Looks like McFarlane is continuing the BTAS DC Direct line with a BAF wave with a bunch of re releases (although Robin seems to have enhanced articulation) and BAF Condiment King?
Re releasing the Batcycle too?
I've seen rumors of a BTAS Alfred release?
If there's a way to screw it up, trust in that todd will find a way to fxck it up
I’m not a big fan of Pops but the bitty Pops got me. I bought 6 packs of the various Batman series to try and get all the chase pops
has anyone seen these in store yet? boston area still full of condiment king wave
Anyone tried removing the cel shading from the McFarlane Batman the Animated Series figures yet?
I can't answer for any other characters, but I just bought the Blind as a Bat Batman and successfully removed the cel-shading using Winsor and Newton Brush Cleaner. Probably the easiest paint I've ever removed.
Would anyone be up for a wave of Caped Crusader figures? I'd love them, especially if done to match the DCD figures.
Definitely and was thinking the same thing myself.
I binged Batman:Caped Crusader and absolutely loved it.
The first wave could consist of Batman, Catwoman, Harley in costume, Harvey Dent (post acid).
Target no longer shows the Maxie Zeus wave as in stock and those that already ordered it are now seeing "Backordered" so watch for those 1am approvals!
@jtmarsh were they ever actually in stock? I just happened to be going through my Target app this weekend and saw the backordered designation on my order for Two-Face and Joker and found that odd. They did the same thing to me the only other time I preordered anything from this line and I just ended up getting them in store and canceling the preorder.
if anyones still looking for the jokermobile, its half price on the website... only 29.99
im glad i waited
Target emailed saying my Christmas Joker figure is delayed until Oct 22. The only month out of the year that I really worry about owning this guy is December, outside of that, he's out of mind. So if Target does what Target does I'm not going to get too upset.
Batgirl is preparing to ship for me, the other three are also delayed until 10/22. Doesn’t look like I need to approve the delay, so that is good.
@jtmarsh were they ever actually in stock? I just happened to be going through my Target app this weekend and saw the backordered designation on my order for Two-Face and Joker and found that odd. They did the same thing to me the only other time I preordered anything from this line and I just ended up getting them in store and canceling the preorder.
Actually they had a period where they were online for about a week along with the Lockup wave and both waves were available. That window seems to have closed now, but I'd imagine they probably pop back up as the Lockup wave did after the initial sellout. Plus I don't think Lightning Batman / Batgirl / Christmas Joker are going to be more popular than the Lockup wave figures overall. Two Face might be the only one hard to find, but Scarecrow and Riddler rereleases were available for a while, and I even saw them in person in the aisles a few times. My whole order for this wave went to 10/22, and I was up @ 6am ordering at first light.
I'm hopeful that when they rerelease TwoFace they give him a better set of heads, as I was never pleased with how he looked. I've resigned myself to the fact that the Penguin probably will just get a no frills straight rerelease and looks as inaccurate face-wise as the last one.
I ordered my pair when they went up right away too so it's definitely annoying if Target was shipping in-stock orders before fulfilling preorders. Both Walmart and Target are terrible at handling preorders. They must divert stock or something to different departments in the shipping process which does that, or only certain warehouses handle preorders. Or they're just plain greedy and view the preorders as already sold and want to get as many new orders in as possible. Either way, I'm pretty much fully expecting to see these on the pegs before my preorders are fulfilled.
Went to Target today and they had the BTAS Batmobile on sale for 50% off. I should have looked around for a toy to get one of my kids to activate that additional 10 bucks off of $40, but I couldn't leave that Batmobile on the shelf for that price. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it though since it's so damn big. Now I'm debating getting the Batman and Robin from the Condiment King wave to stick in there.
Did we lose a bunch of posts in this thread? I was shocked to see only 8.
After getting the Batmobile for cheap, I realized I needed a Batman with a cloth cape to fit inside, so I went and bought the wave 1 Batman a few days later. At that point, I already had 3/4s of the first wave so I figured I might as well finish Condiment King and stick a Robin on the Batmobile with Batman so when I saw a lone Robin over the weekend at Target I picked him up too. Clever Target, suckering me in with a 40 dollar Batmobile that just lead to me dropping another 60 on figures I never planned on buying. It's too bad the Robin figure is pretty bad, and Batman isn't much better. Condiment King looks pretty cool, but as many said back when this line was first released, his hips are very loose and that backpack creates balancing issues. He also looks like he's in his own scale because he is way too big. It's like he's 1:10 and the rest of the line is 1:12.
I managed to snag a Batman Beyond at Walmart the other day. He was standing on my coffee table with the stand holding him when one of my cats jumped up on the table knocking him off. He fell less than 3 feet into shag carpet and the knee broke right off.
Great to see the joints on these figures have so vastly improved over DCC's versions. 🤔 I already tossed the box, so returning him insn't an option. Looks like he'll need a little mechanical support to repair the knee.