Does anyone know someone who is doing custom or castings to complete the Giganta figure? Or parts from a Barbie or something that could work? Like many, I could never get the Gentleman Ghost that came with the head and pelvis, but would like to finally complete the figure. Thanks.
I've been looking into tracking down a shiny DCUC Hal Jordan ... only it seems like there are two releases of the same figure: one which was a TRU exclusive and another which wasn't, from Wave 20. The TRU exclusive comes with a lantern and stand, and the other with nothing.
Are these the same exact figure? How many versions were released with shiny paint..? Help!
The only shiny Hal Jordan I remembered was the Wave 20 "all star" with no lantern or stand. Apparently there was a TRU exclusive release with the 75 Years of Super Power branding that also had the shiny paint that I was not aware of.
That Hal Jordan figure was released ALOT. GL 5 pack, 2 pack with Sinestro, 2 pack with Abin Sur, 2-pack with Zodac, Wave 3, Wave 20 All Star, 75 Year Super Power packaging, repainted as the Riddler
I've been looking into tracking down a shiny DCUC Hal Jordan ... only it seems like there are two releases of the same figure: one which was a TRU exclusive and another which wasn't, from Wave 20. The TRU exclusive comes with a lantern and stand, and the other with nothing.
Are these the same exact figure? How many versions were released with shiny paint..? Help!
Both of these have shinny green and both are TRU exclusives.
Hal/Sinestro 2 pack came with a good spread of green and yellow lantern effects and a half-n-half lantern. A more "classic" look with the green extending around the waist area. Pupils painted into the eyes.
75 years Hal with a standard issue green lantern. A more "modern" look with the green stopping at the waist. Has whited out eyes.
That website I linked is a good DCUC resource.
I collect 1:10, which is why I was buying the DC Direct and DCC stuff while DCUC was pumping out figures. I picked up some of the female characters because they more-or-less worked in the displays, but any characters that were canonically tall I skipped. The BAFs though, were excellent. I still have Grodd in my display, and I don't think I'll ever take him out. They nailed the attitude and look of him IMO, and I like that he doesn't have a bunch of armor (I know he wears it now, but I like him without it). Ultra Humanite is the other BAF I have and he's absolutely perfect.
This thread seems sorely lacking in pics, so I thought I’d share a few of mine from back in the day.
TIL there is a DCUC thread. I dropped DC collecting when he-who-shall-not-be-named got the license so I've never had a reason to come in here until I saw this thread on the main page.
DCUC was a fun and interesting ride for me. I have never been into DC as a property. Obviously I knew Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc, but had never read a comic or even watched any of the movies. I was a Marvel fan boy through and through but one day in Walmart I saw the wave 2 Flash figure posed running in the box and thought it was so cool, so I bought him.
I quickly played catch up and then never missed a release, even through the monthly online release phase. I love the colorful little world that I have built and even bought the DC Encyclopedia so I could learn about the characters. Some of them still give me fits when I take them all down to dust because I can't remember who some should be displayed with, or even their names to be able to look them up.
I enjoyed building out this world like I did with Hasbro's Marvel Legends and as soon as Mattel lost the license and it was announced that the new ones were in a different scale, I knew I was out.
For me DCUC is basically the real Super Powers 2.0. Sure the line had its fair share of problems like any other line, but for me the pluses outweighed the minuses. The line definitely could have benefited updating the artic/sculpts and rereleasing older releases with the updates like how Marvel Legends has been doing. And even getting to modern interpretations of the characters. Alas, the decisions at the top just doomed this line. Would love to see a continuation of the line someday and it does not need to be by Matty.
Love all these pictures! Keep 'em coming!
The last two years have soured me on McFarlane for good. I've sold a lot of my McFarlane DCM figures and am looking to get rid of a few more. My local toy shop owner prefers MIB figures, so I'll have to try to unload my opened figures online or invest in some clamshells to make them more shelf-friendly.
As for DCUC, I've never moved on and while my collection was focused on Superman and Batman, I also have a complete SA/BA League and an almost complete Morrison JLA. I just need to get another WW and MM to complete the JLA. I also recently acquired an MOC Superman Blue, which arrived just a few days before McFarlane's was revealed. I'm on the hunt for a Superman Red and a John Stewart to go with my modern All-Stars Hal and Guy.
At the end of the day, DCUC still fulfills my DC collecting needs in ways I don't think McFarlane ever will. It's a shame he's also running DC Collectables, as I collected a lot of their figures alongside DCUC.
Loving these photos. I’ll add a few. I’m happy to collect the 7 main 90s JLA members from McFarlane, plus Plastic Man, Steel, Huntress if she’s released…but otherwise been selling them off to fund DCUC figures. Should have more than enough from selling McF Metal figures and the Crime Syndicate to grab a DCD earth 2 Supes/Robin/Huntress for the JSA display, and a couple Legion of Doom figures.
I just love looking at these on my shelf. The completeness and consistency of the figures…we may never have another line quite like it despite its flaws.
Here are links to a couple of my personal favorite comics I did utilizing a lot of DCUC figures. The first one is a JLI story that used to be my favorite comic I ever did for a while.
Coolness - how many "issues" did you make?