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Beast Kingdom Dynamic 8ction Heroes

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BBTS finally got in the Batman Returns DAH and the Batman DAH from the Flash movie. Waiting on them to ship out to me now. It's pretty exciting to finally get a modern figure of the Returns suit, I really thought McFarlane would be our only shot at this. I can only find one video of the figure so far, and it's not shot very well, but this is what we have to work with...the face sculpt looks pretty great! Much improved over their '89 offering!


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The JL Batfleck looks great, a little bit too dark but otherwise is a big improvement from what they offered before. Hopefully, we get an improved Superman, as this is the main focus of my collection. 

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Very impressed with the Flash Keaton Batman. Seems like a big improvement over the 89 sculpt. Trying to tell myself I don’t need the 66 figures

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I received both the Batman Returns and the Batman (modern suit) from 'The Flash' a couple days ago and had a little bit of time last night to open them up. This isn't a review by any stretch, just my (very) basic observations from a few minutes with them. I've included a couple youtube links below to some reviews, they are not mine but they give you an idea of what you're getting if you want to skip what I have to say. 


Batman Returns: This figure both looks outstanding and is also a little frustrating. 

The good: The likeness to Keaton is spot on! As bad as the face sculpt for Keaton was on the '89 Batman from Beast Kingdom, this one is a complete 180 in the positive direction. They got his mouth right, the lines around his face, and his eyes. The head is outstanding on this figure. The body is your typical BK body, only 20pts of articulation, but I suppose on a Keaton Batman you don't really need to have much more than that. Wired cape. It looks like the suit from the movie, and if you've been waiting as long as I have for a modern figure from this film then you should be a happy camper. I know I am. Here's hoping they get around to Penguin and Catwoman as well. 


The bad: They went with a similar fabric for the cape as the one they used on B89, which is a sort of pleather-y fabric that is going to flake over time. Additionally, there's "too much" of it so it looks funny when you have him standing in a museum pose (it looks good stretched out, though). Due to the fabric of the cape, the cowl sits weird on his shoulders and it creates a gap because of the thickness of the cape. I removed the head/cowl to see if I could adjust the cape, and unlike the Batman 89 figure the cape here is glued on to the figure. I'm thinking a custom cape replacement will be needed for this guy. Additionally, the accessories are all basically the same stuff that came with the 89 figure - the same grapnel gun from the first movie, the same batarang (I'd have liked to see the electronic batarang from the movie instead), same shurikens, same Batmobile remote. No extra heads, no alternate cape. There aren't a lot of video reviews online for these guys, but I found one of each that shows them off a bit. Here's the video for Batman Returns:




Batman (modern suit) - The Flash

The Good: That face sculpt!! Holy Joker, this face sculpt is even better than the one on Returns' figure. It looks like Michael Keaton stepped off the screen of the Flash, jumped into your hand and said "play with me." The wrinkles are in the right spot, his eyes look aged a bit, he just looks wonderful. The suit is also spot-on to the film, as it should be. The cape is a different material from the B89/Returns figures, this one is a thinner fabric that sits on the shoulders much better (still wired). It looks nicer than the faux-leather ones from the other figures, and it does not create a gap between the shoulders and the cowl. Unlike the Returns offering, this cape is removable because the figure comes with an alternate cape accessory - the alternate is molded into a glider-like pose, like you see in the movie. The capes are really easy to swap out, no pegs or clips or anything. 


The Bad: the belt sits loose on him, and every time you try to move him the belt starts sliding around. I might take a wee bit of blue tac on the back to keep it in one spot once it goes on my shelf, as it's a little bit annoying having to constantly adjust it. The alternate gliding cape seems a bit thinner than the regular cape, or at least has less material, and looks a little weird on him. The alternate hands match the suit here, but otherwise the accessories are mostly the same as B89 and Returns. Here's a video, not mine:



I had very little time with these guys, but I think they might be some of the nicest Beast Kingdom figures I own (particularly the Keaton Flash version). The comic and movie figures tend to have different qualities, but I'd put these up with the BK Darkseid and the 89 Joker. Ditching the soft goods on these (excluding the capes, of course) was a good call after the fiasco of the 89 Batman. I've very happy to own these!

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New pics of the Beast Kingdom Batman 85th line that is coming out for the 90's Batmen...Kilmer and Clooney look great, and is that a new Michael Keaton '89 I'm seeing or are my eyes playing tricks on me? Also, Bale is getting love with Begins and TDK as well as Pattinson:


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Ordered the Kilmer, Clooney and Battinson and couldn't be more stoked!  Have their OG BvS Armoured Batman's and the Knightmare along with the Returns Keaton and they are damn stellar!

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Posted by: @therealsmallville

New pics of the Beast Kingdom Batman 85th line that is coming out for the 90's Batmen...Kilmer and Clooney look great, and is that a new Michael Keaton '89 I'm seeing or are my eyes playing tricks on me? Also, Bale is getting love with Begins and TDK as well as Pattinson:


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That's definitely a new 89 Keaton Batman. Looks like it's made from all plastic construction like the Returns figure instead of the unnecessary rubber overlays of the previous model.


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Are they 8 inch scale?


I keep hoping they will make a Batman Returns Batman that is 6 inch, like the DC Multiverse stuff Mattel was putting out.

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@disneyboy Beast Kingdom is always 1/9 scale.

DisneyBoy reacted
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These are up on BBTS for a March release. Only $49.99! After the incredible prices they were charging for their older figures, I'm enjoying these newer prices.

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Posted by: @grammat

Ordered the Kilmer, Clooney and Battinson and couldn't be more stoked!  Have their OG BvS Armoured Batman's and the Knightmare along with the Returns Keaton and they are damn stellar!

I have their all-black armored Batman, as well as the Knightmare Batman, and they are awesome. Affleck's face color is a bit dark on the Knightmare (even with the updated plates), but he just looks so good it's easy to ignore. 


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I've gotten quite a few BK figures, but they are very very hit and miss.


Dark Knight Batman

Justice League (ZS) Batman

Batman '89 Joker


Dark Knight Returns line (Black & Grey, Blue & Grey 2-pack with Robin)

Batman '89 (the cape is an abomination)

SDCC exclusive blue & grey '92 Batman (broke right out of the package)

So I was a little gun shy on these latest offerings.  I ended up ordering the Batman Begins figure and the updated Dark Knight, because I love the Nolanverse.

Still waiting for them to solicit the Alex Ross Batman that they've teased repeatedly...

new batman
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revealed at nycc comic style characters

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That Alex Ross Batman figure looks great.

Magneto Was Right
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I assume these are still 1/9 scale?

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