So I backed this way before the Neil Gaiman shit that came out. It's been delayed several times and they are now offering a refund until the 7th for those that want it. Looks pretty certain that Gaiman is a predatory piece of shit and I in no way want to back him, but the The Terry Pratchett Estate (Good Omens HQ) that is running the Kickstarter have put out the following statement:
It has also been agreed that Neil Gaiman will not receive any proceeds from the graphic novel Kickstarter. Given the project management, production and all communication has always been under the jurisdiction of the Estate on behalf of Good Omens at large, this will not fundamentally change the project itself, however we can confirm the Kickstarter and PledgeManager will now fully be an entity run by, and financially connected to, the Terry Pratchett Estate only.
I can't stress how much I've loved the Prime series. I absolutely love David Tennant and Michael Sheen together and this graphic novel looks fabulous. Since Gaiman won't get a cent for this, I kind of/sort of want to still keep my purchase, as the pages shown look fabulous, but at the same time, Gaiman is one of the original writers, and fuck I don't want to support him in any way.
Just curious on peoples thoughts here.
'Original' writers? So, is he involved in this KS project or not?
@adrienveidt He was an original writer along with Pratchett of the original books (1990). The kickstarter is basically a new graphic novel based on the old books. Gaiman has been completely removed from the kickstarter and gets no money from it now.
The original books were novels, not comics.
I should have clarified: did he write anything for the KS? I know he wrote half of the OG novel and 'produced' the show, which usually just means 'got a kickback for their endorsement' in these cases. Did he write any of the comic or was he just getting a kickback and now isn't? That should be the crux of how you decide to go forward with your participation with this project, imho.
I think no new writing was done. Maybe some trimming of the story. Just turning the old books into a graphic novel.
No kickback. He is supposedly completely cut out, which he agreed to.
If I were in your position, any involvement beyond formerly getting a kickback would be a no-go. I would always be thinking that what I'm reading has his direct hand on it, even if it's just editing down his previous writing.
I've been trying to not dwell on this issue due to the far-greater issues going on in Washington; but my thought when I learned the details of what he did was 'what's the point of having any heroes any more'. Every fucking direction I turn nowadays I see something I'm disgusted by in some manner.
Been following this closely since I backed this because I've worked with Colleen Doran before and I'm worried a terrible man's terrible behavior will impact her financially and she doesn't deserve to be collateral damage. Looks like NG won't receive any payment for it, which is good. I don't think I'll ever look at the story the same way - he was one of the few people I had hoped would not be revealed to be a monster, my list of "please not him" is down to literally like two people - but I don't want to see Colleen harmed by NG's actions. She's an absolute delight and comic book artists are so often thrown under the bus when something bad happens.
Yeah, I follow Doran on the FB and you just know this news is killing her inside.
It's gotta be tearing her up to have to work on this project with all that's been revealed, but she is such a pro she'll come through for the backers and do her best work. I know folks want something for their money but for me I kinda want to be like y'know, keep the cash and move on if you need to, mentally and emotionally.
(Literally the only time I ever wanted to break NDA was when she was illustrating my characters. I hate that such a kind and talented person is wrapped up in this.)
@docsilence It seems to me that pretty much everyone else is good people. Since Gaiman is completely cut out of the Kickstarter, I think I'm going to keep my pledge. I only ordered the book, not any of the additional merch.
@tfitz Same, I just ordered the book (and mostly did it because of Colleen's involvement, to be honest - it was a "hey, good for her, I'll support this" pledge rather than being a huge Good Omens fan thing). And Pratchett's estate seem to be decent folks. (I HOPE, but I no longer really trust anyone anymore.)
What a great time to be alive, huh?