I've got a set incoming from Shop, anybody else nab a set of these?
I'm expecting them to be insufficently-articced in the torso (superheroes should always have super-artic) and assume I'll use them all for customs
Hadn't ever seen them before now, but they look pretty cool! I see more and more of those Gashapon machines around me, so if I see one with these, I may try my luck.
Side note, but what's with all these Arkham Knight offerings that don't include Scarecrow? He's (arguably) the main villain of the game, and granted, he got more merch from this game than almost any other appearance, but even still, maybe only like half of the companies that put out products from the game included him in any way. My bias is showing, of course, but give my boy his due!
i saw these on instagram, they look very cool and they scale well with the spin master stuff.
they pose well not perfect, and you do need to put them together.
here are some youtube videos of some unbox and build
My 6pack case was waiting for me when I went home for lunch and I've opened the Batman Beyond figure. I've not played the game as I topped out with a PS2, so apologies if I don't recognize all these variants properly. Does anybody know if the blind boxes are labeled with the figure inside in any way, or maybe by position in the case box? I pulled BB out from the rear middle. I see the holo-foil sticker on the side of each blind box has different numbers, but I'm thinking those are serial numbers in sequence for the entire product line and not product codes indicating who's in what box. I'm wanting to open them in 'ascending' order with hopefully proper Batman the last one. Y'know, because I'm a dork.
Beyond is pretty much exactly what I was expecting. He's very nicely sculpted but the model kit plastic makes him feel insubstantial compared against traditional action figures; and I'm still yearning for a Batman figure that can get into Batman poses. This swivel waist business gotta get fixed. I'm happy with them unless something drastically fails as I open the other five; but I had always intended to use them as customizing fodder. Lemme get some better-articced figures to bash onto and hopefully I can finally have an 18th Batman I feel satisfied with after 45y of hankering.
Oh, for fuck sakes; I've been yearning for a good 18th Batman for 40years now; and I throw $45 at this case of 6 really just to get some good Batman bits to bash onto a better-articced buck (altho I'm happy to get the other 5 figures as well for the same purpose) and 2025's shitty luck holds true and I get the 'lucky' 1-out-of-48 cases Gold Batman that's uglier than Croc's mom. That's okay, universe; I don't mind wasting a bucket of paint to make a character look like the character; really, it's cool.
This universe is dildos.
Got a case of these a few weeks back on Ali Express.
First, as far as I can tell, if you order a case, you're guaranteed all of the different Batman figures, and one of the 2 chase figures (Translucent Arkham Knight Batman or the rarer Joker- I got the translucent one).
The figures are pretty easy to assemble, and have a surprisingly decent range of motion, particularly for such small figures. If they had any kind of ab crunch, they would be pretty close to perfect.
My favorite is the Bronze Age/70's Batman, but the Dark Knight and BVS ones are pretty nice too. Recommended.
I got the Wave 1 case while I believe you got the Wave 1.5 case. One wonders who could be in Wave 2. Does anyone know if F5 has an internet presence, and do they know a ball waist would make these so much better?
The F5 Red Hood head, vest, thighpads, and calves bashed onto an MTF Tshirt buck: