I'll be honest, I also find majority of McF figures to be lanky & terribly proportioned - with the exception of those 2 figures (which I own)! It's dumb how most McF figs can't even do a crouching pose even with all that articulation due to that diaper & hip design, just renders the rest of leg's articulation near useless.
Unlike DCUC, I've still yet to see any McF DC collection displays that actually look aesthetically pleasing. If I saw photos of these back in 2019, I would've never guessed these gangly figures were produced in 2023.
Sigh I wonder what DC Icons could've been today if it never died.
Sigh I wonder what DC Icons could've been today if it never died.
It's such a shame about that line. But it was DC Collectibles, so it never stood any chance.
And I like the way most of the figures have an individual uniqueness to them. Legends used to be that way in the early days, but now they have more of an assembly line feel to them. (Sort of like DCUC used to be). Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing, but it gets a little predictable and boring after a few years. I don’t even bother watching reviews for most Marvel Legends figures anymore because I already know exactly what I’m getting. “Oh, that’s the Sunfire body, or the Vulcan body, or the Bucky Cap body with a different head and costume details.
You nailed the parallels between Marvel and DC figures for the last 20 years.
When a big company has the license (Mattel or Hasbro) DC and ML figures get the "cookie cutter" treatment. Lots of reuse, less new sculpting.
When a smaller company has the license (McFarlane or Toybiz) you get more unique sculpt, less reuse, but proportioning might get wonky.
Which is better? That's up to the buyer. I still love TB ML to this day and I see a lot of similarity in what Todd is doing with DC. To a certain extent I like the uniformity of a Mattel or Hasbro line, but on the other hand, it can quickly become a lot of the "same old, same old".
Very similar indeed, just like how McF figures don’t even scale within their own line.
Reusing bodies allows me to know exactly what I’m getting so I can pre-order in time & not deal with aftermarket. With McF, I can’t do that with until I see a video review first due to their inconsistency. I consider myself lucky going in with a blind pre-order on Bane.
Sigh I wonder what DC Icons could've been today if it never died.
I've thought about that too. A deep Icons line would have been great, despite some of the issues (loose AF joints etc). The scale and character selection was nice while it lasted.
This thread needs visuals.
i totally agree, superb collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone have a Lightray that has the white that has yellowed over time? Mine did this em several years ago. Never seen a figure do this before. I was at a toy store a month back and they had a Lightray/Orion 2 pack still on card that had also yellowed. I guess this happens to all of them.
Anyone have a Lightray that has the white that has yellowed over time? Mine did this em several years ago. Never seen a figure do this before. I was at a toy store a month back and they had a Lightray/Orion 2 pack still on card that had also yellowed. I guess this happens to all of them.
To confuse things, I have one that did, and one that didn't.
I still display mine. About two 8' long shelves worth. I still think the line is pretty great. Passed on most the modern characters but display all the Silver and Bronze Age characters. Mostly complete I'd think. I flesh out the ranks with DCD 6" characters they never made; The Shade, Vandal Savage, Mera, etc. I preferred the DCD teen sized Legion to the DCUC young adult versions and a few Multiverse characters;Clayface & Poison Ivy for example. The biggest regrets of the line is that Barda was so small and that they never got to Granny Goodness, The Trickster, Mr Freeze, the Mad Hatter and a few others. I need to finish my 6" Mr Freeze custom to put in the shelf that I've been working on for a year.
It's still my favorite toy line. It delivered pretty much everything I wanted from a DC line in terms of design and character selection. McFarlane, on the other hand, is pretty much everything that I don't want in a toy line. Oh well, it's nice to have one part of my display that is basically static and doesn't need to be reset every few months with new figures.
I can't help but look at what Mattel has done with their WWE figures and think what might have been if they still had the DC license. I just image what an Ultimate Edition Batman would look like and I get a little sad.
Thank you. These are my favs even though I have the mego reproductions and the McF super powers. I also have the baw haw haw league but no space for them at this time.
I've been struggling with this as well. I was a comic book kid too. Always favoring Marvel but my late Father was a huge DC fan. As I got older I would buy Marvel Comics and He, DC Comics and we would read each others books. Eventually I got into the action figure stuff. I have a nearly complete line of DCUCs from wave 1-20 Except Artemis WW, Gentleman Ghost, Classic Dr. Fate and All of Wave 17 except Star Sapphire. I also have most of the Subs and a lot of others like Mattel DC Superheroes line, Batman Legacy, Unlimited, All Stars, Multiverse. A lot of Variants are still unopened, a lot of the later stuff is unopened. I don't have a lot of space anymore and display all the Hasbro ML now. I sold off my extensive Toy Biz ML and DC Direct stuff years ago. I also sold anything movie related ML and DC. I only buy ML stuff that's on the retro classic type design now. I'm 50 and have 3 teenagers and my basement was just refinished and I was trying to get a built-in wall shelf done to display a lot more figures but it wasn't in the budget. DC stuff is all bubble wrapped in boxes. The unopened stuff is starting to show a lot of wear. So I struggle with what to do. My wife says I take up too much room with my action figure boxes as well as my childhood 80's toys I still have (GI Joe: Real American Hero, Transformers). I love looking at them all. What to do, What to do. Always feel bad that most of my stuff is in boxes, especially DCUCs.