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Hail Bats '66 - bring it on.
Finally managed to track down Batgirl during the break. Had trouble getting 2- ordered one through the app for pickup, but every time I tried to place another order for store pickup, it kept telling me I exceeded the order limit. Eventually found another in store and just got her that way. It's nice to have the main trio now. I'm not super excited about the next wave, but I'll probably pick up at least Lord Death Man, to have someone new. Excited to see where the line goes from here, especially now that it's delving into the comic.
Not thrilled with the direction of the line into the comic with characters not on the show, given there is just a few more figures from the TV show that seem like they need to be made. But might have been necessary to go deeper into the comic line to get Batgirl and eventually a Gordon figure made without raising red flags...and also have a break from the Joker/Penguin/Riddler/Catwoman variants.
Nice to see they are reissuing classic Batman and Robin for those that missed them (the aftermarket price on them is insane!)
Bat-robot and Lord Death Man look great - hopefully the next wave will get us Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson and Alfred plus the Merriweather Catwoman
I've picked up a Mattel Movie Masters Alfred and am planning to put the Mattel Multiverse 6 inch 66 Alfred head on him.
Mattel Movie Masters (their molds were also used for some Mattel Ghostbusters) are essentially the same height as McFarlane Batman 66 and are a similar style toy.
The Batman vs. Superman, Justice League, and Aquaman Basic figures by Mattel are structurally EXTREMELY similar to McFarlane Batman 66. Identical articulation cuts and range. Same height.
Particularly if McFarlane 66 is going to have new stuff, I may be tempted to get some of those.
AliExpress also has some REALLY nice 1/12 scale death traps (that I kind of suspect were made for... prurient use with TBLeague figures) and that's tempting because, for me, Adam West Batman is ALL ABOUT death traps. There are guillotines, electric chairs, stockades, and various torture dungeon pieces in 1/12 scale. I just don't see an American toy company doing most of that stuff in a kid friendly line in 2023 but I do think it would be perfect to have Batman and Robin strapped into electric chairs in the Villains Lair.
Most of these are around $20 a piece and detailed with wood and leather and metal. Obviously anything that involves figures doing a split won't work with McFarlane Batman '66.
Missing Julie Newmar Catwoman and she hardly has any listings on eBay/Mercari/etc...
Should I just accept I missed the boat?
Do folks think any new characters from the show will be made or has this line moved completely to the comic? It seems like there are likeness licensing/rights issues for some of the actors, but I don't know if that's just one or two or several. I'm wondering if McFarlane has decided that civilian versions of Bruce, Dick, and Alfred won't sell well, since they clearly have rights to those likenesses. Maybe McFarlane has the same concerns about sellability for other villains without figures yet? I'm curious what other folks think.
Civilian Bruce and Dick and a basic Alfred seem inevitable given the Library playset. None of those should require a lot of new tooling so development costs would be low, and I doubt McF would have done the Library if he didn't think he'd get to them, so the only reason would be if retailers have rejected it? Then maybe it becomes a 3-pack convention exclusive somewhere. I would also think all of those looks could be made under the comic book likeness rights even if they have moved to the comic book only.
I have to think we will get the remaining masked/unmasked variants for the villains, and a season 3 Riddler in the suit and bowler hat, just because they are simple and a way to keep the big four villains in the mix. After that, if they have the rights I would think Mad Hatter, Shame, Clock King and False Face all would sell, but a lot depends on the sales figures at this point and this line has lasted longer than I expected already.
Do folks think any new characters from the show will be made or has this line moved completely to the comic? It seems like there are likeness licensing/rights issues for some of the actors, but I don't know if that's just one or two or several. I'm wondering if McFarlane has decided that civilian versions of Bruce, Dick, and Alfred won't sell well, since they clearly have rights to those likenesses. Maybe McFarlane has the same concerns about sellability for other villains without figures yet? I'm curious what other folks think.
I suspect almost every likeness that's going to be licensed for this line already has been. I think Egghead and Mr. Freeze were prioritized for likenesses early.
However, by transitioning to a comic book focus, essentially every character from the TV show can be done without actor likenesses. Alfred and O'Hara's comic book versions are close enough, given that you get Alfred's white hair, mustache, and glasses and O'Hara's big nose.
Gordon is the one that hurts without a likeness most as the comic makes him a very generic clean shaven guy in a suit with white hair. The other likely to hurt is Louie the Lilac, which goes out of its way not to look like Milton Berle and looks a bit like Arnold Stromwell, the mustached mobster from BTAS. Actually, it looks exactly like Stromwell and I believe the comic even killed him off after a couple of cameos.
The rest are so close that you wouldn't spot the difference between a slightly soft/bad likeness and a comics version. It's likely mostly legal cover to save Todd money and doing a number of comics only figures probably gives Todd legal cover not to pay for likenesses he hasn't already. It might look like a grab if he just did TV characters that way but throwing in Superman and the Bat-Robot probably gives legal cover by making it look like he was mostly doing comics figures anyway and wasn't going out of his way to avoid paying certain actors.
Figures Toy Company did Mad Hatter, Shame, Alfred and O'Hara, and Funko did Bookworm. So at some point all of those likenesses were available. I assume in this case the likenesses came with the license, Todd isn't finding these folks to sign deals, WB already has done so with them or their estate. Whether others ran out or could not be renewed, like Yvonne Craigs, is hard to say.
Gordon looks different in the comics due to likeness clearance issues. In the prior forum I posted after doing a search on the actor it is unclear if he has any heirs, so possibly no one to approve.
There's definitely some "heavy-hitters" from the show I'd still love; Alfred, Gordon, O'Hara, Shame, Bookworm. I wouldn't necessarily mind it if we had to get a comic version of any of them, though. I think Batgirl fits in pretty nicely, despite having that ever-so-slightly cartoonish look about her. They're all so bright and vibrant that it fits in well enough. As long as they could make the more "normal" civilian figures toe that line, then I'd be fine with it.
I don't necessarily need civilian Bruce and Dick; I've yet to pick up any of the playsets (not by choice, per se, more a space thing), but if they were ever made, either in singles or a 2-pack, I may pick them up, just to keep supporting the line. I am quite eager to see what other comic villains he does.
Are the Batman and Robin in the upcoming wave just straight reissues of the original ones from a few years back? Or are there any differences?
Are the Batman and Robin in the upcoming wave just straight reissues of the original ones from a few years back? Or are there any differences?
straight re-issue, no changes.
would have liked them to have the accessories like the batarang and phone as well as gripping left hands.