How do we feel about the fall of Krakoa?
I think it's shaping up pretty well so far, even if it is a retread of the tried and true X-Men persecution story. Unfortunately, it's one that never seems to lose is relevance.
I hated the actual Hellfire Gala issue (introducing that super diverse X-Men lineup just to kill them off one page later left a bad taste in my mouth) but the actual aftermath issues have been great. I love Uncanny Avengers so far especially and am obviously really looking forward to the Jean Grey mini.
Spoilers have slipped out on who the Captain Krakoa impostor is. My guess was actually really close.
Ben Percy crushed it on X-Force. It wasn't always my favorite Krakoa-era book, but it was always good.
Hopefully this means the next time we see
I finally got a marvel unlimited subscription and I'm working my way through the Krakoa Era. Don't think I'll read EVERYTHING but the main titles have been good so far. Just finished House of X and Powers of X. It's a good setup. I know a lot of the story y beats already but it's been entertaining regardless.
Strong starts for Exceptional X-Men and Uncanny X-Men. Adjectiveless X-Men feels like something I've read 100 times.