It's good to be be back...looking forward to hearing from everyone!
It was nice to see this up and running this morning. Any idea if it'll have Tapatalk integration?
Glad to see the forums are back! I was formerly youngbloodsc but decided to re-register with my Instagram profile.
Grateful for all the effort put into getting this back so quickly. Nice job!
We knew it was coming, but yeah, this was a nice surprise this morning.
Where’s Tommy? He was the integral member of the old forums.
Finally.....Nice to see everyone!
Well here we are again. Starting at day one. Time to get back to it.
Lot of familiar faces, I love it!
Welcome back everybody!
Been a while, everyone looks great! Except Ninjak over there, he's put on weight since high school.
<checks notes>
<not at high school reunion>
Ninjak, you look great buddy! Did you lose weight? Where's the bar?
Hiya kids, hiya hiya! As an OG Fwoosh member since 2004 I'm so glad my favorite forum is back up and running. Good to see youse all again!
Welcome back everybody!
Been a while, everyone looks great! Except Ninjak over there, he's put on weight since high school.
<checks notes>
<not at high school reunion>Ninjak, you look great buddy! Did you lose weight? Where's the bar?
Hey, give me break. I'm still trying to drop that holiday weight I put on… in 2015.