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DorkSide Toys: Black Friday Sale in March!


Black Friday is back…in March!

Join us for another epic warehouse clear-out sale this Thursday 12th March Midnight Nashville USA Central time. (See what time the sale is on in your country or city.) You won’t be able to buy any items until after midnight, but you can browse through items before hand, planning items you want as we add them along the way. Keep checking back as items are added every few hours. Some specials will only be added as the sales goes live… Happy shopping!

Just some of the items of interest for Fwooshers…

Hasbro Star Wars Black Jabba Packaged

Star Wars Black Series Jabba for $14.99. C’mon. A lot of people don’t like the figure itself, but for $15 it’s totally worth getting for a backdrop piece.

Hasbro Star Wars Black Speeder Bike With Biker Scout

The Black Series Speeder Bike with Biker Scout is also $14.99. Build up your army!

Hasbro Marvel Legends Infinite Captain America Legends Puck Series NOW Captain America

2014 Marvel Captain America 2 Infinite Legends Captain America NOW Action Figure for $9.99.

Guardians of the Galaxy Legends Infinite Star Lord

Guardians of the Galaxy Legends Infinite Star Lord for $9.99. For that custom short jacket Quill.

And more! Check it out at DorkSide Toys!