Lets see your Wishlist(s)
- Dr. Mid-Nite (Most wanted figure from the list)
- Mister Mxyzptlk
- Bat mite
- Plastic Man
- Bat Hound
- Royal Flush Gang
- Jonah Hexxx
- El Dorado
- The Spectre
Good News - Mr. Mxyptlk is coming!
Bad News - he's a vampire.
I think with McFarlane I am more closely tied into the SPAWN line and want some good versions of the titular character along with Curse, Freak, Angel Soldiers and some new monsters. Then Kickstarter remasters of the originals.
For DC I am less specific and kinda just interested in what he does. Page Punchers is the most interesting thing to me and is totally unpredictable. But....based on patterns I see...would be interested in
(All the above from new52's Trinity War)
Bat Thrasher
Orion (classic)
Deadshot (Rebirth)
I love horror/fantasy stuff and assume Todd was in the meeting room when Knight Terrors was approved. Give me a set of those please.
1. Collector Edition Christopher Reeve Superman with cloth cape, smiling head, fists + flying hands
2. Megafig comic Darkseid
3. Brainiac
4. BvS Ben Affleck Batman original suit or Justice League suit
5. Page Punchers Green Lantern wave
6. Two-Face
7. BvS/Justice League Batmobile
Missed opportunity- Gold Label Henry Cavill Superman from Black Adam cameo with curl, brighter blue suit
I really only go to McFarlane DC Multiverse for the bigger figures, so most of what I want from them stuff I can put in displays with my 6 inch stuff, but there's still some normal sized characters I still really want. From McFarlane, I want:
- Darkseid (classic)
- Killer Croc (Hush or modern)
- Gorilla Grod (classic or modern)
- Arkillo
- Kilowog
- Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
- The Flash (Wally West in his classic Flash suit, with darker red, whited out eyes, three-pronged symbol and the regular shaped mask)
- Wildcat
- Ravager (Rose Wilson in her Rebirth design)
- Flatline
My main DC line is Mafex. I just prefer the articulation and scale on them. That and they seem to focus on finishing individual storylines pretty well, at least for the comic figures. For Mafex, I want:
- The Flash (Wally West in his classic Flash suit, with darker red, whited out eyes, three-pronged symbol and the regular shaped mask)
- Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
- Red Hood (Jason Todd's initial look, without a mouth on the helmet)
- Robin (Damian Wayne in his first look)
- Batman (Year One suit, with a wired but less insane cape than what the Hush one has)
- The Flash (Jay Garrick's modern but pre-Flashpoint look)
- The Flash (Barry Allen's classic look with the simpler belt and winged boots)
- Wonder Woman (either classic or Rebirth)
- Robin (Tim Drake in his 90s costume)
- Impulse (Bart's 90s look)
I would like to see figures of
Power Girl - in Superman Family Jacket and Classic Cape variant.
Punchline - Imaginext, Spin Master Batman, Page Punchers, DC Multiverse, Super Powers
Fire & Ice - DC Multiverse 2-pack
Rocket Red Brigade Trooper - done in normal height scale and not oversized.
Hmm . . .
-1st appearance Joker / black suit Alex Ross style Gold Label variant
-1st appearance Batman /‘tec 31 gun/long gloves Gold Label variant
-Darkseid classic Kirby / Super Powers Gold Label variant [megafig]
-Parademons classic Kirby / Super Powers Gold Label variant
- Two-Face classic green face, orange/purple suit / modern black/white suit, “realistic burn” face Gold Label variant
- Poison Ivy classic natural skin/tights / modern “Hush”-style green skin bare legs Gold Label variant
- Penguin black/grey tuxedo / Super Powers Gold Label variant
- Brainiac 80s Robot / Red Son Gold Label variant
- AzBats 2nd armor blue / red final armor Gold Label variant
- Hugo Strange lab coat / golden age morning coat Gold Label variant
- Killer Croc Knightfall / classic 80s Gold Label variant [NOT a megafig]
- Black Canary 70s classic / Birds of Prey Gail Simone full zip-up leotard Gold Label variant
- Huntress Hush / classic Earth 2 Gold Label variant
- Superman classic Earth 2 / Fleischer Studios deco Gold Label varaint
- Harley Quinn classic / unmasked Gold Label variant
- Jonah Hex hat/short jacket / long coat/no-hat head Gold Label variant
- The Question long coat / short jacket “Charlton” Gold Label variant
- Green Arrow 70s / Longbow Hunters Gold Label variant
- Kite Man [megafig]
- Lex Luthor 80s Lex-o-suit / Orange Lantern Gold Label variant
- Catwoman golden age gown / “the Cat” first appearance Gold Label variant
- Batman: Red Rain [megafig]
- Nightwing first appearance/ Knightfall Gold Label variant
- Scarecrow classic / Alex Ross “Justice” Gold Label variant
- Bane Secret Six / unmasked Gold Label variant [NOT a megafig]
- Solomon Grundy classic / modern shoeless enraged face Gold Label variant [megafig]
- Deadshot 70s / Rebirth Gold Label variant
- Cyborg Superman Reign of the Supermen / Sinestro Corps Gold Label variant
Yowza. I should stop.
Lot of good suggestions here! I need to see the Superman Page Punchers series first, but if I like it like I've liked all prior waves then yes I am in for Green Lantern next as well!
More First Appearance and Knightfall are good as well.
For McFarlane, I'm more interested in some of the side lines than the regular at this point. Although I'm hoping for a Metamorpho and Katana from the main line one of these days.
For Super Powers, I'm hoping for (all bronze age from the original Super Powers era):
- Riddler
- Two-Face
- Catwoman
- Man-Bat
- Batgirl
- Metamorpho
- Halo
- Black Lightning
- Geo-Force
- Katana
Batman '66:
- Bookworm
- False Face
- Commissioner Gordon
- Chief O'Hara
- Shame
- Clock King
- Archer
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Aunt Harriet
- Bruce Wayne
- Dick Grayson
- Barbara Gordon
Batman: The Animated Series:
- Bruce Wayne
- Red Claw
- Clock King
- Ninja
- Maxie Zeus
- Hugo Strange
- TNBA Penguin
- TNBA Clayface
- TNBA Mad Hatter
- BTAS Batboat
I primarily collect 1/12th (6") and sometimes 1/10th (7"). The vast majority of my DC Collection is from the Mattel 6" line with characters from DC Direct / DC Collectibles or McFarlane splattered in if Mattel never made them. With that being said, I feel like I've got almost every character I could ever want from DC. Unlike Marvel where I cold easily name 100+ never made characters that I still really want ---- for DC, there's only four I can think of off the top of my head and I'd strongly prefer that they were 6" scale figures:
Jonathan (Pa) Kent
Martha (Ma) Kent
Amanda Waller
Iris Allen West
I have at least one version of every DC character ever made over the last 25 years from any of Mattel/DCD/McFarlane so there's just not really much missing for me at this point. AND I wouldn't necessarily want these civilian characters made in the 7" scale to tower over the majority of my 6" figures, though - so I'll probably just never have them.
I'd like to see some more Morrison JLA. I'm tempted to get the Batman/Spawn set just because Batman looks Porter-esque.
-Batman (Grayson)
-Flash (90s Wally)
-Wild Dog
-Blue Devil
-Professor Pyg
-Simon Dark
-Tally Man
-Robin (Hush Tim Drake)
-Superman (Long Hair 90s)
-Two-Face (Knightfall)
-Nightwing (Knightfall)
-Mad Hatter (Knightfall)
-Mongul (Death/Return of Superman)
-Penguin (Knightfall)
-Ventriloquist (Knightfall)
-Killer Croc (Hush)
-Doomsday (Death of Superman)
I just wished they released more female characters. It's ridiculous at this point how little female characters they release compared to the huge amount of Batman and Superman variants.
I want them all and I want lots of variations from:
Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Fire, Ice, Maxima, Zaranna, Talia...
I completely lost interest in DC toys since they took over the license. Also because I think the proportions are super weird on the figures. Not a fan.
I mean... SO many. A few in particular I would love to see:
Classic Vigilante
Silver Banshee
Bronze Tiger
Mr. Terrific
Atom Smasher (comic)
Dr. Mid-Nite
Commander Steel
Tarantula (circa All-Star Squadron)
Amazing Man
Johnny Quick
Liberty Belle
Atom (Al Pratt)
Hourman I
Sandman (Dodds)
Silver Scarab
Red Tornado
I could go on and on and on...
Imagine if they ever did a Wild Dog figure 😱 😱 😱