Walking through my local Wal-Mart last week I was surprised to see the figures for the new Marvel Legends Avengers 2: Age of Ultron assortment hanging on the pegs. Surprised, because the first wave of Legends for the year, the AllFather/Odin BAF wave, is just now really hitting store shelves (at least in my neck of the woods).
Granted, it’s not like there was a ton of them. Two, to be exact. Iron Man (like anyone needs another Iron Man figure. Can I get an “amen?” No?) and this here Age of Ultron Hulk figure. The only reason I believe I even got this Hulk is because his packaging is beat up. There are a bunch of scars to the packaging that probably left it undesirable to your average collector.
Me, though? I knew I was opening up this bad boy, so no loss here.
First impression? He is massive. Even by the looks of him in the packaging, it’s like he’s crammed all up in there. No twist ties holding this guy down either. Nothing can restrain the Hulk. Not even annoying twist ties.
So what can you expect from the Hulk? A lot, actually. He’s got a really nice head sculpt; right down to the deeply furrowed brow and almost individually sculpted teeth. This version of the Hulk is sporting I guess what you could call retractable Avengers capri pants. Look! They’ve even got the logo on them. I guess the Avengers aren’t a timebomb, anymore. They’re a team.
You can’t have a decent Hulk figure and it not be articulated, amiright? And this guy has it all. He’s got multiple joints in the arms, from the shoulders down to his fists. Likewise, for the legs. The nicest touch is the joint in the chestal region that can make him lean forward in “getting ready to release all that rage” mode to all the way back to “it’s I’m busting some heads” full on rage mode. To see the full range of movement check out Robo’s video review.
The paint apps are pretty good. Really nice job on the eyes and his mouth, but his hair is a little iffy at certain points. The rest of him is fine, though. No real complaints.
He doesn’t come with any accessories (except for the arm of the Thanos build-a-figure crammed into the packaging with the Hulk), which I guess is to be expected considering the size of the figure. It just would’ve been nice to have something else for him. Maybe an alternate set of open hands (or hands with articulate fingers, even). With both hands molded into fists, all’s you got is Hulk in angry mode. Then again, maybe that’s the point. He is always angry (rim shot).
The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron Marvel Legends figures are hitting stores now. If you missed out on the Wal-Mart exclusive Hulk figure from the first Avengers movie, or just want a Hulk in Avengers capri pants, then there’s no reason for you not to track this guy down.
Before you head on out of here, don’t for get to check out my coverage of 2015 Toy Fair!