I was hoping they wouldn't go so heavy on the shading with Two-Face. Oh well.
Why the frak does "lightning strike" Batman (so useless) come with gun hands? And by guns hands I mean "finger guns" but with a sight at the end of the "barrel." It's not a reuse of the robot Joker hands. I don't recall ever seeing this part before. I don't understand why this is included, more so if it's a newly-made part.
They are from Hardac. I made the same complaint about poor accessory choices a few post up.
I'm going to try my hand at removing the lightning pattern from the Lightning Strike Batman, then I'll have a basic black version of Animated Batman, sorta like an animated Keaton suit of sorts. Not accurate but at least without the white camo patches.
The Hardac fingers I'll just save for Hardac when I get him eventually.
I got Two-Face today and...yeah, I don't know. I missed out on the old one and the aftermarket prices are insane. The shading is pretty bad. The paint all together is actually pretty bad. The hands are all cast in white plastic and painted, but the hinges aren't fully painted. Same for the back of the neck. It's also just not particularly sharp on the face. Mostly though, I'm bummed he only comes with a bundle of dynamite. I wasn't expecting the gun because of DC's attitude towards realistic firearms with their figures, but why not include the coin? It's another instance where I wish they would spend a little money on doing some new tools like a hand with the coin molded in and if they could have found a way to simulate the other hand being in a jacket pocket that would have been cool. I'll have to see if I want to go third party for a tommy gun.
I'm having luck removing TwoFace's grey shading on the white site of his suit using non-acetone nail polish remover. I only take a little bit off at a time and run it under cold water to keep it from eating any plastic. Robo showed the wet paper towel method but I don't want to risk smearing nearby paint that may touch in places like the arm cuff etc. But I've gotten the grey shading off his lapel area and it looks much better just solid white. It'll take time, but eventually I'll have the TwoFace I want.
And you'd think cartoon guns would fly under the radar of DC considering how Mr Freeze's gun and Firefly's gun are designed. It's not like that tommy gun from the original DC Collectibles line was that realistic, but they're fine with giving you a cartoon explosive device (which I don't remember TwoFace ever using in any frequency).
I'm more miffed about Poison Ivy still looking like a Kewpie doll in the next wave. That face looks horrible!
I got Joker in over the weekend. This is a junky toy, but I'm a sucker for Christmas stuff and regretted not getting one of the original releases (even though I recall him being on sale and everything for awhile, stupid me). He's got a nice black blob of paint on his chin that I'll have to try and remove, It's not super visible from the front, but still annoying. It's a stupid, silly, Christmas decoration so it will be fine for that. I should probably quit this line now since I don't think they're very good. I have Freeze, Two-Face, Christmas Joker, and Scarecrow which is a solid assortment of the most memorable villains from the show, plus I have Batman from The Adventure Continues and Gray Ghost to go along with the Batcycle and Batmobile. I'm struggling to think of any other strong releases in the DCD line that I passed on that I'd want to grab with cel-shading. Clayface was okay, but I feel like he'll look even more like the Mighty Poo once Todd gets ahold of him.
Got my Maxie Zeus head, arms, and legs. Waiting on the torso for one of the characters I've wanted most since the day his original episode aired. I'd love a comic Maxie Zeus one of these days, too. Ever since his appearances in the Knightfall era and in Batman and the Outsiders, I've been sold on him.
Can't wait for Bruce in the suit! Still holding out hope for a full wave of new characters. My current picks:
Red Claw, Ninja, Hugo Strange, Clock King, with a BAF Werewolf. Doubt they'd do a wave of such relatively unknowns, but it's be a great last gasp for the series and longtime fans.
For The New Adventures, I really only need Penguin, but I wouldn't turn away other characters like Clayface or Calendar Girl.
Not sure if this is the correct thread for this, but has anybody managed to get the Batman Beyond translucent figure from Target? I've heard that it comes in a case of six, but I haven't seen anything to confirm it. Just curious if it's just one figure or if it's actually a case of them.
@sephiroth61787 The sporadic sitings I've read didn't mention finding more than one. I've haven't seen any myself, and never expect to, sadly. Good luck with your search!
And you'd think cartoon guns would fly under the radar of DC considering how Mr Freeze's gun and Firefly's gun are designed. It's not like that tommy gun from the original DC Collectibles line was that realistic, but they're fine with giving you a cartoon explosive device (which I don't remember TwoFace ever using in any frequency).
The new BVS two pack with Nightmare Batman and armored Batman is loaded with realistic looking guns so I really don't know what the excuse is anymore.
I got Joker in over the weekend. This is a junky toy, but I'm a sucker for Christmas stuff and regretted not getting one of the original releases (even though I recall him being on sale and everything for awhile, stupid me). He's got a nice black blob of paint on his chin that I'll have to try and remove, It's not super visible from the front, but still annoying. It's a stupid, silly, Christmas decoration so it will be fine for that. I should probably quit this line now since I don't think they're very good. I have Freeze, Two-Face, Christmas Joker, and Scarecrow which is a solid assortment of the most memorable villains from the show, plus I have Batman from The Adventure Continues and Gray Ghost to go along with the Batcycle and Batmobile. I'm struggling to think of any other strong releases in the DCD line that I passed on that I'd want to grab with cel-shading. Clayface was okay, but I feel like he'll look even more like the Mighty Poo once Todd gets ahold of him.
The sad fact is this line wasn't the greatest even when DC Direct did them. They LOOK spot on, but they are absolutely no fun to play around with and try to pose. I've never owned a Todd version of one of these, but I guess I'm about to find out because my Christmas Joker arrived yesterday. The only one I half-way cared about that I didn't get back when DCD did them. It's strictly a Christmas decoration so I'm not even in a hurry to open him.
@yojoebro82 but don't you know Halloween was 2 days ago, that means you are now 2 days late getting your Christmas decorations up.
Nah, I'm not Target 🙂@yojoebro82 but don't you know Halloween was 2 days ago, that means you are now 2 days late getting your Christmas decorations up.
I opened my Christmas Joker. A very adequate release. The articulation is what I expected (minimal), the cell shading is one of the less offensive efforts I've seen from this line, you really don't notice it too much. Yeah, he's just going to stand around at Christmas time. Then back to the box like the rest of the Christmas decorations. I'm indifferent. Carry on.
@sephiroth61787 The sporadic sitings I've read didn't mention finding more than one. I've haven't seen any myself, and never expect to, sadly. Good luck with your search!
Someone on Twitter mentioned finding a case of them about a few weeks ago. They initially said there were multiple on the peg and then they said there were about 6. Couldn't tell from the photo they took. I think this has been handled a little weird (especially since it's grouped with other items under the item's DPCI #). Hopefully, it's just a distribution issue and Target simply hasn't sent all of them to stores yet.
Thank you for taking the time to respond! I'll be patient and keep an eye out in the meantime.