This is a licensed figure from a Chinese company, that has made some really incredible Buzz Lightyear figures based off the Lightyear movie.
It looks good. The problem with these Chinese companies is their estimated release dates. It's typically +6 months to a year. Still waiting for Muff Toys Protector of Metropolis & Manipple Superman suit.
They're doing a Kingdom Come Shazam to go along with Supes.
I'm hoping to get the Superman before ordering Shazam though.
Supes is getting an angry head now too.
I'm not usually into Mezco-type figures, but I might have to pick up this Superman and Captain Marvel.
I got. My Supes about a month ago. I guess the angry head comes with Captain Marvel? No space in the package for it, at least. It’s an excellent figure though. I love the shiny plastic under the cloth. Gives a great effect on the look of the figure.