Just a general thread for those great comic book related artists who've passed.
Keith Giffen, I'm sad to say, is the 1st to be added here. His work on JL related titles in the late 80s-90 was a game changer for me. He also did a fantastic mini-series I can't remember the name of for DC that I loved. I need to get those long boxes out of my parents attic.
Giffen's name was on soooooooooo many great comics for nearly 50years straight, almost never in the spotlight. Ambush Bug was doing Deadpool before even Madcap was doing Deadpool (no disrespect to Weezie at all, she's another 'secret slugger' of great comics). He turned Jaime Reyes from the dude they punk-murdered Ted Kord off to make room for into a vital part of the 80-odd year Blue Beetle legacy and a great character in his own right. He made Annihilation one of the coolest projects Marvel's done this side of the Millennium and revived Marvel's Cosmic as a whole. I never really warmed up to his 'fat' inking style but his panel/page composition was top-notch and his writing was even better. Respect, Mr Giffen.
Aw man. It's been rough lately. Carlos Pacheco, Tom Palmer, Dan Green, JRSR, et al...now Giffen. I'll always think of his collaborations with J.M. DeMatteis first and foremost, but he was a talented artist and writer in own right, of course. RIP.
Good idea for a thread, by the way, @mr-potatohead
Wait, Pacheco? I used to work for Farmers Insurance Commercial Liability claims and had to call a guy named Carlos Pacheco for his input on a claim, back in like 2005. Once I was done being all professional and such I had to ask if he was 'him' and he said he was indeed. I got to tell him Avengers Forever was awesome and how much I loved it.
This thread is sad dildos.
@adrienveidt Yeah, that one was a shocker for me. So young. Cool that you got to talk to him!
Respectfully, the fewer notices posted to this thread the better. I can't take losing more comic book icons.
I'm still sad about Darwyn Cooke and George Perez.
Paul Neary. RIP.
Sad. Loved his work with Alan Davis. I just happened to have the Epic Collection of the 1st 10 or so Captain America issues where he was the penciler (Sin's 1st story arc, as Mother Superior) in arms reach, and perusing them admire his composition of each panel.
Not directly comic related but,
Rest in Peace, James Earl Jones
May the Force be with you.
Not directly comic related but,
Rest in Peace, James Earl Jones
May the Force be with you.
Definitely this one. Hit the jump to lightspeed.
Thank you Mr James Earl Jones for being a part of my childhood and some of my happiest memories growing up. Rest In Peace and God bless.