 and the one I think actually looked coolest was that goofy Leto Joker.

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Still enjoying the Hush line.  Hopeful they will still give us a proper Tim Drake Robin

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @os189

I was a bit letdown by the Medicom exhibition.  We've essentially seen their whole product line up to halfway through 2025 and the one I think actually looked coolest was that goofy Leto Joker.

I think they might start soliciting three figures a month. My guess is this exhibition will take us more or less into the next one.


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DC wise, I'm really looking forward to the DCEU stuff coming out. It looks like they used new molds for the Knightmare Batman and regular Batman figures. I really have my eye on the Knightmare 3-pack. I might skip the ZSJL Flash and pick the one from the Flash movie. I'll probably get the Black Adam stuff too but I hope they redo the Rock's headsculpts. I hope both movies get more expansion in these lines because I would love to have a Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Keaton Batman, and Calle's Supergirl to go in my collection.

I'm also tempted to go all in on the Return of Superman line after seeing Superboy. The Return and Death of Superman was one of the stories that got into comics when I was a kid so it holds a special place in my heart.

Magneto Was Right
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I'm not into the '90s Superman stuff or the movie figures, but they've put me in a tough spot with Batman's rogues' gallery.

I have a small DC display and only planned on buying a few villains: Joker, Bane, and Darkseid. If you had asked me six months ago, you probably could've got me to purchase a Two-Face without twisting my arm. Now that I see Scarecrow and Riddler, they're putting my resolve to the test. Batman: The Animated Series was my gateway into superheroes, so I'd feel foolish passing on more of the best Batman toys ever made.

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Posted by: @gpmartin414

I know the Mafex reveals weren’t actually at SDCC, but since they were shown at the same time, they were the highlight of SDCC weekend for me!

omegle ometv bazoocam

The Hush villains like Riddler and Scarecrow, the Superboy and Eradicator, and then Mafex going deep into Zack Snyder’s Justice League — so much to look forward to!

In fact, I have a small DC screen and the easiest way to design purchases for a couple of villains: Joker, Bane, and Darkseid. If you'd asked me six months ago, maybe you could have convinced me to buy Two-Face straight away. Now when I see the Scarecrow and the Riddler, they put my eyes to the test. Batman: The Animated Series was my entry point into the world of superheroes, so it was natural for me to miss out on the most entertaining Batman games of all time.


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Posted by: @bip

DC wise, I'm really looking forward to the DCEU stuff coming out. It looks like they used new molds for the Knightmare Batman and regular Batman figures. I really have my eye on the Knightmare 3-pack. I might skip the ZSJL Flash and pick the one from the Flash movie. I'll probably get the Black Adam stuff too but I hope they redo the Rock's headsculpts. I hope both movies get more expansion in these lines because I would love to have a Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Keaton Batman, and Calle's Supergirl to go in my collection.

I'm also tempted to go all in on the Return of Superman line after seeing Superboy. The Return and Death of Superman was one of the stories that got into comics when I was a kid so it holds a special place in my heart.


The Mafex Knightmare figures are a three pack?


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Yeah it says it on the placards next to the figures.

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