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Posted by: @spongyblue

Word. And Killer Moth.


Yes, yes you keep him as well.


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DC Universe Classics will always be the ultimate action figure line for me. I loved the aesthetic, the toyetic feel and the character selection. There were plenty of must haves that never made it and plenty of corners cut along the way but despite it all the waves were just fun. 

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Marvel Legends was the evolution of the Spiderman Classics line expanded to the rest of the Marvel Universe. DCUC was the evolution of the DC Superheroes line that started as Batman only with the Hush Comics (also like early Marvel Legends), Then Batman and Superman alternating waves, to the entire DC Universe and even grew to include a Build A Figure concept they called Collect and connect. How much more Marvel Legendsish could it get than that? Anyway that's my analysis, not so much opinion but a conclusion based on the facts.

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Posted by: @badguy543


Marvel Legends was the evolution of the Spiderman Classics line expanded to the rest of the Marvel Universe. DCUC was the evolution of the DC Superheroes line that started as Batman only with the Hush Comics (also like early Marvel Legends), Then Batman and Superman alternating waves, to the entire DC Universe and even grew to include a Build A Figure concept they called Collect and connect. How much more Marvel Legendsish could it get than that? Anyway that's my analysis, not so much opinion but a conclusion based on the facts.


Missed my point


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I love my DCUC figures and I hope I don't ever have to get rid of them. I'd sell off every Marvel figure in my collection before I thought once about getting rid of Doomsday, Plastic Man, or some other really iconic characters.

On the one hand, they stuck with those 4H sculpts for way too long.

On the other, the uniformity of these looks outstanding on display. The JSA from this set is easily the crown jewel of that collection for me. I think I'll go stare lovingly at them right now...

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I disagree BUT dont wanna veer off the topic at hand 🤐 

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I'm confused about what you disagree with...


Anyway,  I sit her lovingly enjoying my DCUC shelves every single day.    Someday soon I'll get back to customizing my DCUc to finish up the Legion, Teen Titans, JSA and JLA and their villain teams   🙂

Marvel Legends Man
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I'm a newer collector, and was always more Marvel than DC...but I am a fan of both (especially Batman). Since I started collecting figures (only 1/12), I have gone back and picked up probably 3/4 of all of the DC Icons, have a number of Mafex DC figures, and even a couple of McFarlane figures of larger characters that can be fudged into a 1/12 scale.

But I've also picked up a handful of DCUC figures and...gasp...I display them mixed in with my Icons, Mafex and Marvel (mostly Legends) 1/12 collection.

I'm a sucker for Bane, and the DCUC Bane build a figure is the best looking Bane figure ever made, IMO. I'm excited about the Mafex Knightfall Bane, but I'm hoping I can fit the DCUC Bane head on it. That head sculpt is amazing.

My other favorite, DCUC Deadshot, is a great classoc representation of one of my favorite characters.

The articulation is obviously outdated, but I often get the itch to pick up other DCUC figures.


bananaman reacted
Est. 2008
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Good memories of this line. I remember being able to find some of the DC Superheroes figures at HEB toward the end of the line (Steel, OWAW Superman, purple Bizarro, etc.)

Picking up the wave one Batman at a local comic shop soon after was surreal. Good times. I always liked the DCUC packaging, too. 

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bananaman and Anonymous reacted
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For all the issues with this line, I still have so many of them on display, including The Question on a shelf at work. Including the follow-up Multiverse line, it got me great figures of so many characters I love. And I have tons of customs, including a huge Suicide Squad lineup. It's definitely a product of its era, but it was pretty great.

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When it was still active, I was a big fan of the DCUC line, but personally it always left me wanting something. I don't think one of them was ever "my favorite action figure." That said I had a ton of them (well into triple digits), second only to Marvel Legends. But I have since sold off almost my entire collection of Mattel DC figures. I still have a few of the later figures from their Multiverse line like Nightwing, Katana and Alfred (and maybe a couple of others). I kept those because they actually scale pretty well with the McFarlane Multiverse figures. I also kept some of the civilian figures that I can still use with my 6-inch Marvel Legends.

I always wondered why Mattel never really put more effort into improving the articulation of the DCUC line. Marvel Legends figures were 10 times more posable. They had been using double joints, ball joints and ankle rockers for years, while Mattel was stuck in the 90's when it came to articulation. If they had figures (like Batman) that could actually achieve a decent pose, it would have gone a long way toward my enjoyment of the line. It seems near the end, they actually started to try to add some articulation to their figures, but by then it was too little, too late, and they lost the license to McFarlane.

Ironically, McFarlane DC Multiverse has become my favorite action figure line, even surpassing Marvel Legends.

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Posted by: @ninjak

Ironically, McFarlane DC Multiverse has become my favorite action figure line, even surpassing Marvel Legends.


I honestly can't understand it.   So many of those McFarlane figures have such long legs and tiny heads - the proportions are often so wonky ... like I can understand liking the character selection but liking the figures more than Legends seems insane to me.


JOEL aka JoMiHa
Lover of D-List Characters
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I have a healthy (or unhealthy, depending on how you look at it) collection of MCF figures, but I do admit the wonky proportions bother me. It's odd that the heads are the same size as the heads on your average 6" Marvel Legend.

I sold off my DCUC collection years ago. I loved the character selection and the classic representation, but they now seem outdated to me. The funky articulation and heaaaaaaaaavy reuse of the same 4H body weren't great.

All said and done, I would love to see another DC line with the same scope and scale as the DCUC line someday. Not sure that will happen. And for that reason, I do miss DCUC. 

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Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @ninjak

Ironically, McFarlane DC Multiverse has become my favorite action figure line, even surpassing Marvel Legends.


I honestly can't understand it.   So many of those McFarlane figures have such long legs and tiny heads - the proportions are often so wonky ... like I can understand liking the character selection but liking the figures more than Legends seems insane to me.


What's to understand? People have different tastes. Basically I buy what I like as long as it looks cool to me. And a lot of the McFarlane DC figures look totally badass.

Todd is an artist and a lot of the Multiverse figures are based on the work of other comic artists. I like that.

And I like the way most of the figures have an individual uniqueness to them. Legends used to be that way in the early days, but now they have more of an assembly line feel to them. (Sort of like DCUC used to be). Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing, but it gets a little predictable and boring after a few years. I don’t even bother watching reviews for most Marvel Legends figures anymore because I already know exactly what I’m getting. “Oh, that’s the Sunfire body, or the Vulcan body, or the Bucky Cap body with a different head and costume details."

I don’t think anyone can argue that the sculpting, the details, and the paint on the McFarlane DC figures is far and above Marvel Legends standards. So I don’t think it’s really all that “insane” that I like something that’s not just the same old same old cookie cutter action figures we’ve been getting for the last 20 years or so (I even like the scale). And I’m obviously not alone since Multiverse is like the #1 selling action figure line these days. So I guess there's a lot of other “crazy” people like me out there.

I mean yeah. These figures sure do look "wonky".


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Nope - you're insane and McFarlane figures stink   😀

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