Really liking the looks of the Arkham Origins Batman.
That Batman for $70-$100 is fantastic. Mezco price but Hot toys sculpt and paint? Awesome. I can see the value in these. The Catwoman was incredible too.
I'd kill for this to be 1/12 in name only and actually for that AO Batman to be around 7" tall. I've waited for a proper figure of him since the game released.
I'm surprised Mcfarlane hasn't done the AO suit or the AO xe suit yet tbh. They've done all the other main batsuits from the Arkhamverse. Plus there's a direct sequel to AO coming out too.
I'd kill for this to be 1/12 in name only and actually for that AO Batman to be around 7" tall. I've waited for a proper figure of him since the game released.
Had a glimpse of these in person, they aren't 7" scale like McFarlane but they're definitely bigger than true 1/12. Similar to current Marvel Legends.
I'd kill for this to be 1/12 in name only and actually for that AO Batman to be around 7" tall. I've waited for a proper figure of him since the game released.
Had a glimpse of these in person, they aren't 7" scale like McFarlane but they're definitely bigger than true 1/12. Similar to current Marvel Legends.
Robo had posted on IG that the game characters are roughly 6.5" like Legends, and the live action characters would be "true" 1/12 scale like SWB.
Really digging the harpy, even though it’s not my usual kind of thing. I guess Tyris=Flare could use someone to beat up…
Was pleasantly surprised when I saw these photos last week. I think these look really good. I know it's not super uncommon, but I can't think of many "high end" 1:12 figures or lines. None that I've ever collected, anyway. I know Mezco has made some really fantastic 1:12 figures, but the soft goods often are what stop be from buying them. They're not quite as smooth or "tailor-made" as Hot Toys, so maybe this could strike a nice in-between?
The Arkham Origins Batman looks phenomenal; that's a game and Batsuit I don't think gets enough love. It's nice seeing them cover a pretty broad array from comics, games, and movies. There's definitely ones I'd love to see from the Arkham games and Nolan Trilogy (part of me is surprised they didn't start the line with a Ledger Joker over Hathaway Catwoman, but I'm not mad!). For the price, they're really not that bad, though I do wonder how many releases we'll realistically see in any given year, given the higher quality of the figures.