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Hot Toys: Man of Steel Superman

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Man of Steel. 2013. Wow. Seem’s like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it? Back then we were all dreaming about what a potential iPhone 5s might be like. Would it (finally!) have a bigger screen? Would it change the world? Should we start waiting in line for it now?

We were all so naive back then. Sigh.

In any case, Hot Toys released their one sixth scale Man of Steel “Superman” (because, as I’m sure you’ll recall, they never named him “Superman” in the movie) back in December of 2013. And if nothing else, your friendly neighborhood jman is timely as today’s headlines, beings that I’m just now getting around to writing up about the figure.

As fairly typical of Hot Toys, they pack they’re figures in nice boxes. Superman is no exception. He comes in a wrap around picture box with an embossed “S” Shield on the front. The back of the box has the credits to all the artists involved in the making of Superman. If nothing else, you’ve got to give Hot Toys a bunch of credit on how they package their figures. A lot of care is put into making sure their figures get to you in one piece. But, then again, when you’re plunking down 200 smacks for a figure, it’s the least they can do.

But, enough of the packaging, let’s get down to the details, shall we? The figure is downright impressive. The suit has a cool, shiny/wet look textured feel to it, just like in the movie. The “S” shield is raised and embossed. The suit also has the “gauntlets” at the wrist and the designs running down the sides. His boots also have the textured print on them, can’t say I’m real crazy about that. It’s not like it ruins the figure or anything, but a solid red boot would’ve been better.

Then there’s the face sculpt. “Spot on” aren’t the right words. This is flippin Henry Cavill’s face somehow (probably through magic) shrunken down to one sixth scale. Between the flesh tones of his skin to the freckles and spot on his face, it’s kinda eerie the resemblance.

The nicest feature of the figure, though? The cape. No lie. Sounds kinda silly, right? How could the cape be the nicest feature of the figure? It’s a cape?!?! Well…it is. It’s a cape fit for a superman. Floor length, a nice shade of red and the right material (I wasn’t able to identify the material. I’m not a materialologist). The only thing that’s missing is the yellow “S” shield on the back (I much prefer the yellow “S” shield to the black “S” shield Supes is sporting these days in the New52) In one word, the cape is: Majestic.

The only real thing that I’m not crazy about, and this is no real fault of Hot Toys, is the lack of red trunks. I know. I know. The red trunks are so last century. They served their purpose, though. To break up all that blue real estate. If not red trunks, it needs something to break up the monotony of the suit. And that little yellow oval in the middle just isn’t cutting it.

Superman comes with a bunch of nice accessories. A “S” shield base with flexible pole, so you too can pose the Man of Steel in all types of impressive flying poses. He also comes with four sets of hands, in various states of openness from “punching Zod’s face” closed to “breaking Zod’s neck” open. And he’s also packed with a replica Kryptonian command key.

All in all, a nice figure and the best part?!?!? He’s still available for sale at Sideshow Collectibles!  You can get him for $179.99, free shipping and extra reward points. He’s practically begging you to pick him up!

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Speaking of Sideshow Collectibles, be sure to check out the new episode of the Almost Internet Famous Internet show. This week we’re talkin about Sideshow’s New Poison Ivy statue!